Emperor Nicolas Ier – Wikipedia


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Emperor Nicolas I is
Emperor Nicholas I
illustration de Empereur Nicolas Ier
Battleship Emperor Nicolas I is
Other names To
Type Battleship
Class Imperator Aleksandr II-class battleship ( in )
Served in Naval ensign of Russia.svg Russian Imperial Navy, Baltic fleet, 3 It is Pacific squadron, Naval Ensign of Japan.svg Japanese imperial navy
Shipyard Franco-Russian factories company Saint-Petersburg
Status sunk as a target ship in
Crew 31 officers and 585 sailors
Technical characteristics
Length 105.6 meters
Master-Bau 20.4 m
Draught 7.6 m
Shift 9,672 tonnes
Propulsion 2 triple vertical expansion steam engines (TEV), 16 Belleville type coal boilers
Power 8 000 ch
Speed 16.85 knots
Military characteristics
Shielding Steel belt 102/365 mm


Ponts: 63 mm Turrels: 254 mm Casemates: 152 mm Barbette: 254 mm Kiosk: 203 mm Aircraft:

Armament 2 × 305 mm , 4 × 229 mm , 8 × 152 mm , 16 × 47,2 mm , 2 assault cannons, 6 torpedo tubes of a caliber of 381 mm (on the surface), 2 torpedo tubes of a caliber of 254 mm (submerged)
Flag Russian empire

L’ Emperor Nicolas I is (in Russian : Emperor Nicholas I , IMPERATOR Nikolai I ) is the first battleship of the Russian Baltic fleet which was able to sail on the high seas; many times he is flagship [ first ] . He took part in the Battle of Tsushima on May 27 and . The , it is incorporated into the imperial fleet of Japan under the name of To .

The construction of the Emperor Nicolas I is begins in June 1886 . Launched the May 20, 1889 , it is put into service in April 1891 .

The naval architect of this battleship is Pavel Arkindinovitch Titov. The supervision of the construction of the ship is carried out by Nikolai Kouteïnikov (1845-1906). The engineers are: U.N. Krylov, E.A. VVEDENSKY.


At the start of his career in the Russian Imperial Navy (1887), the Emperor Nicolas I is has 305mm/35 cannons at the bow and 305/35 mm to the stern. In 1888, the Grand Duke Alexis had the 305mm/35 guns replaced by 305mm/30 weapons in the bow. The same year, Kouteïnikov decided to replace the barbette located on the bow of the ship with a closed turret. This causes the battleship of 50 tonnes. The machines will never reach the power requested during the design of the ship. At the beginning of XX It is century, the Emperor Nicolas I is Quickly becomes an obsolete warship, especially artillery and shielding offering the battleship a meager protection against bursts of shells and explosive shells. Several rearmament projects are presented. Thus, in 1898, special attention was paid to machines during the renovation and modernization of the war building.

Career in the Imperial Navy of Russia [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Crew of the Emperor Nicolas I is , visiting Toulon (1893).

In 1893, the Emperor Nicolas I is , commanded by Captain Dicker [ 2 ] , crosses the Atlantic Ocean to go to the United States, during the 400 It is anniversary of the discovery of America. The battleship takes part in a naval journal in New York. Then, by Lisbon and Cadiz, the ship goes crossing in the Mediterranean to visit the Russian squadron – commanded by Admiral Avellan – at the French Fleet in Toulon [ 3 ] , as part of the Franco-Russian alliance, giving rise to major festivities in Toulon, then in Paris. This diplomatic event has a great resonance in France, which previously was isolated from the point of view of international policy.

Upon his return, the Emperor Nicolas I is is assigned to the Mediterranean fleet. From 1897 to 1898, the battleship took part in peacekeeping operations on the island of Crete. In 1898, important renovations were made on this largely exceeded war building. Modernization of machines allows the ship to reach a speed of 16. . The same year, at the end of repairs, the Emperor Nicolas I is is assigned to the Far East fleet as Admiral Makarov’s flagship. The battleship had a short stay in the Baltic Sea, in 1902, in order to modify its artillery. In 1904, six cannons of 154 mm are installed on board. THE , l’ Emperor Nicolas I is is assigned in the third Pacific squadron placed under the command of Admiral Nebogatov. He was then commanded by the captain of first is Rang Vladimir Vassilievitch Smirnov (1856-?) [ 4 ] .

The May 27, 1905 , l’ Emperor Nicolas I is Take part in the Battle of Tsushima. It is not damaged during the fight because only a single shell of 305 mm reaches it. But, on board, there are eleven dead and sixteen injured [ 5 ] . The battleship touches the Fuji , the light cruiser Azama and the IDZUMI . The officers and crew members of the Emperor Nicolas I is go to the Japanese , on the orders of Admiral Nebogatov.

Career in the Imperial Navy of Japan [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The June 5, 1905 , l’ Emperor Nicolas I is is assigned to the Japanese imperial navy. He receives the name of To . After rapid repairs and a new painting, he participated with the MISHIMA and the Okinoshima to military operations on the island of Sakhalin. The conflict ended, it is used as a training ship for Japanese artillery.

In 1910, the To is affected after modernization as a coastal defense battleship. A few years later, it was used as a school ship and is based in Yokosuka. During this period, the crew is 611 people. I’ To has no active role during the First World War, it is used as a patroller of the Japanese coast.

In October 1915 , l’ To is cast ship targeted by the Kongo and the Hiei .

  • Moiseev Russia Sp List of steam and armored ships floats in 1861-1917 VoenIndat, 1948
  • CDE drawing Emperor Nicholas I 1993 Tver, “ship”, 1993
  • Second peaceful squadron . flight. 1, с. 1, p. 24-29 . 24-29. M., 1991 M., 1991
  • A.A. Belov Japan battleships . World War II Ships Series

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