Far North region-Wikipedia


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The Far North region is one of the ten regions of Cameroon [ 2 ] And the most populous, located in the north of the country and border of Chad and Nigeria. Its capital is the city of Maroua, which today has more than 300,000 inhabitants.

The region is located in the north of the country between 10 ° and 13 ° north latitude and the 14 ° and 16 ° east longitude. It is bordering on six regions of Chad and two Nigeria states.

Departments [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The departments of the Northword region.

The region made up of six departments [ 3 ] covers an area of ​​34,246 km 2 and houses more than 2,721,500 inhabitants [ 4 ] .


Boroughs [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The region has 47 districts [ 3 ] .

Municipalities [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The region includes 1 urban community, 3 borough municipalities and 44 municipalities [ 3 ] .

Traditional chiefdoms [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Far North region has 18 traditional chiefdoms of first is degree, 160 chiefdoms of 2 It is degree and 1,821 chiefdoms of 3 It is degree [ 5 ] .

Relief [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The region includes the Mandara mountains to the west, the flood plains of the Logone to the East (Yaéré), the peneplaine of Mayo Kebbi in the south and Lake Chad to the north, the region of the Far North belongs in Its vast majority in the endoric basin of Lake Chad. Only the Chari and its tributary the logone are permanent. Going forward in a closer and closer to the north between the borders of Chad and Nigeria its limits form largely natural, River Logone, River Chari, fallout from the Mandara mountains on Nigeria, but not human.

Climate [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Cameroon Far North Climate is a Sudano-Sahelian-type climate characterized by a dry season that lasts seven months and a rainy season that lasts 5 months. Cold from November to February, succeed more and more strong hot months until the rainy arrival. The climate is largely Sahelian with high temperatures and rainfall between 900 and 350 mm decreasing according to the latitude from south to north. The heights (up to 1,400 meters) of the Mandara mountains are cooler and significantly rainy. The months of July and August alone combine 2/3 of the total annual rainfall of the region [ 6 ] .

It is the summer of the northern hemisphere but because of the relative decline, the temperatures and the intensity of the rains in July and August, this rainy season is often qualified as wintering. The rivers then overflowing making traffic difficult outside the main roads.

Savanes, more or less wooded depending on the latitude, cover the region while the flood plains are the domain of the meadow. These are the interannual irregularities that characterize the climate and punctuate the work of men, mainly farmers, farmers-elevators and some PEUL Bororo nomads by Lake Chad [ 7 ] .

Populations of the Far North region

Its population (and therefore its density) experienced a very strong evolution, going from 2,721,500 inhabitants in 2001 to 3,111,792 during the 2005 census. Its density increased from 40.7 to 90.8 inhabitants per km 2 Between the 1974 and 2005 census [ 8 ] . The growth of cities is exponential.

Dans un temps brumeux et un paysage mouvementé quelques ânes paissent.

The Kapsiki mountains in the Far North region. June 2017.

La Route Kousseri – Maroua

This population is very unevenly distributed among the overcrowded mountainous regions with densities exceeding 300 inhabitants per km 2 In the Mandara mountains and the Yaérés, a vast flood plain of the Logone, where the densities are less than 10 inhabitants per km 2 , which allowed the old establishment of the vast national park of Waza and, away from the floods, that smaller on the Kalamaloué. Many ethnicities occupy well identified spaces, whether in the mountains and platforms of Mandara (Mafa (people), Mofu (people), Podoko, Kapsiki (people), Mouktélé (people), Vamous (people), Brémé …) or In the plains (Kotoko (people), Toupouri (people), Massa, Moundang (people), Guisseye, Moussey (people) …). Formerly Islamized ethnicities, Fulani (in English: Fulas or Fulani; in Peul: Fulɓe) at the Center and Arabs Choua (to the north) devote themselves more to breeding, sedentary for some, transhuming for others. Fulani Bororo nomads frequent the banks of Lake Chad. Other human groups, such as Hausas and Bornanans, are more urban.
Agriculture and livestock occupy 90% of the population. Supervised by Sodecoton, cotton cultivation is the great commercial culture of export for fiber or for local consumption of oil for seed. Food crops are intended for self -consumption or feeding cities, rapidly growing. The rice culture has grown widely with the different rice perimeters created by the Semry. Fishing, developed along the Logone, Chari and in Lake Chad, took advantage of the creation of Maga restraint [ 7 ] .

Traditional dances [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Gouverneur Midjiyawa Bakari » , on Cameroon-Tribune.cm
  2. Since a presidential decree of 2008, the former name “province” has been replaced by that of “region”.
  3. A B and C Cameroon Statistical Directory. Collection of series of statistical information on economic, social, political and cultural activities of the country until 2013 , 2013 edition, p. 37
  4. CVUC site (municipalities and United Cities in Cameroon: Far North Region » , on CVUC.CM
  5. Ministry of Territorial Administration, National nomenclature of traditional chiefdoms , November 2015
  6. M.Molinier, D. Sighomnou and Sigha Nkamdjou, ” Disturbance of the natural environment in the Yaéré in North Cameroon: climate change or anthropogenic action. », Cameroon geography review , vol. XIV “Society and Environment of Cameroon”, n you 2, 2000, , p. 158
  7. a et b Beauvilain, 1989, vol I.
  8. Central office of Cameroon’s census censuses and studies Fixed results presentation report » , on www.statistics –cameroon.org , (consulted the ) , p. 10.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Alain Beauvilain , North Cameroon, Crises and settlement » , Coutances, Alain Beauvilain, 1989, 625 p. (ISBN  2-903039-07-0 ) .
  • Christian Seignobos and Olivier Iyébi-Mandjek, Atlas of the Far North Cameroon province , Paris, IRD Éditions, , 171 p. (ISBN  9782709922920 , read online ) .

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