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Émile Bocquillon , born the in the 2 It is Paris arrondissement and death in Vésinet [ first ] , is a teacher [ 2 ] , French journalist and political activist from the far right of the XX It is century.

Public teacher and school director until the 1920s, then journalist, Émile Bocquillon campaigned for patriotic education from the start of XX It is century, in magazines, conferences and in its many books. He made himself known in the 1900s when he denounced the pacifist and anti -militarist ideas of some of his colleagues teachers, in the context of the violent campaigns of a Gustave Hervé against the army. He founded in 1904 with two Parisian school directors, Félix Comte and Théodoric Legrand, the union of secular and patriotic teachers, directs the periodicals The Patriot School in 1904-1905, then Patriotic teacher in 1906. His positions nourished debates in the press and in Parliament [ 3 ] . He then collaborated on a daily basis The French Republic [ 4 ] .

He then joined the French University Alliance (of the three lessons and vocational education), founded in to morally support the hairy and fight pacifist and defeatist propaganda; It broadcasts brochures and Germanophobic posters [ 5 ] . He was the director in the 1920s. He participated in 1923 in a congress chaired by the Désiré Ferry deputy approving the action of France in Ruhr and affirming the law of France to repairs of the First World War, and made part of the delegation of nationalists that Ferry leads to Raymond Poincaré [ 6 ] .

He also joined, in 1920, to the association of the French school of Pierre Dufrenne, inspector of primary education, and collaborated in his periodical, The School Review , of which he is one of the administrators of the company who publishes it, with Dufrenne, Legrand, Maurice Jeannard and Pierre Heinrich [ 7 ] . He continues his fight against pacifists [ 8 ] . He participated in the investigation of Georges Champenois, director of the daily the friend of the people by François Coty, on the “Official sabotage in the history of France” : “I have repeatedly pointed out the lamentable spirit that presides over the writing of our French history textbooks. I am not only talking about new manuals, of resolutely communist trend, and designed with the direct purpose of preparing children for social war and betrayal – the word is not too strong – against their own homeland. I am talking about all the manuals which, however moderate, are more or less imbued with this morbid trend intended to reduce the role of France in its past, to cut our history in two: that before and that According to the Revolution; The first having all the wrongs, all the tares, stupid in its external action, and not starting to take a figure, in the eyes of the universe and with regard to justice, only since the Declaration of Human Rights and of the citizen! »» [ 9 ] .

He goes so far as to publish false (an open letter from Raymond Poincaré, a circular from André Tardieu), with the complicity of his friend Charles Kula, founder and animator of the general confederation of taxpayers [ ten ] , in order to “Strike chlorophormated opinion” and embarrass “Unionists, defeatists, antipatriots, Freemasons” [ 11 ] . With Charles Kula, he wrote in 1934 a brochure on My fight Hitler ( Mein Kampf or the Book prohibited for French ) In which, if he displays a concern in the face of the threats that Hitler hovers over France and if he criticizes the “excess” of Nazism, he does not hesitate to prove him right as for anti -Semitism and say agree with two thirds of the book [ twelfth ] .


In 1935 he signed the manifesto of French intellectuals for the defense of the West and peace in Europe, which testifies to a right-wing neo-pacifism and a given support for fascist Italy. He gave conferences on teaching, for example to the Fustel de Coulanges circle or the Dupleix-Bonvalot circle in 1935; The conference he gives to this last circle with René Canat, professor in Khâgne at Louis-le-Grand, president of the non-syndicated high school federation, is chaired by General Maxime Weygand. They criticize the “bolshevization of teaching” both primary and secondary [ 13 ] . From 1936 to 1939, he animated The national teacher of the Center for Action and National Propaganda to the School, led by General René Madelin [ 14 ] . He values ​​the patriotic role of teachers there and was a wind up against communism, Freemasonry, Jean Zay, the National Union of Teachers [ 15 ] .

Under the occupation, he continues his fight in the daily columns The morning , of the ; He calls for teaching purification [ 16 ] , fight the Freemasons [ 17 ] – He thus denounces the revocation of his friend Serge Jeanneret, “A vengeance of the lodges” [ 18 ] – and pays into anti -Semitism [ 19 ] . He also collaborates at Parisian [ 20 ] and at Awakening of the French ; He also denounces Freemasonry there [ 21 ] . He holds the Francisque (n ° 2152).

His brochures were funded in 1943-1944 by Georges Brabant and other bosses. He appears on the black list of the CNE at the Liberation [ 22 ] .

Over 90 years old, he is found as a collaborator of The French nation in the 1960s [ 23 ] .

  • Alcoholism : illustrated work of 32 figures and written in accordance with the official program of : for the use of students in primary education and secondary education, Paris: Belin Frères, 1899
  • Hygiene mement: for the use of students in primary education and secondary education: major functions of life, contagious diseases (tuberculosis), practical advice , Paris: Belin Frères, 1902
  • The crisis of patriotism at school ; Prefers M. Rééz, Paris: Chiffert et Please noibposed it Nonny, 1905
– Montyon 1906 Prize from the French Academy
  • Experimental and comparative study of the action of the various physical education methods on bodily development ; Paris: J. Rousset, 1905
  • For the homeland ; Preface: school and homeland, by George Duruy, Paris: Vuibert and Nony, 1907
  • Normal antialcoolism course , by Jacques Roubinovitch and Emile Bocquillon, Paris: Belin Frères, 1911
  • Alcoholism : illustrated work of 35 figures and written in accordance with the official program of : for the use of students in primary education and secondary education, 33 It is Edition, corrected, Paris: Belin Frères, 1913
  • Alcoholism , Paris : Belin , 1925
  • Izoulet and his philosophical work , Paris: the French University Alliance of the Four Teaches, 1929,
  • For the happiness of our children: the reform of national education , by Ch. Kula and E. Bocquillon, Paris: Dunod, publisher, 1933
  • What’s Repiration Crex Mode Mission Lance: Madelin: Hitler, Hitler, Citler, Cazen, Izront Confront Confront , preface by Jean Izoulet, Paris: Vuibert, 1937
  • The social bases of morality and duties towards God at school ; pref. de Marcel Sivé, Paris: National Federation of Professional Groups of Teachers of France and Colonies, 1941
  • Youth education and the national revolution , Friends of French education, Le Mans: editions “CEP”, 1943
  • Collection of thoughts for youth education , Charles Kula and Émile Bocquillon, Paris: ed. of the Universal Alliance, 1940
  • God and homeland at school , Paris, Baudinière, 1942
– 1943 academy prize from the French Academy
  • Work, conscience: readings for young people , According to Edmond About, Daniel de Foe, Jules Verne, Jean Izoulet, Jean Aicard, Sully Prudhomme, La Fontaine, Victor Hugo, Paris: Baudinière, 1944
  • Izoulet and his work , Paris: ed. Baudinière, 1943
  • Spiritual solutions of the Orient – West conflict , 1955
  • J.J Rousseau this unknown , Dervy, 1962
  • The soul this unknown , Dervy, 1966
Prefacier, etc.
  • Chosen pages of the modern city , by Émile Bocquillon, Jean Izoulet, Paris: A. Michel, Impr. 1930
  • Geography lessons: for the use of primary schools: average courses , by Jean Brunhes; Posted with the educational collaboration of E. Bocquillon, G. Mathière, Pierre Dufrenne, Tours: Maison Mame, 1937
  • Geography lessons: for the use of primary schools: average courses first re And 2 It is Year and second cycle- C. E. P.: 8 It is And 7 It is High schools and colleges , by Jean Brunhes; Posted with the educational collaboration of E. Bocquillon, G. Mathière, Pierre Dufrenne; Updated with the help of Mr. Jean-Brunhes Delamarre, Tours: Maison Mame, 1942
  • Geography lessons: for the use of primary schools: elementary course , by Jean Brunhes; Posted with collaboration. Pedagogical by Pierre Dufrenne, E. Bocquillon, G. Mathière, Tours: Maison Mame, Impr. 1933
  1. Paris Archives 2 It is , birth certificate n O 1377, year 1868 (with marginal death of death)
  2. Paris Archives 17 It is , marriage certificate n O 851, year 1891 (with profession)
  3. « M. Emile Bocquillon », The Renaissance , June 26, 1915
  4. French press directory , 1908 , “The crisis of patriotism”, Orne Journal , September 29 to October 6, 1906
  5. The popular , August 3, 1919, “The misdeeds of the French University Alliance” , Collection of administrative acts of the prefecture of the department of Seine , November 1918 (association declared on October 22, 1918), “The teaching of patriotism”, West Eclair , December 6, 1917 . The Alliance is chaired by a woman, Jeanne Bohren, who teaches at the Molière high school in Paris
  6. “The fourth French national congress”, The reminder , July 13, 1923
  7. “For the French school”, Le Figaro , August 9, 1920, p. 1 and 2 , Stationery instructor , first is February 1922, “The school review” ,, Description of School review On the inrp.fr/presse-education/revue site . Heinrich and Dufrenne will then join the Fustel de Coulanges circle
  8. “Our teaching in the grip of error”, Gallic , January 5, 1929 (evocation of the intervention of Dufrenne and Bocquillon to a congress of pacifist teachers during which they would have been “Rossés” ), The reminder , September 6, 1927, “the school of vigilance”, letter from Bocquillon , René Benjamin, “the secular school”, Le Figaro , July 25, 1927 (evocation of Bocquillon)
  9. He is presented as director of the French University Alliance: Georges Champenois, The official sabotage of the history of France , Bossard, 1930
  10. “Taxpayers put a memorandum from Mr. Marchandeau”, Deposit Journal , June 26, 1932 . Kula is a former building manufacturer, who in 1905 created prered placement school workshops. He shared his friend’s convictions: in 1929 he gave the Antimarxist Institute a conference on “The essential reform of the school in France” ( Le Figaro , May 20, 1929, “Course and conferences” ) and he also responded to the Georges Champenois investigation. The CGC published a periodical from 1928, which fights against the CGT and called for a “New recovery of the Marne” ( The insurance agent , February 10, 1928, “La C.G.C.” ). Bocquillon collaborates on this periodical; He publishes the false in question. He was in March 1934 Deputy Administrative Secretary of the Federation of Taxpayers of the Paris region of which Kula is honorary president: “The taxpayers of Paris”, Deposit Journal , 27 mars 1934
  11. “Mr. Poincaré and the antipatriotism of teachers”, French Action , August 20, 1933, letter from Emile Bocquillon , “The CGC and the civil servants”, Paris’s eye penetrates everywhere , January 2, 1932
  12. Antoine Vitkine, Mein Kampf, story of a book , Flammarion, 2009, chap. VII
  13. The Deposit Journal And The morning , December 15, 1935
  14. René Madelin (1868-1940), general of division since 1927, is the brother of the historian and deputy of the Vosges Louis Madelin (Jean-Michel Barreau is also confused with his brother): cf. René Madelin’s Legion of Honor . He is also the director of the monthly review The beautiful France .
  15. Jean-Michel Barreau, “The“ nationals ”and the school in the interwar period, op. cit., p. 169-170
  16. “It is immediately that we must purify teaching”, The morning , December 7, 1940 , The morning , December 30, 1940, “Disarm the criminal intelligence!”
  17. The morning , August 28, 1940, “the national teachers have been shown for forty years”
  18. , E. Bocquillon, “do not confuse by revenge good and bad”, The morning , 31 mars 1941
  19. The morning , January 9, 1942, “testimony of billionaire Henry Ford”
  20. Le Petit Parisien , November 9, 1942, “Alder in the national revolution in primary education” , Le Petit Parisien , March 7, 1942, “The Ilth of the Widden, School of an Elite” , Le Petit Parisien , September 28, 1942, “A teacher speaks to you” , etc.
  21. Masonic documents , October 1943, p. 64
  22. French Letters , September 16, 1944, p. first On Retronews
  23. Émile Bocquillon, “a century of educational errors”, The French nation , October 7, 1964, October 14, 1964
