Étienne Martin (painter) – Wikipedia


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Etienne Philippe Martin , born in Marseille on , and dead in the same place the , is a French painter, composer and writer.

Étienne Martin, only son of the watercolorist Paul Martin, began a career as a pianist. He follows the courses of Millout, Darboville and Thurner. Victim of cramps, he devoted himself to the musical composition and became a member of the jury of the Marseille Conservatory. He then devoted himself mainly to painting. First of all, a pupil of his father, he initiated himself with oil painting with Antoine Vollon, leader of Provencal painting. All his life he follows the teachings of this master whom he claims to be and whose biography he wrote. He is also inspired by Alphonse Moutte, director of the School of Fine Arts in Marseille.

He participated in the Paris salons from 1876 until 1932, first exhibiting watercolors and then oil paintings. He obtained an honorable mention in 1885 and received a silver medal at the Universal Exhibition of 1889 [ first ] .

A tireless worker, he spends his time to many activities. THE He is elected member of the Marseille Academy. On the death of his father, he was appointed in 1905 curator of the Gassendi museum in Digne-les-Bains, a post he occupied until his death in 1945. He will also be chairman of the board of directors of this museum from 1906 to 1912. He devotes his fortune for the realization of this museum which, to pay tribute to him, will devote a room reconstituting his cabinet [ 2 ] . He was also president of the Association of Marseille artists from 1912 to 1916 and from 1920 to 1923. He wrote some works, in particular An artist’s reflection on science , where he exposes his obsession with progress and science. The presence of diligence in his works, as in The mail And Relay Exhibited at the Gassendi Museum, expresses its nostalgia to see testimonies from the past disappear.

Publications [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Étienne Martin, Anecdotes from a landscaper , Digne, Chapsoul, , 116 p. (OCLC  26178972 ) .
  • Étienne Martin, An artist’s reflection on science , Printing of semaphore, (OCLC  369335449 , read online ) .
  • Athens, national pinacotheque: Surrounded , oil on canvas, 73 × 115 cm [ 3 ] .
  • Digne-les-Bains, Gassendi Museum:
    • Relay , 1890;
    • The mail , 1900;
    • La Grande Fontaine in Digne , 1909;
    • Boulevard Gassendi , 1904;
    • The pre -of -Foire to Digne , 1908;
    • The pre -of , deposit of the Musée des Beaux-Arts d’Orléans.
  • Dijon, Museum of Fine Arts: Harvest in Provence [ 4 ] .
  • GAP, Departmental Museum Museum of Hautes-Alpes: Bléone landscape in Digne , oil on wood, 65 × 80.7 cm .
  • Marseille :
  • Pau, Museum of Fine Arts:
    • The meal of the Fair in Digne [ 9 ] ;
    • The Quai de la Fraternité in Marseille [ ten ] .
  • Rouen, Museum of Fine Arts: La Grande Fontaine in Digne [ 11 ] .
  • Toulon, art museum: Provencal stable , oil on canvas, 102 × 122 cm [ first ] .
  • Tourcoing, Muba Eugène Leroy: Marseille port , oil on wood, 30 × 40 cm [ twelfth ] .
  1. a et b Jean-Roar plea, Andréange, André border, Marte Gleet, Menoon therlongs Gine Seys et al. ( pref. François Trucy, Pierre Perruchio and Édouard Pommier), Painting in Provence in the collections of the XVIIth Toulon Museum at the beginning of the 20th century , Toulon, Toulon museum, , 360 p. , 32 × 23.5 cm (ISBN  2-905076-09-7 ) , p. 290
  2. Gassendi Museum website .
  3. (in) National Pinacotheque of Athens, Collections | Surroundings of Digne » , on www.nationalgallery.gr (consulted the ) .
  4. Harvest in Provence » , notice n O 00000077655, Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture .
  5. The harvest in Provence » , notice n O 000PE013850, Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture .
  6. Marseille » , notice n O 000PE013851, Base Joconde, French Ministry of Culture .
  7. Countryside » , notice n O 000PE024349, Base Joconde, French Ministry of Culture .
  8. Back to the procession in the cathedral of Digne » , notice n O 000PE024305, Base Joconde, French Ministry of Culture .
  9. The meal of the Fair in Digne » , notice n O 00980002181, Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture .
  10. The Quai de la Fraternité in Marseille » , notice n O 00980001847, Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture .
  11. La Grande Fontaine in Digne » , notice n O 00000056600, Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture .
  12. Marseille port .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Jean Chélini ( you. ), Félix Reynaud ( you. ) and Madeleine Villard ( you. ), Dictionary of Marseillais , Marseille, Marseille Academy – Edisud, , 368 p. , 24 × 17 cm (ISBN  2-7449-0254-3 , OCLC  52159149 , BNF  37715787 ) .
  • Jean-Roger Svers and Nadine Gomz-Passamar , The utopia of an eternal Provence: the work of the Martin , Fage Éditions, , 200 p. , 20 cm x 25  cm (ISBN  978-2-84975-047-6 , BNF  40004765 )
  • André Aladzen and Laurent NOET , Dictionary of painters and sculptors of Provence-Alpes-Côte d´Azur , Marseille, Jeanne Laffitte, ( first re ed. 1986), 473 p. (ISBN  978-2-86276-441-2 , OCLC  920790818 , BNF  40961988 ) , p. 306-307
  • (in) Étienne Martin (painter) » , extract from the instructions in the Bénézit dictionary Accès payant, on Oxford Art Online , (ISBN  9780199773787 )
  • André Alauzen of Genoa, The wonderful Provence of painters , Aubéron, Naef, 2001.

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