Églisel nore-dame-Dummmare of mazara of Valllo — Wikipedia


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L’ Notre-Dame-de-Giummare church , also called Notre-Dame-du-Haut (an Italy: Madonna dell’Alto ), is a Byzantino-Normand style church located in Mazara del Vallo, in the province of Trapani, in Sicily.

Foundation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The dating of construction from the architectural style is complex [ 3 ] , but the abbey is attributed to the will of Judith d’évreux, wife of Count Roger I of Sicily, at the time of the conquest of Mazara by the Normans [ 4 ] , or more often to that of Judith de Hauteville, daughter of the count at the start of XII It is century [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] .

It would have been raised in place of an observation tower called “Giummare”, according to the local name of the dwarf palm – called “Giummara” – which grows wild in the region.

Originally an abbey [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This church comes from an abbey of Greek rite, which follows the rule of Saint Basile and was integrated in 1154 into the archimandritat of Saint-Sauveur de Messina [ 4 ] . The abbey joins the Benedictine Order and becomes a dependence on the Gangivecchio monastery [When ?] [ 8 ] . Placée Sous Regite, we are apartg for homoberphes perge Giovanni Salvice Pacato Pacato Pacato PAachaved [When ?] . From 1567 to 1811, it belonged to the order of Saint-Jean de Jerusalem [ 4 ] .


Architecture [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Built according to a nave with a single vessel typical of Basilian churches and wearing by three cradle vaults [ 3 ] , it retains despite the transformations suffered over the centuries, original characteristics such as the facade, which has a porch on the left wall of which there are two arcs in warheads as well as a portal of the XIV It is century.

Decorations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Byzantine frescoes representing Saint Basile and Saint Jean Chrysostome in the church in the church in two side niches [ 4 ] . A marble statue of the Virgin and the Child, due to Giacomo Castagnola in 1575, is on the main altar.

  1. Mazara.org – Madonna dell’Alto » (consulted the ) .
  2. Salvalarte Sicilia – Val di Mazara – The Arab -Norman churches » (consulted the ) .
  3. a et b Vittorio Known , Norman Sicily Guide = Guide de la Sicilie Normando = Guide to Norman Sicily , (ISBN  978-88-98777-87-7-7 And 88-98777-87-6 , OCLC  1140296695) , p. 33
  4. A B C and D (it) Madonna dell’Alto church | The places of the heart – do » , on www.fondoambiente.it (consulted the )
  5. (in) John Julius Norwich , The Kingdom in the Sun, 1130-1194 , Faber & Faber, (ISBN  978-0-571-28126-8 , read online )
  6. Museum without boundaries , Arab-Norman art: Islamic culture in medieval Sicily , Edisud, (ISBN  978-2-7449-0174-4 , read online )
  7. (in) Jules Brown , The Rough Guide to Sicily , Rough Guides UK, (ISBN  978-1-4093-5152-8 , read online )
  8. Henri Brescia , “The territories of grace: the bishopric of Mazara (1430-1450)” , In Overseas paths: history studies on the medieval Mediterranean offered to Michel Balard , Éditions de la Sorbonne, coll. ‘Byzantina Sorbonensia’, (ISBN  978-2-85944-827-1 , read online ) , p. 75–85

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Francesco Tummarello, Above a medieval monument of the Archiacuto Sicolo style; The Madonna dell’Alto or Santa Maria delle Giiummare in Maraza del Vallo , [S.N.], Palermo, 1876.

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