Esther (technopole) — Wikipedia


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Ester Is both a French district and technopole located in the town of Limoges (Haute-Vienne), northeast of the city, near the municipal limit of the Palais-sur-Vienne, very close to the Beaubreuil district.

Acronym of Scientific and technological space for exchanges and research , the Technopolitan site consists of a central building (La “dome d’ester”) and a technological park.

The technological park extends over approximately 210 hectares, and the district encompasses in addition to the technopole as such, a tertiary area, public and university buildings and green and wooded spaces.

Situation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The site is located south of the Beaubreuil district, on the edge of the A20 motorway, near the Zenith of Limoges, bordered to the east by the Bois de Juillac which separates it from the town of Palais-sur-Vienne, in 4.5 km northeast of the city center.

Transports [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ester is served by the buses of the line 10 of the STCL bus network and by Outings 30 and 31 from the A20 motorway.


Launched in 1988, the Technopôle project revolves around four skills: ceramic, biotechnologies; electronics; optics and microwaves; mechatronics [ first ] . Inaugurated in 1993, the central building is the work of Yves Bayard and Jacques Charon, and labeled heritage of XX It is century [ 2 ] .

In 2005, technopôle benefited from the labeling of two of its competitiveness pole projects: Elopsys, specialized in the fields of networks and transmissions on wireless technologies, optical fiber and imaging instruments, and the European pole ceramics, specialized in industrial ceramics research [ first ] , called the alpha – route of lasers & hyperfrequency and the European ceramic pole. Given the development of these activities, the original skills of the technopôle are refounded and redefined in 2006: ceramics; surface materials and treatments; electronics, optics and telecommunications; health biotechnologies; water and environment; engineering [ first ] .

The site welcomes the National School of Engineers in Limoges, and since 2010 the National School of Industrial Ceramics (CEC – European Center for Ceramics), both components of the University of Limoges, which merged the 1st January 2017 to make the ENSIL-ENSCI engineering school.

Ester has an area of 210 ha with an area of ​​6,600 m 2 under the dome, including 4,120 m 2 offices and 1,410 m 2 workshops. In 2013, he hosted 113 companies, 1,933 jobs, 894 students and six research laboratories [ 3 ] . The 2019 figures give 187 social reasons including 133 companies for 2,784 jobs [ 4 ] .

Companies are distributed as follows according to the redefined skills of 2006 [ 5 ] :

  • engineering (41%);
  • telecommunications and electronics (18%);
  • ceramic materials and surface treatments (14%);
  • water and environment (11%);
  • Biotechnologies and health (5%);
  • others (11%).

The Technopôle also houses four technology transfer centers [ first ] :

  • CTTC (ceramic)
  • CITRA (Treatments and surface coverings)
  • Cisteme (electronics)
  • ODESSOL (eau)

Ester Technopole benefits from three public laboratories that are:

  • Xlim Systems – RF team antennas & signals
  • Icer (Ceramics Research Institute)
  • Pereine (water, soil and environment)

It is on the Technopôle website that the International Webdesign Festival (WIF) is organized each year [ 6 ] .

The Limousin rally and the Limoges Classic Grand Prix take place there now (for reasons of safety constraints linked to a town circuit added to noise pollution) while before they took place around the Champ of July.
