Famille de Bizemont – Wikipedia


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The Bizemont family is a remaining family of the French nobility, originally from Picardy. It is classified in the nobility of extraction (evidence of 1536), although probably older (cited in XV It is century). She has been a member of the ANF since 1942.

The filiation followed by this extraction family begins to Jean de Bizemont, squire, lord of the Buisson, married in 1536, given as probably descendant of Mathieu de Bizemont, squire (called Le Maistre), who lived in 1471. The latter justified his nobility by producing a sentence rendered in his favor in 1459 in the provost of Montreuil and attesting that he and his brother Lancelot were of noble race and children of the Lord of Bizemont [ first ] . Bizemont’s family was maintained in its nobility in 1624 and 1634 [ 2 ] .

The Bizemont family owned the following lordships: Mandeville, Le Buisson, La Boissière, Chalambier, Le Tartre, Rochecourbeau, Gironville, Fromarville, Tignonville, Vignay, Girolles, Gaudevilliers [ 2 ]

  • Bizemont Louise , governess of Isabelle de France, sister of Saint Louis [ 3 ] .
  • Marie Charlotte Reine by Bizemont , Nicole Aimée Adélaïde de Bizemont And Jeanne Constance Louise De Bizemont , were ladies of Saint-Cyr (Royal House of Education of Noble Girls) around 1684.
  • Perfect plum , the last lord of Thignonville, knight, lord of Châlo Saint-Mars and Thignonville, Morville, Courcelles, etc., who died in 1771, was buried in the village church.
  • Nicolas-Balthazar-melchior, comte de Bizemont (1720-1796) , his son -in -law, knight, lord of Buisson, was colonel of infantry, following a tradition in use in the French aristocracy (source: State of the French nobility subsistence vol.17 p. 22-41 Michel Authier -Alain Galbrun.)
  • André-Victor, Titré Marquis de Bizemont (1728-1805), S gr de Gironville, camp marshal (03/01/1780), knight of Saint-Louis (05/03/1758).
    Memory accompanying a request, by André-Victor de Bizemont, dated 5 May 1786, concerning his son Louis-Gabriel:
    “To the Duke of Coigny First squire
    The Marquis de Bizemont of old race of chivalry of Picardy, who had the honor of climbing in the hugs of Roy, as well as the Count of Bizemont his brother, under the late Roy Louis XV, to follow him frequently in his hunts For more than ten years, and to supper often with His Majesty would like to provide this honor and advantage to the Viscount of Bizemont his son, to whom it essentially matters for his advancement.
    The Marquis de Bizemont has the honor of beging the Duke of Coigny, of being sure to obtain the approval of the Roy, the rather possible, his recognition for the Duke will be eternal.
    N.B. The Marquis de Bizemont was presented to the late Roy, by the Duke of Fleury in 1754 [ 4 ] . »

Portrait de Louis Gabriel, Marquis de Bizemont , beginning of XIX It is century
  • Louis-Gabriel, Titré Marquis de Bizemont (1756-1840), mayor of Gironville-sur-Essonne (1801-1837) General councilor of Seine et Oise (1810-1837), deputy (1815-1820, 1827-1830), peer of France (1831). Saint-Louis and the Legion of Honor (1828). Musketeer of the 2 It is Company in 1774. (Biography of remarkable men from the department of Seine-et-Oise 1832).
  • the Comment Arthur de Bizemont , in 1773, published a work on the noble families of Europe commanded by the King: Genealogical districts of the illustrious and noble families of Spain, Germany, Iralie, France, Burgundy, Loraine and the XVII provinces , New Edition Brussels 1773, 372 pages.
  • André Gaspard Parfait, Comte de Bizemont-Prunelé , squadron chief in the Maine regiment, deputy mayor of Orleans, squire of the king (1782).
  • Henry Charles Marie de Bizemont (1880-1961), French brigadier general from the Special Military School of Saint-Cyr, Chad Promotion (1901-1902), Commander of the Legion of Honor, Croix de Guerre 1939-1945.

The main alliances of the family of Bizemont are: from Neufville de Villeroy, Prunelet, Hallot, Theil de Noriou, Mausson de Candé, Sailly, Monspey, Benard de Sauveterre, d’Oyron, Le Bailly d’Inghuem , de Laumoy, de Brosse, de Martel, de Lorgeril (1798), de Gourcy, Louet de Terrouenne, du Houx de Viomesnil, Label de Lambel, Miscault, Cugnac-Dampierre, Lesmerie, d’Echoisy, de Blom, Drouin de Bouville, de la Boullay de Thévray, Emé de Marcieu, Le Coulteux, Guyot de Saint-Amand, Witte, Robien, Giroult des Brosses, Vion de Gaillon, Ruinart de Brimont, de Bruc, etc. [ first ] .


Prunele, the first name of Perfect, which she transmitted without interruption to her male descendants, in order of primogeniture, was given to her by Philippe-Auguste, who had qualified one of the members of this family as ” Invictus, Plus and perfect ». (The CTE of Bizemont by E.DAVOUST).

Bizemont, La Devise « Join Stemma Power (French Chartrier 1867).

  • Coating: Azure, with golden chevron, accompanied in chief of two silver croissants, and in the tip of a golden spur wheel ( The elder branch adds in abyss a district with the prunelet weapons which are: Gules to six silver rings, 3, 2, 1 ) [ first ] .
  • Supports: two lions
  • Crown: de Marquis
  • Devise: Jungat

Several titles of nobility (courtesy) are still brought to the Bizemont: Marquis, Comte and Viscount. It should be noted that the chief of the elder branch is known under the title of count, while the head of the younger branch is known under the title of Marquis.

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. A B and C Gustave Chaix d’Est-Ange, Dictionary of ancient or notable families at the end of the 19th century
  2. a et b Henri Jougla de Morenas, Grand Armorial de France, volume 2
  3. Louis Moreri, Great historical dictionary , M. de Saint-Allais (Nicolas Viton), Universal Nobiliary of France , François-Alexandre Aubert de la Chenaye-desbois, Dictionary of nobility T.II
  4. Internet Gallica, BNF, Manuscript Department, Clairambaut 935
