European Association for Theoretical Computer Science — Wikipédia


L’ European Association for Theoretical Computer Science , abbreviated EATCS , in French European association of theoretical computer science [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] is a European organization founded in 1972. Its objective is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and the results in the community of researchers in theoretical computer science. It also aims to stimulate cooperation between communities that make theoretical IT and those making “practical” IT.

Eatcs was founded in 1972 by Giorgio Ausiello, Jaco de Bakker, Maurice Nivat, Michael Paterson, Manfred Paul, Michel Sintzoff and Leo Verbeek [ 4 ] . In 1972, also the first edition of Icalp took place in Paris, organized by Iria (current Inria), under the leadership of Maurice Nivat, Louis Nolin and Marcel-Paul Schützenberger [ 4 ] . The bulletin appeared the first time in 1973.

The French chapter, the French Association of theoretical IT, was created in 1992. It was named the AFIF (French Association of Basic Computer Science) on January 19, 2004. [Ref. necessary]

The main events of the EATCS are as follows:

International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The EATCS organizes the international colloquium on Automata, Languages ​​and Programming (abridged in Icalp), the main European academic conference in theoretical computer computer. It takes place annually in variable places across Europe.

Theoretical Computer Science [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

EATCS oversees the publication of Theoretical Computer Science (abbreviated as TCS), a scientific review belonging to Elsevier whose publication began in 1975 and which covers the whole of theoretical computer science. Maurice Nivat is the founder and the chief editor for about twenty-five years and Grzegorz Rozenberg is the founding editor of section C: Theory of Natural Computing .

Theoretical computer monographs [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Series of theoretical computer books (57 volumes published), under the direction of Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa, and Wilfried Brauer. This collection, published under the auspices of EATCS by Springer, has published fundamental books in all areas of theoretical IT, including many texts that have become classics.

EATCS Young Researchers School [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since 2014, EATCS has organized a series of schools of young researchers, on theoretical computer subjects.

Year Theme Lien
2017 First School on Foundations of Programming and Software systems. Probabilistic programming Braga, Portugal
2015 Understanding Complexity and Concurrency through Topology of Data Camerino, Italie
2014 Automata, Logic, and Games Telč, Czech Republic

Bulletin [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The association also publishes a Bulletin of the Eatcs. It includes information on scientific manifestations, new advances, substantive articles and news from the various chapters of EATCS. Three numbers appear per year and it is free.

EATCS awards various prestigious prices. Some are common prices with other organizations, including ACM, or associated structures.

PRIX GOADE [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Gödel Prize is a distinction created in 1992 by the EATCS and the Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT) of the association for computing Machinery (ACM) to honor remarkable work of theoretical computer science. He is appointed in honor of the Kurt Gödel logician. The prize is awarded to the winners every other year at the Icalp Congress, and the other year at the Symposium on Theory of Computing) Congress.

Prix EATCS [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The EATCS Prize is awarded a researcher every year for his brilliant career in theoretical computer science.

Prix Presburger [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since 2010, the EATCS has awarded each year, during the Icalp conference, a presburger prize to a young researcher (rarely to several young researchers) for an exceptional contribution in theoretical IT, attested by an article or a series of published articles. The price is called Mojżesz Presburger who has carried out his innovative work on the decidability of the theory of addition (which is now called the Arithmetic of Presburger) in 1929, when he was still a student.

Prix ​​Dijkstra [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Dijkstra Prize or Prix Edsger W. Dijkstra in distributed algorithmic, formerly PODC price of the influential article, has been awarded each year, since 2000, to the authors of an article whose impact is particularly important for theory or practice of systems distributed for at least ten years. It is alternately awarded to the Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) of the ACM and the Symposium on Distributed Computing (Disc) of the EATCS.

Prix ​​IPEC NERODE [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since 2013, the EATCS has awarded each year, at the IPEC (International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation) conference, a Price price IPERODE to one or more researchers for an exceptional quality article in the field of multivariate algorithmic. The prize is appointed in honor of Anil Nerode, in recognition of his major contributions in mathematical logic, theory of automata and theory of complexity.

Prix Alonzo Church [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

An annual price, called Alonzo Church Award for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation » , or “Alonzo Church price for exceptional contributions in logic and calculation” was created in 2015 by the ACM Special Interest Group for Logic and Computation (SIGLOG), EATCS, the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL) and Kurt Gödel (KGS). The prize rewards an exceptional contribution represented by an article or a small group of articles for the past 25 years. This period of time makes it possible to achieve the impact and depth of the contribution.

The price is awarded alternating to Logic in Computer Science (LICS), Computer Science Logic (CSL) and Icalp which are the main conferences of Siglog, Eacsl and Eatcs; It was allocated for the first time in 2016.

Fellows EATCS [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since 2014, Eatcs [ 7 ] award the title of fellow To a dozen people who have acquired a reputation for their scientific and organizational activities within the EATCS community. Fellows are:

  • 2018: Stefano Leonardi (La Sapienza, Rome), Jiří Adamek (Brunswick)
  • 2017: Josep Diaz (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya), Marta Kwiatkowska (Oxford), Aravind Srinivasan (University of Maryland, College Park), Moti Yung (in) (Snapchat)
  • 2016: Zoltán andik (Université de Szeged), David Harel (Institut Weizman, Israel), Guiseppe F. Italiano (Université de Rome Tor Vuga), Kurt Mehlhorn (Max-Planck Institut), Scott A. Smolka (Stony Brook).
  • 2015 : Artur Czumaj (Warwick), Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini (Thomas A. Henzingler (Autricchelle), Dexter Cozen, (Cornell), Moshe Y. Vardy.
  • 2014: Susanne Albers (Munich), Giorgio Ausiello (Rome), Wilfried Brauer (Munich), Herbert Edelsbrunner (Austria and United States), Mike Fellows (Australia), Yuri Gurevitch (Microsoft), Monika Henzinger (Vienne), Jean- Éric Pin (Paris), Paul Spirakis (Liverpool and Patras), Wolfgang Thomas (Aix-la-Chapelle).
