Evangelos Avéroff – Wikipedia


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EVANGELOS (in modern Greek: Evangelos Averof-Tositsa ), born April 17, 1910 [ first ] In Trikala (Thessaly) and died on January 2, 1990 in Athens, is a Greek politician and writer, lawyer and economist by profession, several times minister.

Man of culture and art lover, he was also a patriot engaged in resistance to the occupier during the Second World War, then an opponent of the dictatorship of colonels.

Interior of the Avéroff-Tositsas house in Metsovo.

The family of Evángelos Avéroff has its origins in Metsovo. Coming from an old Valaque aristocratic family, he is the son of a land owner, Anastase Avéroff, and the grand-nephew of the benefactor and the patron Georges Averoff.

Graduated in law, lawyer and doctor of economic sciences at the University of Lausanne, he was appointed prefect on the island of Corfu in 1940. He participated in the Italo-Greek War, within sabotage groups. In May 1941, he entered the resistance to the powers of the axis and founded in Larissa, under the name of Friendly company (In Greek: Friendly company ) An organization whose goal aims to fight against valid collaborators (or koutsovalaces) of the principality of Pinde and Voivodie de la Macedonine. This experience informs him of the public action of the “Roman Legion”, the carried out of the Italian forli division and the activity of opponents in this region, of which he gives an image rigorously in accordance with reality [ 2 ] in his novel Greek land (In Greek: The voice of the earth ), published in 1964. In 1942, he was arrested and transferred to a concentration camp in Italy, of which he escaped in 1943. He remains in Italy where he became the leader of a clandestine movement of resistance, having for name symbolic Freedom or death , and aimed at helping Greek prisoners escape. In 1944, he was mobilized with the rank of vice-placement of the vessel and served until the end of the war within the Greek military mission in Rome.


He was elected deputy of Ioannina for the first time in 1946, and will remain so until 1964. He subsequently occupied various ministerial posts, such as Minister of Equipment, Economy, Trade, Agriculture and , during the crucial period from 1956 to 1963, foreign affairs. From 1967 to 1973, his fight against the dictatorship of colonels earned him an arrest and imprisonment. In 1974, after the fall of colonels, he became Minister of National Defense in the government of Konstantínos Karamanlís, of which he was a close collaborator. In this sensitive post which he occupied until 1981, he succeeded in the difficult task of reorganizing and purging the armed forces. The same year, he was elected president of the Party of the New Democracy, of which he remains the honorary president from 1984. His name was however mixed with the death of Alexandros Panagoúlis, deputy of the Center Union, who is killed in an “accident” of the road caused by a communist activist [ 3 ] . Panagoúlis accused Averoff, contact between Karamanlís and La Junta, collaboration with the dictatorship [ 4 ] , as well as involvement in the coup in Cyprus, accusation which he wanted to demonstrate shortly before his death [ 5 ] .

It is on his initiative that the Baron-Michel-Tosítsa Foundation created, whose headquarters is located in the Kephissia district, in Athens, and which contributed to the construction of schools and a university residence for the benefit Epirus students. He was the first president appointed for life of this foundation. He greatly worked on the economic, social and cultural development of Metsovo where he had a home. Towards the end of his life, he created the Evángelos Foundation Avéroff-Tosítsa that he enriched by the donation of an important collection of paintings of painting, gathered in the Pinacotèque du Musée Angeroff, in Metsovo. He is the founder of the Katogi wine -growing exploitation of which Cabernet Sauvignon is renowned.

The eminent figure of the Greek political world for several decades, speaking French, Italian and English, Evángelos Avéroff has represented Greece in several international conferences. Author of a large number of works, novels, news, plays as well as historical or economic studies translated into several languages ​​and for some brilliantly awarded, it was decorated by the king Paul I is From the Grand-Croix Medal in the order of the Phoenix, and have received several foreign honorary distinctions.
He died in Athens the ; The government of Xenophón Zolótas proposes to grant him national funerals, but his family prefers to organize a simple and stripped ceremony. His funeral, two days later, take place in the presence of a crowd of political figures from all trends [ 6 ] .

  • Evangelos Averoff-Tossizza , Balkan customs union: theoretical and practical study accompanied by an annex , Paris, Sirey, (First prize of the Carnegie Institute at the International Competition of 3 It is Balkan conference of Bucharest)
  • Evangelos Averoff-Tossizza , The fire and the ax, Greece, 46-49: History of the post-war wars , Paris, de Breteuil, (Prix de la Langue-Française 1974 of the French Academy).
  • Evangelos Averoff ( trad. Yvonne Gauthier, pref. Maurice Druon), Greek land , Paris, Stock,
  • Evangelos Averoff , Land of suffering , Paris, Stock,
  • Evangelos Averoff ( trad. Alexandre Velios, pref. Maurice Druon), Véloce, Pigeon-Fleche , Paris, Stock,
  1. Averoff-Tossizza, Evangelos, 1910-1990 – LC Linked Data Service | Library of Congress » , on ID.LOC.GOV (consulted the )
  2. Averoff 1968, p. 3.
  3. Pattrice’s Patrice Neo-Nazism file , Ramsay, , 468 p. (ISBN  9782859560300 , read online )
  4. (in) Roger Silverman, Defiance : Greece and Europe , John Hunt Publishing, , 272 p. (ISBN  9781785353994 , read online ) , « Pressure » .
  5. Death of a witness », The new observer , ( read online )
  6. Greek national video archives: E. Aveuroff

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Constantine Bob , Henri Tonnet the Nanos Valaoritis , Greek writings: Guide to neo-Hellenic literature , Paris, Desmos, (ISBN  978-2911427039 )
  • (he) Tatiana Averof-Ioannou, Evangelos Averof-Tositsa Averof-Tositsa Foundation, Metsovo, 2000.
  • (he) Evanthis Chatzivasiliou, Evangelos Averoff Tositsa – Political Biography, ed. I. Sideris, Athènes, 2004.

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
