Etienne Antoine Joucla-Pelous-Wikipedia


Etienne Antoine Joucla it Joucla-Pelous , born in Marseille on , and died in Neuilly-sur-Seine the , is first a journalist. He enters the prefectural body as a sub-prefect, on the occasion of his purification of December 1877, at a time when the president, the marshal of Mac Mahon, folds before the Republicans and where they seize the executive power To consolidate the diet. He was appointed prefect by Pierre Waldeck-Rousseau in 1883, and exercised this function in seven successive departments. After having undergone attacks of an anti-Masonic movement, he became treasurer-payeur general in 1902 then regent of the Banque de France.


He was born in 1850 in Marseille, son of an unknown father and a modist, Rosalie Brunet [ 2 ] . His mother married in 1864 with Philippe Joucla, and the new spouses recognized him as a legitimate son [ 2 ] .

Barely 20 years old, he is present in the cabinet of the prefect of Bouches-du-Rhône the , the day of the proclamation of the Third Republic, and accompanies the first steps of this new regime in this region, with a somewhat vague function of attaché of the prefect’s office [ 3 ] . From 1871, he earned his life as a journalist [ 4 ] in Marseille and Avignon. He is notably editor -in -chief of the newspaper The Vaucluse Republican [ 5 ] .

He entered the prefectural body on the occasion of his purification of December 1877 operated by the Minister of the Interior Émile de Marcère. He becomes sub-prefect, successively, in Sisteron, Apt, Aix, Le Havre and Rochefort [ 3 ] .

In , he married Edith Mary Hart, a Canadian born in Montreal. They will have six children [ 6 ] .

He was appointed prefect by Pierre Waldeck-Rousseau in 1883 [ 7 ] . He exercises this function in seven successive departments [ 8 ] : the Hautes-Alpes on , the Pyrénées-Orientales the , the Ardennes the , Lot-et-Garonne the , the sum , the Loire the and Meurthe-et-Moselle the [ 9 ] .

On several occasions, he manifests interest in public health issues: in Le Havre, he had the imports of horses examined to detect possible cases of Trichinella spiralis [ ten ] , in the Hautes-Alpes he faced an epidemic of cholera in 1884 [ 4 ] , and in the sum he encourages the creation of one of the first departmental bacteriology laboratories [ 11 ] .


In the Somme always, he won the friendship of Jules Verne, met at an exhibition of works by Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, which therefore sent him his new novels [ twelfth ] . He also worked to anchor the rite of the military parade of the and written in a letter to mayors of the department dated : “[…] In the organization of public festivities, you will not forget, MM., That reason even of their republican character, a large part must be done to charity. It would therefore be very desirable that, in all the municipalities without exception, rescue and bread distributions were made the to the destitute. […] “This municipal charitable must make it possible to mark the importance of this republican celebration and to supplant other influences, on the ground of help for the most fragile households [ 13 ] .

A few years earlier, in 1892, in Lot-et-Garonne, his decision to suspend the mayor of the commune of Dégillac, who had refused to fulfill his functions for the revision of the electoral lists, had been the subject of criticism, and had made him suspect of wanting to weigh directly on the elections and to abuse his power [ 14 ] . Prefects have long been described as “election makers”. But at the end of the XIX It is A century, this political role was more discreet as republican institutions settled, under the pressure of public opinion. The oath for civil servants disappears and a certain political neutrality of the representative of the State is now advocated between the different parties [ 15 ] .

A few years later, he was under attacks by the Anti -Masonic Association of France via Sa Revue Freemasonry exposed [ 16 ] . In 1902, he became treasurer-payeur general of the Ardennes in Mézières, then treasurer-payeur general of the Seine-Inférieur and Regent of the Banque de France. He died in Neuilly-sur-Seine, at 59, in the exercise of these functions [ 8 ] .

Honorary distinctions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He was made knight of the Legion of Honor in 1883, officer of the Legion of Honor in 1892, then commander of the Legion of Honor in 1901, officer of public education in 1895, commander of the order of Saint -Stanislas of Russia, the Order of the Lion and the Sun, and the Order of Nichan Iftikhar [ 17 ] , [ 3 ] .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sources [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sources of XIX It is century classified by date of publication.

Sources of XX It is century classified by date of publication.

  • Can « The Bacteriological Departmental Laboratory of the Somme », Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Amiens , vol. 48, , p. 89 .
  • The Council of Tomorrow », The press , ( read online ) .
  • The Prefect Joucla-Pelous », Freemasonry exposed , vol. 22, , p. 51 .
  • Grief », Le Figaro , ( read online ) .
  • Who are you? Directory of contemporaries; Biographical notices , vol. 2, Librairie Ch. Delagrave, , p. 268 .
  • Pierre-Henry , History of prefects: 150 years of provincial administration 1800-1950 , New Latin editions, .
  • René Bargeton , The prefects of 11 ventôse year VIII at September 4, 1870 , National Archives (France), , p. 28 .
  • Pierre-François Pinaud , Treasurers-Payeurs General at XIX It is century: nominative and territorial directories , Editions of the scholar, .
  • René Bargeton , Biographical Dictionary of Prefects: September 1870-May 1982 , National Archives (France), , p. 28 .
  • Christiane Lamoussière and Patrick Laharie , The staff of the prefectural administration, 1881-1926 , National Archives (France), , p. 282 .
  • Renaud Quil « The Republican Festival in Picard countries in the time of the opportunistic republic. », History, economy and society , vol. 23 It is year, n O 4 “State and administrators of average rank in modern times”, , p. 587-598 ( read online ) .
  • Unpublished correspondence of Jules and Michel Verne with the publisher Louis -Jules Hetzel (1886 – 1914): period 1897 – 1914 , vol. 2, Slatkine editions, , p. 100 .
  • Christophe Charle , The elites of the Republic , vol. 2, Slatkine editions, , 616 p. (ISBN  2-213-65645-2 , read online ) , p. 347 .

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
