Family of the Baume de Suze – Wikipedia


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The La Baume de Suze family is a noble family from Dauphiné. Its proven parentage dates back to XV It is century and it goes out to XIX It is century.

Several members have occupied charges in the service of the King of France or the Church, including an archbishop, several bishops and the abbots commendatory.

Origins [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

According to some ancient authors, the parentage of this family could go back to the end of XI It is century. Thus Gustave de Rivoire de la Bâtie, author of the Dauphiné armorial (1867), quotes the work of Nicolas Chorier, author of a Genealogical history of the Sassenage house, branch of the ancient Counts of Lion and Forests (1669), who mentioned the marriage, around 1090, of Hugues de La Baume with Aalgardis de Sassenage, daughter of Hector, lord of Sassenage [ first ] . According to Chorier, the descendants of this Hugues de la Baume would be the Baume de Suze [ first ] .

Some ancient authors have sought to make this family a branch of La Baume-Montrevel, but the genealogist Samuel Guichenon, in his History of Bresse and Bugey (1650), demonstrates that there is no link between them [ 2 ] .

Gustave Chaix d’Est-Ange (1904), citing the work of Bernard Chérin (author of XVIII It is century), indicates that nothing is known about this family before Louis de La Baume, mentioned in 1424 [ 3 ] . According to François-Alexandre Aubert de la Chesnaye des Bois (author of XVIII It is century), also cited, the latter’s father would be the knight Louis de la Baume [ 3 ] . Louis de La Baume, mentioned in 1424, married in 1426 Antoinette de Saluces, who brings Suze dowry (Suze-la-Rousse and his castle, in Drôme), hence the surname de La Baume de Suze [ first ] , [ 3 ] .


XVI It is XVII It is centuries [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The great grandson of Louis, François († 1587) carries the title of Count of Suze [ first ] , [ 3 ] . He is governor and lieutenant general of Provence for the King of France, general of the church in count-veniaissin, state councilor, admiral of the sea of ​​the Levant [ first ] , [ 3 ] . Married to Françoise de Lévis-Ventadour, they have three sons [ 3 ] . The eldest, Rostaing, count of Suze and Rochefort, continues his father’s military career and becomes marshal of the King’s armies, as well as bailiff of the Dauphiné mountains [ first ] , [ 3 ] . He has several children from two marriages, including Louis François, who becomes bishop of Viviers [ first ] , [ 3 ] .

For almost two centuries, of XV It is century to XVII It is century, family members are at the head of the Mazan abbey, in Ardèche, the charge thus passing from father to son [ 4 ] . The first of the abbots commendatory dates back to the year 1497, with Charles de la Baume de Suze, who resigned in 1531 for the benefit of his son Rostaing [ 4 ] .

The latest members [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The family died with Aldonce-Marthe-Julie-Marie La Baume-Suze, Marquise des Isnards, in 1854 [ first ] , [ 3 ] . His son replaces the name of Suze for that of Isnard [ 3 ] .

Blason Coating:

Balm of Suze: gold, with three sandpses of sand; to the chief of azure, in charge of a lion making silver crowned with gold [ first ] , [ 5 ] .
Comments: Devise : Dulce et decorum est [ first ] , [ 5 ] War cry : Tears! [ first ] , [ 5 ]
  • Humbert de La Baume, member of the Delphinal Council, Commander of Saint-Paul-lès-Romans [ 6 ] ;
  • Louis II of La Baume, killed at the Battle of Verneuil [Ref. necessary] ;
  • Louis de La Baume, protonotary of the Holy See, provost of the Cathedral of Vaison and abbot of Mazan in Vivarais [Ref. necessary] ;
  • Charles I is De La Baeme De Szene, ABBENE [ 4 ] ;
  • Rostaing de la Baume de Suze, son of the previous abbot of Mazan (1531-1561) [ 4 ] , bishop of Orange (1543-1556) [ 7 ] ;
  • François de La Baume († 1587), count of Suze, governor of Provence and Comtat Venaissin [ 3 ] , knight of the order of the Holy Spirit (1581);
  • Antoine de la Baume de Suze, abbot commendatory of Mazan (1579-1608);
  • Louis de La Baume de Suze, abbot of Mazan (1662-1690) [Ref. necessary] , bishop of Viviers (1621-1690) [ 8 ] ;
  • Armand-Anne-Tristan de la Baume de Suze, bishop of Tarbes (1675), transferred to Saint-Omer (1677) then archbishop of Auch (1684);
  • Marthe de la Baume de Suze, abbess of Saint-Amand;

Non -exhaustive list of possessions held in proper name or in stronghold of the Baume de Suze family:

  • Gustave Chaix d’Est-Ange, Dictionary of old or notable French families at the end of XIX It is Siècle -iii. Bas-ber. , Évreux, impr. by C. Hérisey, ( read online ) , p. 99-101
  • Henri Jougla de Morenas, Grand Armorial de France (vol. 2) , Société du Grand Armorial de France, ( read online [PDF] ) , p. 18, “de la Baume de Suze” .
  • Gustave de Rivoire de la Bâtie, The Armorial of Dauphiné: containing the figurative coat of arms of all the noble & notable families of this province, accompanied by genealogical notices completing to the present day the nobiliaries of Chorier and Guy Allard , Lyon, impr. by L. Perrin, ( read online ) , p. 55, “Baume-Suze (la)” .
  1. A b c d e f g h i j and k Dauphiné armorial , 1867, p. 5 ( Online presentation ).
  2. Samuel Guichenon, History of Bresse and Bugey. Third part. Containing genealogies of noble families of Bresses and Bugey , Lyon, ( read online ) , p. 12-14 .
  3. A b c d e f g h i j and k Chaix d’Est-Ange, 1904, p. 100 ( Online presentation ).
  4. A B C and D Archeudunum, regional archeology service, Mazan-Professional » [PDF] , Final report of preventive archeology , on Archeodunum , (consulted in ) .
  5. A B and C Chaix d’Est-Ange, 1904, p. 99 ( Online presentation ).
  6. J. Brun-Durand, ” Small historical discussion about a Dauphinois name », Monthly Bulletin of the Delphine Academy , Grenoble, impr. Combine, n O 3rd series – Volume 3 1867, , p. 325 ( read online ) .
  7. (in) Bishop Rostaing of the Baume de Suze, O. Cist. † » , on (consulted in ) .
  8. (in) Bishop Louis-François de la Baume de Suze † » , on (consulted in ) .
