Electronic black hole – Wikipedia


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A speculative notion in physics presumes the existence of electronic black hole Equivalent to a black hole with the same mass and the same electric load as an electron. This entity would then have many common properties with the electron, including the magnetic dipolar moment of the electron and the component wavelength. This idea was in substance in a series of articles published by Albert Einstein between 1927 and 1940. He showed that if we treat elementary particles as singularities of space-time, it is not necessary to postulate geodesic movement as part of general relativity [ first ] .

For a mass object as low as that of the electron, quantum mechanics authorizes speeds greater than that of light on district scales greater than the Schwarzschild radius of the electron electron [Ref. necessary] .

Le Rayon of Schwarzschild ( r s ) any mass is calculated with the formula:

rs= 2Gmc2{displaystyle r_{s}={frac {2Gm}{c^{2}}}}

Or :

So, if the electron reached a radius as low as this value, it would become a gravitational singularity. He then would have a number of common properties with black holes. In the metric of Reissner – Nordström, which describes the black holes electrically loaded, a similar quantity r q is defined as being:

rq= q2G4πϵ0c4{Displaytlele R_{Q}={SQTT {SQTT {FRAC {Q^{2}g} {{0}}

Or :

For an electron with q = – It is = −1,602 × 10 −19 C, this gives as value of: r q = 9,152 × 10 −37 m.

This value suggests that an electronic black hole should be super-extremal, and have a naked singularity. The theory of quantum electrodynamics (EDQ) treats electrons as punctual particles, vision perfectly compatible with experiments. In practice, however, the experiences on particles cannot search widths of arbitrarily chosen energy ladders, and therefore the experiments based on the EDQ bind the radius of the electron to values ​​lower than the wavelength of wave wavelength Gap of a large mass of the order of

ten 6{Displaystyle 10^{6}}

Gev, ou:

r αc106GeV1024m {displaystyle rapprox {frac {alpha hbar c}{10^{6}GeV}}approx 10^{-24}m}

No experience is therefore able to prove that the value of r is as weak as r s , these two values ​​being lower than the length of Planck. Super-extremal black holes are generally considered unstable. In addition, any physics relating to dimensions lower than Planck lengths probably requires a coherent theory of quantum gravity (supposing that such dimensions have a physical meaning).

  1. (in) A. Einstein , L. Infeld and B. Hoffmann , The Gravitational Equations and the Problem of Motion » , Annals of Mathematics , vol. 39, , p. 65–100 (DOI  10.2307/1968714, read online , consulted the )
  • Burinskii, A., (2005) ” The Dirac-Kerr electron. “(The Dirac-Kerr electron).
  • Burinskii, A., (2007) ” Kerr Geometry as Space-Time Structure of the Dirac Electron. “(Kerr’s geometry as a space-time structure of Dirac’s electron).
  • Michael Duff  (in) (1994) ” Kaluza-Klein Theory in Perspective. “(Kaluza-Klein’s theory in perspective)
  • Stephen Hawking (1971), ” ,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 152 : 75. (Monthly report of the Royal Astronomical Society).
  • Roger Penrose (2004) The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe . London: Jonathan Cape. (The road to reality: complete guide to the laws of the universe).
  • Chapter on Abdus Salam, in Quantum Gravity: an Oxford Symposium d’Isham, Penrose, et Sciama. Oxford University Press.
  • Gerard ‘t Hooft (1990) ” The black hole interpretation of string theory , ” Nuclear Physics B 335 : 138-154. (The interpretation of black holes in string theory).
  • Williamson, J. G., and Van der Mark, M. B. (1997) ” Is the electron a photon with toroidal topology? “(Is the electron a Toroidal Toplology photon?) Annals of the Louis de Broglie Foundation 22 (2): 133.
  • Brian Greene, The elegant universe (the elegant universe: supercorders, hidden dimensions and the quest for ultimate theory), (1999), (v. Chapter 13) .
  • John Wheeler, Mena, black holes & quantum foam (1998), (v. Chapter 10).
