Edgar Boutry — Wikipedia


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Edgar Henri Boutry is a French sculptor, born on in Lille, and died the in Levallois-Perret.

Boutry is the pupil of Albert Darcq at Lille academic schools, then from Jules Cavelier to the School of Fine Arts in Paris. He obtained the second prize in Rome in 1885 then the Prix de Rome in 1887 [ first ] .

He will succeed Albert Darcq to Lille academic schools. He received the knight’s insignia of the Legion of Honor in 1903.


Edgar Boutry makes many public monuments in Lille and more generally in the north of France.

He is, among other things, the author of Memorial During the Franco-German war of 1870 of the city of Lille (1900) [ 2 ] , of the three bas-reliefs of Memorial During the first and the Second World War of the city of Lille (1927), located in front of the Rihour Palace (he carries the following inscription: “To the Lille soldiers and civilians the city raised this monument in order to recall over the centuries the heroism and the sufferings of his children who died for peace” [ 3 ] ); of Monument to the victims of the 18 bridges disaster (1929), in the Moulins district; of Monument to Léon Trulin (1934) [ 4 ] , shot by the German army as a spy, rue Léon-Trulin; of Monument to Jeanne Maillotte (1935) [ 5 ] , avenue du Peuple-Belge; and Monument to Marshal Foch (1936) [ 6 ] , square Foch.

In Austria
In France
  • Armentières: Memorial .
  • Arras, Hunter , 1891, bronze, sent to the melting under the Vichy regime.
  • Chantilly : Monument to Marshal Joffre , 1930 [ 7 ] .
  • Denain: Fronton of the Denain Theater [Ref. necessary] , 1912.
  • Dunkirk, facade of the town hall: Equestrian portrait of Louis XIV , 1901, Haut-Relief and Bronze [ 8 ] .
  • Levallois-Perret:
    • Monument to Captain Braun and Marshal Martin Logis , Place Chaptal in 1908; metal rooster alone visible in the park of the board at XXI It is century
    • Bronze plaque on the burial of Louis Mortier , 1926, in the cemetery
  • Little :
    • Eastern cemetery: burial of Mulie-Delescaille, 1888.
    • southern cemetery:
      • French memory monument , 1900;
      • Lefebvre-Faure burial, around 1900.
    • Saint-André church of Saint-André-lez-Lille: Christ , marble.
    • Saint-Etienne church: two bronze bas-reliefs.
    • Of Lille Operation: Practices.
    • Palais des Beaux-Arts:
      • Body of a spartan killed, reported to his mother , 1885, plaster high-relief, second prize in Rome;
      • Love and madness , bas-relief ;
      • Pax , marble group, bought by the Société des Amis de Lille, offered to the museum in 1923;
      • Dante bus ;
      • Happy maternity , marble.
    • square Foch : Monument to Marshal Foch , 1936.
    • Sébastopol theater: sets.
  • Lyon, Terminus Hotel: Capitaux du Vestibule, 1906.
  • Paris :
    • National School of Fine Arts :
    • Large palace, facade: Middle Ages art , 1900.
    • Hôtel Watel-Dehaynin [ twelfth ] , demolished in 1974 [ 13 ] : Service of the large living room.
    • Hotel Élysée Palace, facade: Venus toilet , 1899, plaster (missing work).
    • Mercédès Hotel (SOPRA GROUP headquarters), rue de Presbourg, 16 It is Paris arrondissement: sets, 1902.
    • National Museum of Natural History, facade: Birds of prey , 1894, bas-relief.
    • The war monument, 1923.
  • 1893: Bust of Louis-Marie Cordonnier .

Gallery [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. René Édouard-Joseph, Biographical dictionary of contemporary artists , volume 1, a-e, art & edition, 1930, p. 192
  2. “Dead monument – Lille” , Notice on e-monumen.net.
  3. “The monuments with Lille dead” , The voice of the North , December 15, 2008.
  4. “Monument to Léon Trulin – Lille” , Notice on e-monumen.net.
  5. “Monument to Jeanne Maillotte – Lille” , Notice on e-monumen.net.
  6. “Monument to Marshal Foch – Lille” , Notice on e-monumen.net.
  7. “Monument to Marshal Joffre – Chantilly” , Notice on e-monumen.net.
  8. “Equestrian portrait of Louis XIV – Dunkirk” , Notice on e-monumen.net.
  9. Bust of Eugène Guillaume , notice catzarts.
  10. Theseus brings her antigone and Ismene daughters to Oedipus , notice catzarts.
  11. Philosopher , notice catzarts.
  12. Decorative Arts Review , January 1901, on Gallica.bnf.fr .
  13. «Luc Olivier Merson (1846-1920)» , Musée d’Orsay, notice of the work, www.musee-Eorsay.fr .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

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