Edward Zeff – Wikipedia


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Edward Zeff (1904-1974) was, during the Second World War, a British secret agent of the Special Operations Executive. For ten months, from To , he was a radio operator in Lyon. Recalled in London, he was arrested by the Germans when crossing the Pyrenees. He was deported to Mauthausen, and returned.

Edward Zeff is born the in Brighton (England).

Before war, he is a trader in Paris.

He is sent to France as a radio operator by Virginia Hall to Lyon: brought by Gibraltar submarine to Antibes Bay and helped by Peter Churchill whose second mission, Edward Zeff is deposited on the ground in Antibes in the Night from 20 to [ first ] .

Upon his arrival in Lyon, Virginia Hall assigned him to the Spruce network of Georges Duboudin “Alain”. At the beginning of summer, he organized four or five arms deliveries [ 2 ] . For his work as a radio operator, he is supported by Denis Rake “Justin” and Pierre Le Chêne “Grégoire”.


Recalled in London, he must wait To undertake the return trip, in the company of Bob Sheppard “Patrice”, sabotage instructor. He must go through Spain: Lyon train to Perpignan; Then, with a guide, coach to Amélie-les-Bains. The next morning, , during walking towards the Pyrenees, they are arrested by the Germans. They were betrayed by the smuggler.

Edward Zeff recording card as a prisoner at the Nazi concentration camp in Mauthausen

Edward Zeff is sent successively [ 3 ] : in Fresnes; in a prison in Prague; to Mauthausen; In Melk (he is condemned to receive fifty lashes before being hanged; lying to the infirmary, waiting for death, his back abominably lacerated, he escapes hanging thanks to his friends, who hide his identity and the hide); Finally, again in Mauthausen (during the release of Mauthausen, he is the only British Jew who is there).

Edward Zeff died in 1974.

Edward Zeff received the following distinctions:

  • Civil status: Edward Zeff
  • Nickname: Ted
  • As an SOE agent, section F:
    • War name (Field Name): “Georges 53”
    • Operational code name: Ebony (in French ebony)
    • Plan code name for the radio station: Ebony (in French ebony)
    • Identity papers: Étienne Pierre Pascal
    • Other nicknames: “Mathieu”, “Eugène 53”, “Eugène” [ 4 ]

Military route: SOE, Section F; Grade: Lieutenant.

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Operation: Delay II. P-42 submarine Unbroken , commanded by LT A.G.C. Mars, R.N. with the help of Peter Churchill of which it is the mission of accompanying them, four agents were brought and landed in a folboat canoe: on the night of April 20/21, Isidore Newman and Edward Zeff ; And on the night of 21/22, Victor Gerson and Marcel Clech [Source: Sir Brooks Richards, p. 925 ], but the dates are corrected here according to Foot and Boxshall, while Brooks Richards indicates the nights of 19/20 and 20/21 April.
  2. Source: Foot, p. 312, which specifies, p. 312-313: “He was a man of head and resource. He was a protective team so effective that he never needed to change his program: a suburban house, where he himself admits having spent six hours a day at his post. […] P.L. The “Grégoire” oak was made available to Duboudin as a radio. He assumed these functions for several months but, unlike Zeff, he constantly had to move to escape detection. »»
  3. The Oak, p. 227 .
  4. Pseudo reported by Courvoisier, p. 293 , and by Nouzille, p. 439 .

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