Éric Bompard – Wikipedia


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Éric Bompard is a French company specializing in cashmere, and the creator of this company.

The company was founded in 1984 by Éric Bompard [ 2 ] , former computer framework that has been passionate about a fabric, cashmere.

Éric Bompard goes to Asia where he observes the brushing of goats, combing, spinning and cleaning of fibers. He has the idea of ​​making the sweaters made in one of the livestock farming regions, on the borders of Mongolia-Interior, Chinese autonomous region, to allow products to benefit from low production costs on site, and goes to meet From Wang Linxiang, a Chinese entrepreneur boss of a lost factory in the Gobi desert, the company Erdos, world leader with 14,000 tonnes of cashmere produced per year, to build with him an unprecedented partnership at the time [ 3 ] .

A SARL is created in 1983, with 100,000 francs in pocket [ 4 ] . The problems of quota controlled by Brussels overcome, he opened the first shop in 1984, rue Montrosier, in Neuilly-sur-Seine, with three models, available in three sizes and three colors. He also signs an exclusivity contract with Erdos, then offered this supplier, in the late 1980s to become a shareholder of the Bompard house at 20%: a way of securing supplies in raw materials [ 5 ] . The company has an image linked to a material, cashmere, like Levi’s is with the canvas of Denim. The choice is to favor the quality of the fiber: “We choose the longest and finest wires which are also the sweetest” says the founder. He also chooses to develop an exclusive distribution network, except for the presence of sales areas in his name in Parisian department stores. A second shop is created on rue de Varenne in Paris, then others follow in France and abroad: in Germany, Belgium and then in Switzerland. In 2004, Éric Bompard signed a joint venture with his partner Erdos for the distribution of the brand in the Far East [ 3 ] . In 2007, a flagship was created on the avenue des Champs-Élysées. Very symbolically, society wants to enter the court of the big [ 6 ] .

SME develops with a turnover of 40 million euros in 2006 [ 7 ] , 80 million euros in 2012 [ 8 ] , 300 employees in France, and, since the creation of the company, a net profit before tax of 12% to 15% [ 8 ] . The Maison Bompard style office is in Paris, designing collections voluntarily addressing all generations [ 9 ] . The proximity to Erdos allows you to test new techniques and innovate, in the wires, in the ultra-fine, in the tin (making using cashmere threads of different diameters and spaced needles giving a flexible and airy effect) [ 5 ] or in the quality of printing on an ink thirsty fiber [ 9 ] . The brand uses a few famous muses including Carole Bouquet or Monica Bellucci [ ten ] .


In the 2010s, Éric Bompard gradually transmitted the reins to his daughter Lorraine de Gournay [ 8 ] , who will become the director general of the house Bompard.

In 2018, the seller of Kashmir announced that he will resell his business to Xavier Marie, the founder of Houses of the world , as well as Apax Partners, and Bpifrance [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] , [ 13 ] .

Barbara Werschine is appointed Managing Director in [ 14 ] , [ 15 ] .

Related balance sheets [ 16 ] .
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Turnover in millions of euros 63 65 sixty seven 68 63
Net income in millions of euros +3,4 +2,8 +4 +5,1 +3
Average annual workforce 221 233 239 234 248

From 2004 to 2015, the company was commandite of the French Trophy (also called Éric Bompard trophy ), International Competition for Figure Skating and Ice Dance [ 17 ] .

From 2011 to 2016, she was also one of the sponsors of the Solitaire du Figaro, sailing race called a time “The Solitaire du Figaro Éric Bompard Cachemire” [ 18 ] , then the solitary Bompard Le Figaro.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Articles or works classified by date of publication.

  • Rachel Pretti, «  Éric-Bompard trophy: when cashmere warming the ice », The team , ( read online ) .
  • Nicole Vulser, «  The boss of Bompard castigates the absence of “social and fiscal framework” in France », The world , ( read online ) .
  • Marie Adam-Affortit, ” Eric Bompard. His cashmeres make us goats », Paris Match , ( read online ) . | number = 252
  • Vicky Chahine, ” Sea stole », The world , ( read online ) .
  • Hélène Lepelletier, ” These SMEs that bet big on the Solitaire du Figaro », Undertake , , p. 74-78 ( read online ) .
  • Nicole Vulser, «  After having democratized, cashmere could become a luxury good », The world , ( read online ) .
  • Audrey Levy, «  Bompard’s fabric », Point , ( read online ) .
  • Sophie Péters, ” Bompard cashmers, objects of lust », The echoes , ( read online ) .
  • Drafting Le Point (2), ” Bompard on the fields », Point , ( read online ) .
  • Drafting Le Point (1), ” Éric Bompard. The good vein of the King of Kashmir », Point , ( read online ) .
  • Séverine Leboucher, ” Éric Bompard, a successful Franco-Chinese alliance », The Net Journal , ( read online ) .

Sources on the web [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

External link [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
