Emmanuel Delapointe – Wikipedia


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Jean Baptiste Gabriel Emmanuel Le Bon de Lapointe born the In Sainte-Lucie, one of the Antilles, is a brigadier general of the first empire. He comes from a Creole family from Normandy (Caen).

Voluntary at first is Regiment of hunters on horseback on May 26, 1791, he became Brigadier-Fourrier on July 11, 1793, Marshal-des-Logis-Chef on 20 Messidor year II, second lieutenant on 11 Germinal year V, lieutenant on 26 Prairial year VIII, And without interruption all the campaigns of the Republic at the armies of the Moselle, Sambre-et-Meuse, Mainz, Danube and the Rhine. In the combat of Hiptingen, he receives a spear in the chest by loading almost alone in the middle of the enemy ranks. Captain in the election on the 18th nivôse year X, he follows General Richepanse at Guadeloupe as a Camp Aide-de-Camp on the next 11 Germinal, returned to France with authorization after the death of his general in fructidor, and is placed As assistant to the first military division (Paris), on the 17th of the year. General Mortier Aide-de-Camp on 30 Vendémiaire year XII, member of the Legion of Honor, while he is in Hanover, on the 25 prairial of the same year, he served the first is body of the great army during the campaigns of Austria and Prussia.

Squadron chief on July 10, 1806, he fights in Iena and Eylau, was appointed officer of the Legion of Honor , as a reward for his brilliant conduct in Freiland, and passed in 1808 to the Spanish army, where he obtained the rank of adjutant-commanding on December 17, 1809. Returned to France at the beginning of 1812, he took part in the Russian campaign with the young guard. Baron of the empire the (he was knight of the Empire since [ first ] ), he is promoted general of brigadier on May 4 and appointed chief of staff of the Duke of Trévis. Past 3 It is Corps on July 17, he completed the Saxony campaign in his ranks, and fights during the French campaign until the cessation of hostilities.

Made a knight of Saint-Louis on August 13, 1814, and sent on 17, in the 17 It is Military division (Lille) as chief of staff, he refuses to serve during the Hundred Days, although designated since June 12, 1815 to fulfill the functions of chief of staff under the orders of the Duke of Trévis, Commander -in -chief of the imperial guard cavalry.

Second restoration and July monarchy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Put in non-activity for peace, it was recalled to activity in 1818, used in one of the subdivisions of the 15 It is Military division and was promoted to commander of the Legion of Honor on August 17, 1822. Available on July 23, 1826, he was invested on December 23, 1830, from the command of the Eure and the Seine-Inférieur, returned on October 8 1832, and retires the .


He died in Paris on .

  1. Emile Campardon , List of members of the imperial nobility: drawn up according to the registers of letters patent preserved in the national archives , vol. In-8 °, society of history of the French Revolution, , 2 It is ed. , 189 p. ( read online )
