Exogenesis: Symphony — Wikipedia


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Exogenesis: Symphony is a song from the British group Muse. It is presented by the group as a symphony in three movements entitled Overture , Cross-Pollination And Redemption . Closing their album The Resistance , this is the first piece of the kind to be carried out by the group, which had been working on it for several years already, as well as their longest, for almost 13 minutes (the last was Citizen Erased , lasting seven minutes and 19 seconds). It is published as the last single of the album, April 19, 2010.

Long nicknamed ” The Symphonic Monster By the group, she almost was integrated into the album Black Holes and Revelations , Matthew Bellamy indicating in an interview of 2007 that “These few pieces of ideas put aside [at the time] were then too progressive for [this album] [Ref. necessary] . » The latter wanted to be the exclusive composer of this play, fearing that an arranger “La Fasse Siena” in the event of a collaboration. However, his inexperience in the matter imposes on him a work of tedious and long years long in several years [ first ] .

An interview with the magazine NME In November 2008 allowed the members of the group to express themselves on this song: “There is a new song in three parts, which is more of the symphony than song, on which I have been working sporadically for several years. As an important percentage of the composition is instrumental, I have always refused to collaborate with a string arranger, lest it appropriate. I thus help all the parts myself, which takes a long time. The final rendering should normally correspond to the last three tracks of the next album [ 2 ] . » In March 2009, he added details on the overall sound of the album, described as “Ready to turn on Classic FM” , “A total collaboration with a whole orchestra” having allowed “The birth of a symphonic album [ 3 ] . »

Exogenesis appeared on April 19, 2010 as a fifth extract (and 4 It is single) of the album The Resistance . Only 2,000 copies in vinyl format 7 “are distributed in the United States only. The , the group sets up at midnight a link for downloading a free single, a fourth part in the single Exogenesis entitled Salvation And accompanied by two other songs and an artwork. It was in fact a hoax for the famous occasion of the April Fool. In September 2012, the American author Charles Bolfrass filed a complaint with the Federal Court of Manhattan. He accuses Muse of having planned the concept, the theme and the history of his opera-rock after meeting in 2005. He asked the group $ 3.5 million in damages [ 4 ] .

The titles are revealed one by one via Group’s Twitter page [ 5 ] . His title could result in The symphony of exogenesis , a term which defends the alternative theory according to which earthly life could have come from space. Speaking about The Resistance , Matthew Bellamy detailed the inspiration and the meaning of Exogenesis : “The symphony Exogenesis is influenced by Rachmaninov, Richard Strauss, Chopin and Pink Floyd. I examine the notion of “panspermia” there [theory according to which life on earth is due to an extra-terrestrial fertilization], telling there the last moments of our planet. The whole world places all its hopes in a group of astronauts who leaves to explore space to spread the human species on another planet. The first part is a blashed acceptance of the term of human civilization. The second part is the desperate hope of the success of the spatial mission supposed to repopulate other regions, each knowing that she is the last hope of land salvation. Finally, the third part sees astronauts realize that humanity is taken in a huge cycle which can only change if it decides itself, otherwise the process will start indefinitely [Ref. necessary] . »


On Sunday , is put online on the internet, a short film by Guy Ritchie of more than 5 minutes featuring Jude Law and a woman in Paris, between chic apartments and the Place du Trocadéro. This film is a short scene of Appointment , Advertising for a Dior perfume. Music is the entire song Exogenesis Overture [ 6 ] , the first part of the symphony. A much shorter version of the video is intended for the promotion of perfume on television.

The third part of the symphony, Exogenesis Symphony: Redemption is the soundtrack of the promotion of Mark Romanek’s film, Never Let Me Go EN 2010. On [Who ?] hears Exogenesis Overture In the film’s advertisement The Prodigies , released in June 2011.

first. Exogenesis: Symphony (parts I-III) 12:51

According to the magazine NME , Exogenesis is one of the most striking songs on the album, the song being described as “More emphatic than anything Muse has ever done” [ 7 ] . The French blog Judebox recognizes “the fantasies of a star in admiration in front of eminent romantic composers (Chopin, Liszt …)” while “the voice expressly evokes that of Thom Yorke” [ 8 ] .
