Emiliano García-Page — Wikipedia


Emiliano García-Page Sánchez , born the In Toledo, is a Spanish politician member of the Spanish worker Socialist Party (PSOE).


He has been secretary general of the Socialist Party of Castille-La Manche-Pose (PSCM-PSOE) since 2012 and president of the junta of the communities of Castille-la Manche since 2015.

Early beginnings in politics [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He joined politics before his majority, by joining the Socialist Youths of Spain (JSE). In 1986, when he joined the University of Castile-La Manche to study the law, he joined the PSOE. During the municipal elections of , he was elected at 18 to the municipal council of Toledo, capital of Castille-La Manche.

He was re -elected in 1991, in parallel his law license. The new socialist mayor Joaquín Sánchez Garrido appoints him assistant, in charge of festivities, youth and finance.

A very young adviser to the regional government [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , when he is only 25, President José Bono chooses him as a new spokesperson for the regional government. He therefore resigned from his municipal mandate.

After the regional elections of , during which he does not appear for a seat at the Castille-La Manche cortes, he is renewed in his functions.


Ascension in the shadow of José Bono [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Appointed secretary general of the PSOE in the province of Toledo , he is promoted nine days later advisor to public works in the autonomous community. He became a spokesperson in 1998. In the regional elections of , he was elected deputy for the province of Toledo. He was later appointed advisor to social well-being.

He leaves the government in To take the presidency of the socialist group, majority at the cortes. He comes back in , for the third time as a spokesperson. He then went, in 2004, as an advisor to institutional relations, when José María Barreda succeeds Bono. During a reshuffle in 2005, he was entrusted with the functions of second vice-president and spokesperson for the Government Council, once again [ first ] .

Mayor of Toledo [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , the Socialist section of Toledo invests it unanimously head of the list in the municipal elections of May 27 following. On election day, his list won 18,011 votes, or 43.45% of the votes and 11 out of 25 seats on the municipal council. He thus has only 800 votes and one less elected to the People’s Party (PP) of the mayor José Manuel Molina [ 2 ] .

He then negotiates the support of the two councilors of the United left (IU), Emiliano García-Page is invested mayor of the regional capital on June 16 [ 3 ] .

During the elections of , he candidate for a new mandate. By collecting 20,025 votes, which corresponds to 43.78%, he was assigned 12 elected officials, one ahead of the PP. He was then invested for a second term, without the support of IU [ 4 ] .

A national breakthrough [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

With the summons of the anticipated legislative elections of November 20, 2011, he was expected as the head of the socialist list in the province of Toledo, replacing José Bono [ 5 ] , a situation criticized by the united left [ 6 ] . Critique of the choice of Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba as candidate of the PSOE to the Presidency of the Government, because of his seniority [ 7 ] , he does not present himself, in application of internal rules to the PSOE on the non-cumulation of mandates.

On September 16, he was however elected to the Senate by the cortes of Castille-la Manche.

Head of regional socialists [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Following the defeat of the Socialist Party of Castile-La Manche-Pop (PSCM-PSOE) in the regional elections of , then from the election of José María Barreda at the Congress of Deputies in the Legislative, the Socialist Regional Federation must change its secretary general. THE , Emiliano García-Page is elected to this post by the delegates gathered at X It is PSCM-PSOE congress in Toledo, winning 95.82% of the votes cast [ 8 ] .

President of Castille-La Manche [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the regional election of May 24, 2015, he led the PSCM-PSOE, which totaled 36.8% of the votes and 15 deputies out of 33. He then made an agreement with Podemos, who has 2 elected officials, and is invested by the cortes on first is July. Two days later, Emiliano García-Page officially became president of the junta of the communities of Castille-La Manche.

The , he announced that he had concluded a budget agreement with Podemos, allowing the adoption of the finance law for the year 2017 and ensuring its partners a place in the Council of Government. José García Molina is thus designated as a second vice-president of the regional government, which constitutes a first.

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