ÉRABLE PLAN — Wikipedia


Acer Platanoids


L’ Plane ( Acer Platanoids L.) is a large tree of the family of Aceraceae (Cronquist) or Sapindaceae (Apgiii) frequent in the collinean and mountainous regions of Europe. It is sometimes called Norway maple , Iseron , Plane , Hand-cut , Plain or Fake sycamore .

His common name comes from the strong resemblance of the leaves with those of the plane tree. Not to be confused with the neighboring species Acer pseudoplatanus , the Sycomore maple which has a bark forming plates detaching from the trunk in the adult tree.

Acer Platanoids in autumn.

Flowers grouped in erect corymbes appearing before the leaves.

Leaf resembling those of the plane tree and disample with wide wings wide apart approaching from an angle of 180 °.

It is a large slender stem tree, up to 20 m at 30 m high and a circumference of about 8 to 9 m (at 1.8 m height above the ground). The diameter of its trunk can reach 1 m . Its lifespan can reach 200 years.


The bark is brown, and has many longitudinal crevices that are not very marked. This character makes it possible to distinguish it from the sycamore whose grayish bark detaches into large plates.

The yellow green flowers, grouped in erect corymbes, appear before the leaves. They have five welded sepales, five petals and 8 stamens. In general, the flat maple begins to flower at the age of 15-20.

The opposite, obsolete leaves are webbed with five very pointed lobe veins, acute teeth, separated by rounded sinuses. These long petiole leaves are glabrous, green and shiny. They take a very beautiful yellow shade in the fall.

Fruits are large, widely apart, almost opposite horizontal wing disamares.
This very fast growth tree during the first years, easily rejects stump when cut.

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The flat maple can be monoic or dioecious. In the event that it is monoic, there are male and female flowers on the same tree. Cross fertilization is ensured because male flowers ripen before female flowers. If the maple is dioic, it only has unisex flowers [ first ] . It is entomogamate: the pollen produced by the flat maple is conveyed by insects [ 2 ] .

This species is widespread in almost all of Europe from Scandinavia to Spain and from Benelux to Russia, as well as in Asia in the Caucasus region, Iran and Afghanistan. To the north it is a plain tree, while in the southern half of its area it is a tree in the mountainous areas. We meet it up to an altitude of 1,500 m In France.

It was introduced among others in North America, where it is considered invasive and harmful. Several American municipalities no longer allow its plantation. It is forbidden to plant them in the states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. It is even installed in virgin forests, thanks to its ability to germinate in the deep shadow that is found there. He pushes there quietly at first, but possibly ended up dominating the forest [ 3 ] .

In some regions of Canada, it has been established in low proportion in sugar maple forests where it is an invasive species. Easily confused with the latter, it can be cut and find itself in small quantities in the production of maple syrup. The sheet that is on the Canada flag is the sugar maple sheet and not that of the flat maple.

It is a half-shaded essence preferring rich, deep, fresh to wet, low-acid limestone. He appreciates a fairly humid climate, with continental or mountain trends. It is generally found in disseminated stands in the midst of other species. It reaches its most beautiful proportions in the forests of hardwoods where oaks, lime trees and elms are dominant [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

It is cultivated as an ornamental tree and many planted as a alignment tree in both Europe and North America. There are many varieties with decorative leaves, variegated or more or less deeply cut.

Like most maples, it is a remarkable honey plant, sought after by bees, because it produces large quantities of nectar. Its spring flowering, which occurs before the breakage of the leaves, takes place a little before that of the Sycomore maple.

It provides excellent firewood. This wood, white and quite hard, is used in carpentry and turner.

  • Columnare
  • Crimson Sentry
  • Drummondii
  • Emerald Lustre
  • Globosum
  • Laciniatum
  • Princeton Gold
  • Royal Red
  • Schwedleri black or Crimson King

Fungal attack of the sheet (probably due to Rhytisma acerinum , without/with a fungal and/or bacterial co-infection), in the fall.

The most frequent phytopathologies concerning foliage are due to mushrooms, including:

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On other Wikimedia projects:

  1. Francis Hallé, Love trees: or how to happen again without moving , Paris, Salamandre, , 138 p. (ISBN  978-2-940584-30-7 ) , p. 75
  2. Francis Hallé, Love trees: or how to happen again without moving , Paris, Salamandre, , 143 p. (ISBN  978-2-940584-30-7 ) , p. seventy three
  3. Norway maple: an invader to banish » , on lazy gardener
  4. Jean-Denis Godet, Trees and shrubs with four seasons , Lausanne, Delachaux and Niestlé,
  5. French forest flora . Tome 1, plains and hills , Institute for forest development, page 369
