Ernesto Zedillo — Wikipédia


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Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León , born the In Mexico City, is a Mexican politician. Member of the PRI ( Institutional Revolutionary Party ), he was President of the Republic between 1994 and 2000 [ first ] .

His father was an electrician and Ernesto was the second child in a family of six children. He was still young when the Zedillo left to settle in Mexicali, a border town with the United States. Ernesto made the start of his schooling. He later returned to Mexico City to continue his studies and obtain a license in economics at the National Polytechnic Institute.

Political career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Before his election, he held the post of Minister of Planning and Budget, then Minister of Public Education in the Government of Carlos Salinas de Gortari. He was appointed as a campaign manager of Luis Donaldo Colosio, the official candidate of the PRI. After the assassination of the latter, Zedillo found himself as one of the few politicians who can legally present himself as a candidate [Ref. necessary] . Indeed, the Mexican law requires that the presidential candidates do not occupy an important position in the last months preceding the election [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .

Presidency of Mexico [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

To devise « Welfare for your family “(” Well-being for your family “) has aroused certain mockery from his opponents because of the devaluation of the Mexican peso [ 4 ] set up by Zedillo, and described as ” December error ». The devaluation, about 200% (the peso losing two-thirds of its value compared to the US dollar) plunged Mexico into a deep economic crisis, even if the responsibility for the crisis is rejected on the economic management of the Salinas Government as on that of Zedillo. Privatizations of the banking sector and mines after the 1995 crisis benefited a few businessmen close to the Privé [ 5 ] .


On the political level, the PAN succeeded for the first time in having governors elected in the regional elections. In 2000, Zedillo became the first leader of the PRA to have known his party’s defeat since 1929.

Business career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After withdrawing from political life, he took part in the board of directors of American companies like Procter & Gamble [ 6 ] , Alcoa [ 7 ] or Union Pacific [ 8 ] . In addition, he became director for the Center for Study on the Globalization of Yale University. Zedillo also participated in a few programs related to the financing of developing countries for the United Nations.

Price [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Decorations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Honors [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He received several doctorate Honorary :

  1. Ernesto Zedillo and the dark years of Chiapas », The , ( read online , consulted the )
  2. (in) Burton Kirkwood , History of Mexico. , Westport, CT, Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated, , first re ed. , 245 p. , few (ISBN  978-1-4039-6258-4 , read online ) , p. 107
  3. (in) Burton Kirkwood , History of Mexico. , Westport, CT, Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated, , first re ed. , 245 p. , few (ISBN  978-1-4039-6258-4 , read online ) , p. 100
  4. Mexico: President Ernesto Zedillo dismisses the Minister of Finance » , on The echoes , (consulted the )
  5. Jean-Louis Martin, Why is growth mediocre in Latin America? » , on Jean-Jaurès Foundation ,
  6. Weekiniz » , on (consulted the )
  7. (is) Forbes Staff , Ernesto Zedillo llega al consejo directivo de Alcoa» , on Forbes Mexico , (consulted the )
  8. (En-Eu) American Shipper Staff , EX-MEXICO PRESIDENT ZEDILLO NAMED TO UNION PACIFIC BOARD» , on FreightWaves , (consulted the )
  9. (in) List of Past Wilbur Cross Recipients » , on Yale University (consulted the ) .
  10. (in) Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Awards » , on Roosevelt Institute (consulted the ) .
  11. (it) Zedillo Ponce de Leon S.E. Ernesto decorated with great cordon » , on President of the Italian Republic (consulted the ) .
  12. (in) Honorary Degrees » , on Harvard University (consulted the ) .
  13. (in) A Hebrew University milestone: more women than men will obtain doctorates in the exact sciences » , on Hebrew University of Jerusalem (consulted the ) .

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
