EMEILLE CAUNT – WikiPeducing


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Funile cages (born in Braine-le-Comte, the ; Death to ōmori (Tokyo), the ) is a Belgian priest and linguist, member of the foreign missions of Paris and missionary in Japan [ first ] .

After completing his secondary studies at the Petit Seminar of Bonne Hopping in Vellereille-les-Brayeux, Raguet enters the Grand Séminaire de Tournai where he is ordered the sub-deacon the [ 2 ] . In September of the same year, he was admitted to the foreign missions of Paris. Gradually, Émile Raguet continues his studies. He is ordered deacon the And then ordered priest the [ first ] .

The , the Paris Foreign Missions Society sends it to Japan, more precisely in the Bay of Nagasaki. He was then responsible for apostolic and exploration missions in Fukuoka, ōita, Miyazaki and, finally, Kagoshima, where he was fixed in 1896 [ 2 ] .


Besides his priest activity, he begins to write, with the help of a Japanese scholar, Tōta Ono, one of the first French-Japanese dictionaries. Raguet resides in Tokyo from 1901 to 1904 to supervise the impression of this dictionary and then returned to Kagoshima, where he had a church dedicated to Saint François Xavier built [ 2 ] . He then translated several religious works in Literary Japanese, including a version of the New Testament published in 1910 [ first ] .

Urakami cathedral today. It replaces that built in part by Émile Raguet and which was destroyed by the atomic bomb on August 9, 1945.

The same year, Émile Raguet was appointed head of the important parish of Urakami [ 2 ] . There, he undertook to finish the church started for twenty years. The solemn blessing of this building takes place the But it was not really finished until 1925.
At the end of his life, he continued to revise his works and finally withdrew to Japanese nuns in the suburbs of Tokyo where he ends his days . Émile Raguet is buried in the Tama-Gawa Christian cemetery [ 2 ] .

EMEILLE RAIIGHT AND FAIT L’Object The Decorrarations It Distinctations: Chevalier The L’Ordre De La Courn Careon Pain Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ange I is , the order of the rising sun 5 It is class in 1926 by the emperor of Japan [ Ref. desired] .

  • (Fr+yes) Emile Craight , Abstract of Japanese grammar from the point of view of French translation, followed by a collection of usual sentences and Japanese proverbs , TOKYO, SANSAISHA, , first re ed. , 175 p.
  • (Fr+yes) Emile Craight and Tōta Ever , French-Japanese dictionary preceded by an abbreviatedness of Japanese grammar , Tokyo/Brussels, Sansaisha/Belgian Society of Bookstores, , first re ed. , 1084 p.
  • (Fr+yes) Emile Craight , Small French-Japanese dictionary for conversation , Tokyo/Brussels, Sansaisha/Belgian Society of Bookstores, , 1136 p.
  • (Fr+yes) Emile Craight and Jean-Marie Martin , French-Japanese dictionary: 2 It is Edition entirely overhauled and considerably increased by J. M. Martin , Tokyo, did not overwhelm, , 1465 p.

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Pascal Woven « Ash and dust … Émile Raguet, Brainois priest, missionary in Japan (1854-1929) », Annals of the Royal Circle of History and Archeology of the Canton of Soignies , t.  XLII,‎ , p. 205-227 .
  • (nl) Joseph Van Hecken , «Empiel Raguet» , In National Biographical Dictionary , vol. 2, Bruxelles, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and Arts, ( read online ) , col. 727-729 .

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