Emergency call number – Wikipedia


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Logo (here in Dutch) of 112: European emergency call number.

Use of the two emergency call numbers approved by the ITU [ first ] in the world :

  • 112
  • 911
  • 112 and 911
  • Another number or no redirection

THE Emergency call numbers are telephone numbers to join public aid twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. These are generally short and free numbers.

Like several Western countries where such a system was already in place, the French Ministry of Health asked that a free emergency call number was reserved for it, but it was not until 1978 that the Number 15 was awarded on an experimental basis for two years. In 1986, each SAMU received number 15 as a unique call number at a department [ 2 ] .


Since 2019, in the Netherlands, the communication of a single replacement emergency number is sufficient in the event of a main emergency number breakdown [ 3 ] .

French breakdown in 2021

In 2021, at 4:45 p.m. Wednesday, June 2 Wednesday, France experienced its first breakdown of emergency services, which concerns various services but also 112 [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] . Only nine out of ten calls issued from a landline phone can be sent and only eight out of ten calls from a mobile phone can be routed [ 5 ] .
The dysfunction focused on the interconnection between the mobile voice services, voice on IP on the one hand and those hosted on the switched network (most emergency numbers being on this technology) on the other hand, following D ‘An operation of modernization and capacitarian increase in the network, started in early May, to respond to the increase in traffic.

The internal report of a national operator suggests that telephone network disturbances occurred at the time of a modernization operation of the interconnection service for new information technologies (mobile telephony and IP telephony) used by a majority of customers and the classic switched telephone network used by rescue services [ 6 ] .

The dysfunction came from a bug in the software of Calls Servers and occurred at the time of the usual reconnection orders [ 6 ] .

  • Drapeau du Bénin Benign :
    • Urgent help: 911
    • Firefighters: 119
    • Police : 118
  • Drapeau de la Côte d'Ivoire Ivory Coast :
    • Police : 170
    • Firefighters: 180
    • Get: 185
    • SOS Doctor: 03 22 44 53 53
    • Cie: 179 (electricity)
    • Sodeci: 175 (water)
  • Drapeau du Cameroun Cameroon
    • Police: 17 (from a fixed phone) and 117 (from a mobile phone)
    • National gendarmerie: 13 (from a fixed phone) and 113 (from a mobile phone)
    • Firefighters: 18 (from a landline) and 118 (from a mobile phone)
    • SAMU: 19 (from a landline phone) and 119 (from a mobile phone)
    • Emergencies: 112

Green numbers by administrative region of the national gendarmerie and serves as a connection with other firefighters, police, social actions, etc …:

  • Drapeau de la Mauritanie Mauritania :
    • Firefighters: 18
    • Rescue police: 17
    • National gendarmerie: 116
    • Protection civile : 118
  • Drapeau du Niger Niger :
    • Rescue police: 17
    • Firefighters: 18
  • Drapeau du Somaliland Somaliland Somaliland :
    • Medical rescue: 909
    • Police : 99
  • Drapeau du Tchad Chad :
    • Police : 17
    • Firefighters: 18
  • Drapeau de la Tunisie Tunisia :
    • SAMU (medical aid): 190
    • National Guard: 193
    • Maritime guard (sea rescue): 194
    • Rescue police: 197
    • Protection civile : 198
    • Suspicious activity: 80 101 111
  • Drapeau du Canada Canada :
    • Rescue police: 911, in Quebec, 811 for non -urgent call with a nurse. The 311 is a non -urgent call number, making it possible to join public services without cluttering the emergency line
  • Drapeau des États-Unis UNITED STATES :
    • Rescue police: 911, 311 is a non -urgent call number, making it possible to join public services without cluttering the emergency line
  • Drapeau du Mexique Mexico :
    • Rescue police: 911 (all emergencies) [ 7 ] 114 From a mobile (Red Cross), 767 627 462 (SOS Marina) from a mobile (sea rescue) [ 8 ]
  • Drapeau de l'Argentine Argentine :
    • Medical rescue: 107
    • Police : 101
    • Firefighters 100
  • Drapeau du Brésil Brazil :
    • Military police: 190
    • Found: 192
    • Fire: 110
    • Firefighters: 193
  • Drapeau du Chili Chili :
    • Get: 131
    • Firefighters: 132
    • Police : 133
    • Naval rescue :137
  • Drapeau du Pérou Peru :
    • Found: 106
    • Rescue: fire and medical emergencies: 116
    • Police – Any type of emergency: 105
  • Drapeau de l'Uruguay Uruguay :
    • Medical help: 105
    • Police : 911
    • Firefighters: 104
  • Drapeau de l'Inde Inside :
    • Police : 100 / 108 / 112
    • Fireman and ambulances: 108/112
  • Drapeau de l'Indonésie Indonesia :
    • Police : 110
    • Firefighters: 113
    • Ambulance : 119
  • Drapeau d’Israël Israel :
    • Police : 100
    • Ambulance : 101
    • Fire: 102
    • First aid Hatzalah: 1221
  • Drapeau du Japon Japan :
    • Police : 110
    • Firefighters and ambulances: 119
  • Drapeau de la Jordanie Jordan :
    • Police : 191
    • Medical aid and civil protection: 193
    • Protection civile : 198
    • Fire and help: 199
  • Drapeau de Singapour Singapore :
    • Fire and help: 995
    • Police : 999
  • Drapeau de Taïwan Taiwan :
    • Police : 110
    • Firefighters and ambulances: 119
  • Drapeau de la Thaïlande Thailand :
    • Ambulances, help: 1669
    • Tourist police: 1155
    • Police : 191
    • Firefighters: 199
  • Drapeau de la République socialiste du Viêt Nam Vietnam :
    • Police : 113
    • Ambulance : 114
    • Firefighters: 115
  • Drapeau du Liban Lebanon :
    • Police : 112
    • Firefighters: 125
    • Red cross: 140
  • Drapeau de la Malaisie Malaysia :
    • Police, fire, ambulance, civil protection: 999
  • Drapeau de l'Iran Iran :
    • Police : 110
    • Firefighters: 125
    • Ambulance (red crescent): 115
    • Ambulance Social: 123
  • Drapeau de l’Union européenneEuropean Union And almost all other European countries:
    • 112 (all emergencies)
      Note, some European Union countries have one or more emergency numbers in addition to 112
    • 116,000 (missing children): all states except Finland
    • 116 006 (crime victim): 7 states [Which ?]
    • 116 111 (childhood aid): 23 states [Which ?] , France included
    • 116 117 (doctor on duty): 3 states [Which ?] members, France included
    • 116 123 (emotional help): 7 states [Which ?]
  • Drapeau de l'Allemagne Germany :
    • Police : 110
    • Civil protection (medical aid and fire): 112; (*) 19222 (*: local telephone prefix) for non-urgent health transport.
  • Drapeau d'Andorre Andorrian :
    • Police : 110
    • Firefighters and emergencies: 118
  • Drapeau de l'Arménie Armenia [ 9 ]
    • Emergencies: 112 or 911 [ ten ]
    • Firefighters: 101
    • Police : 102
    • Medical help: 103
    • Gas emergency: 104
  • Drapeau de l'Autriche Austria :
    • Firefighters: 122
    • Police: 112 or 133
    • Ambulance / rescue: 144
    • Road aid: 120 or 123
    • Emergency gas leak: 128
    • Wedding doctor: 141
  • Drapeau de la Belgique Belgium :
    • Firefighters and ambulances, urgent medical aid: 100 or 112
    • Federal police: 101
    • Listening to children: 103
    • Red Cross: Help and intervention in the event of claims and disasters, but also non -urgent ambulance requests: 105
    • Télé-accueil: life difficulties “Someone to talk 24 hours a day” | Free call: 107
    • Childfocus: European center for missing and sexually exploited children: 116,000
    • Suicide prevention center: listening and dialogue space | Anonymous call, free, 24 hours a day: 1813
    • Antiposon center: 070/245 245
    • Burnt center: 02/268 62 00
    • Non-urgent intervention request number, activated in the event of a risk of flooding or storm, for example: 1722
    • Nursing medicine: 1733
    • Anonymous alcoholics: information, on AA groups, their location and schedule of meetings, 24 hours a day, 078/15 25 56
    • Info-drugs: psychological and social consultation service, 24 hours a day: 02/227 52 52
  • Drapeau de la Bulgarie Bulgaria :
    • Medical rescue: 150
    • Police for road accident: (2) 165
    • Police : 166
    • Tourist help: flight …: 2,82 71 51
  • Drapeau de Chypre Chypre :
    • Greek community, British areas: 199 or 112 (unique numbers)
    • Turkish community: 199 (firefighters), 112 (medical emergency), 155 (police)
  • Drapeau de la Croatie Croatia :
    • Firefighters: 193/112
    • Medical rescue: 194/112
    • Police : 192
  • Drapeau de l'Espagne Spain : 112 is the unique number throughout the country; However, other specific numbers are still in force (most free or with a reduced cost):
    • Information and road assistance: 011
    • Sexist violence: 016
    • Medical help: 061
    • Civil Guard: 062
    • Municipal firefighters: 080
    • Firefighters of autonomous communities: 085
    • National Police: 091
    • Municipal Police: 092
    • Protection civile : 1006
    • Missing children: 116,000
    • Sexually exploited women and children traffic: 900-10-50-90
    • Help for children and adolescents: 900-20-20-10
    • Toxicological information service: 915-62-04-20
    • Spanish red cross: 902-22-22-92
  • Drapeau de l'Estonie Estonia :
    • 112 (medical help, firefighters)
    • 110 (police)
  • Drapeau de la Finlande Finland :
    • Accident : 100 22
    • European emergency call number: 112
    • Maritime rescue: 02 04 1000
  • Drapeau de la France France [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ]
    • Gendarmerie / Police (rescue police): 17 or 112
    • SAMU (medical aid): 15 or 112
    • Firefighters: 18 or 112
    • SOS SOURD / MANDAL: 114 (accessible by fax, or SMS only), (all emergencies)
    • Samu Social (Sos Sans Abri): 115
    • Missing children: 116,000
    • Childhood in danger – being put into service and intended to replace in the long term on 119: 116 111 [ 13 ] , [ 14 ]
    • Wardrobe: 116,117 [ 15 ]
    • MalTreed Childhood: 119
    • Aeronautical emergency (to be used in the case of an accident or disappearance of an aircraft): 191
    • Maritime emergency (to be used by witnesses of maritime accidents from the coast; at sea, the privileged means remains channel 16 of maritime distress: 196
    • Removal / attack alert (this number will be activated only in the trigger of the removal alert, or an attack alert): 197 [ 16 ]
    • Maritime medical consultation center, telephone, naval radiotelephone, inmarsat (m and mini m) 32 or 38: 00 33 5 61 49 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
    • Speleo French rescue: 0 800 121 123
    • COVID-19 info for non-medical questions, open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.: 0 800 130,000
    • Antiposon centers: Angers • 02 41 48 21 21 (Brittany, Center-Val de Loire, Normandie, Pays de la Loire) / Bordeaux • 05 56 96 40 80 (Nouvelle-Aquitaine) / Lille • 08 00 59 59 (Hauts- de-France) / Lyon • 04 72 11 69 11 (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) / Marseille • 04 91 75 25 25 (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Corsica, Reunion, Mayotte) / Nancy • 03 83 22 50 50 (Grand Est, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté) / Paris • 01 40 05 48 48 (Ile de France, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana) / Toulouse • 05 61 77 74 47 (Occitanie) [ 17 ]
  • Drapeau de Gibraltar Gibraltar :
    • Police, ambulance : 199
    • Firefighters: 190
  • Drapeau de la Grèce Greece :
    • Police : 100 / 112
    • Medical rescue: 166/112
    • Fire: 199/112
  • Drapeau de la Hongrie Hungary :
    • Medical help: 104
    • Fire: 105
    • Police : 107
    • European number: 112
  • Drapeau du Liechtenstein Liechtenstein :
    • Medical help: 144
    • Firefighters: 118
    • Police : 117
  • Drapeau de la Lettonie Latvia :
    • European number: 112
    • Medical help – Direct: 113
  • Drapeau de la Lituanie Lithuania :
    • Fire and help: 01
    • Police : 02
    • Medical help: 03
  • Drapeau de Malte Painted :
    • Medical aid: 196
    • Firefighters: 199
    • Police : 191
  • Drapeau de la Moldavie Moldova :
    • Fire and help: 901
    • Police : 902
    • Medical help: 903
  • Drapeau de Monaco Monaco :
    • Firefighters, medical assistance: 18
    • Police : 17
  • Drapeau du Monténégro Montenegro :
    • Firefighter: 93
    • Medical help: 94
    • Police : 92
  • Drapeau de la Norvège Norway :
    • Fire and help: 110
    • Medical help: 113
    • Police : 112
  • Drapeau de la Pologne Pologs :
    • Police : 997
    • Fire: 998
    • Medical help: 999
    • European number: 112
  • Drapeau du Portugal Portugal :
    • Rescue police: 112
    • Forest fire: 117
    • SAMU (medical aid): 808,242424
  • Drapeau de la Roumanie Romania :
    • Medical help: 961
    • Fire: 981
    • Police : 955
    • European number: 112
  • Drapeau de la Serbie Serbia :
    • Firefighters: 193
    • Medical help: 194
    • Police : 192
    • Road aid: 1987
    • European number: 112
  • Drapeau de la Slovaquie Slovakia :
    • Firefighters: 150
    • Urgent medical aid: 155
    • Police : 158
    • European number: 112
  • Drapeau de la Suisse Suisse : Only 6 public issues are officially urgent for the Confederation [ 18 ] , [ 19 ] :
  • Drapeau de la Tchéquie Czech Republic :
    • Firefighters: 150
    • Urgent medical aid: 155
    • Police : 158
    • Urban police: 156
    • 112: European number
  • Drapeau de la Russie Russia :
    • Fire and help: 01
    • Police, Militsia: 02
    • Medical help: 03
    • Gas leak: 04
  • Drapeau de la Turquie Türkiye :
    • Any rescue service (emergency health, police, firefighters, coast guard, etc.): 112
    • Local municipality: 153
    • Gas alert: 187
    • Electrical notice: 186
    • Water opinion: 185
    • Drunkenness: 114
    • Domestic violence and social support: 183
  • Drapeau de l'Ukraine Ukraine :
    • Fire and help: 01
    • Police : 02
    • Medical help: 03
  • Drapeau du Vatican Vatican :
    • Security services, civil protection, gendarmerie, firefighters: (+39) 06 698 112

European countries not having 112 currently:

  • Drapeau de l'Albanie Albania :
    • Medical help: 17
    • Firefighters: 18
    • Police : 19
  • Drapeau de la Biélorussie Belarus :
    • Fire and help: 01
    • Police, Militsia: 02
    • Medical help: 03
    • Gas leak: 04
  • Drapeau du Vatican Vatican :
    • Police : 113
    • Medical help: 118
    • Firefighters: 115

France has 150,000 emergency calls per day including 1,200 to 1,500 calls per day per million inhabitants with 112/18 firefighters numbers [ 21 ] .

Emergency numbers calls through a router that redirect short numbers to fixed numbers from the switched telephone network (RTC) [ 22 ] When these fixed numbers work. However, fixed numbers of emergency services can be affected by telephone network failures [ 21 ] .

In the European Union, the emergency call number has been framed by legislation since 2002 [ 23 ] .

“Member States take all the measures necessary to ensure the integrity of the public telephone network into determined positions and, in the event of a catastrophic failure of the network or in cases of force majeure, access to the public telephone network and the accessible telephone services to the public in determined positions. Member States ensure that companies provide telephone services accessible to the public take all appropriate measures to guarantee uninterrupted access to emergency services. »»

– Article 23 of Directive 2002/22/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of March 7, 2002

“Member States ensure that calls directed to the single European emergency call number” 112 “receive an appropriate response and are sent to their recipients in the most suitable way to the national organization of systems Emergency, taking into account the technological possibilities offered by networks. »»

– Article 26 of Directive 2002/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 7, 2002

  1. 911 and 112 are the world’s standard emergency numbers, ITU decides », The Verge , ( read online , consulted the )
  2. Arnaud Bassez, History of emergency medicine and health evacuation (Evasan) » , on French Society of Nurseries Anesthetists , (consulted the ) .
  3. https://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-eco/le-fonctionnement-particulier-des-numeros-d-urgence-20210603
  4. https://www.lefigaro.fr/societes/panne-des-numeros-d-urgence-la-responsabilite-d-orange-risque-elle-d-etre-upagee-202106033
  5. a et b https://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/recit-d-une-nuit-de-cauchemar-pour-orange-face-a-une-panne-rare-et -gravissime-202106033
  6. a et b https://www.orange.com/fr/newsroom/communiques/2021/orange-rend-publiques-les-conclusions-de-lenquete-interne-sur-la-crise-du
  7. (is) 911 | Government | Gob.mx » , on www.gob.mx (consulted the )
  8. (is) Yellow section – Morelia , June 2008-Mayo 2009, p. 4
  9. (En-Eu) Emergency Assistance » , on U.S. Embassy in Armenia (consulted the )
  10. (En-Eu) 911 and 112 Emergency Numbers to be Operational in Armenia This Year | Epress.am » , (consulted the )
  11. Know the emergency numbers » , on www.risques.gouv.fr Prevention of major risks (consulted the )
  12. Decryption emergency numbers: how does it work? , Liberation.fr, June 3, 2021, by Lucie RONDUL
  13. The wishes of the GIP childhood in danger for this new year | National Observatory for Child Protection | Onpe » , on www.onpe.gouv.fr (consulted the )
  14. (in) Implementation on the reserved ‘116’ numbers – as of 1 November 2013 »
  15. Decree n o2016-1012 of July 22, 2016 relating to the implementation of a national call number for access to the permanence of ambulatory care
  16. Decision n o2015-0153 dated March 17, 2015 modifying the decision n O 02-1179 of December 19, 2002 establishing the list of emergency numbers to be sent free of charge by electronic communications operators
  17. Antipot » (consulted the )
  18. Emergency calls: Adaptation of regulations (Bakom/Ofcom CH)
  19. RS 784.101.113/1.3 Rentaling and location of emergency calls , Federal Communication Office, on Bakom.admin.ch
  20. Rega is a rescue organization
  21. a et b How do emergency numbers work? Lefigaro.fr, June 3, 2021
  22. https://www.ladepeche.fr/2021/06/03/panne-des-numeros-durgence-pas-concevable-que-que-ce-type-de -ysfonctionnement -puisse-Sseproduire-Avan-a-PDG- dorange-9583921.php
  23. Directive 2002/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 7, 2002
