Fear 3 — Wikipedia


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FEAR 3 , graph F.3.A.R. , is a video game in the American first person, developed by Day 1 studios and released in 2011 on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 [ first ] .

Initially scheduled for October 2010, this third component of the license FEAR , After FEAR (2005) and FEAR 2: Project Origin (2009), finally benefited from a world release on June 24, 2011.

The game benefited from the help of John Carpenter for the realization of the cutscenes and Steve Niles for writing the script [ 2 ] .

Nine months after the events of the first two games, Point Man is captured by the staff of Armacham Security and interviewed in an asylum. Paxton Fettel interrupts interrogation and releases Point Man. The two form a precarious alliance and escape asylum through the slums.

Requisitioning a helicopter, Point Man and Fettel return to Fairport to join the FEAR operations manager Jin Sun-Kwon. Upon their return, the civilian population that survived has either been made crazy by the paranormal activity of the premises, or was executed by the staff of Armacham. After having struggled all the way, the brothers successfully find Jin. The latter broadcasts a recorded video sequence from Michael Becket, who reveals her rape by Alma and the imminent birth of her child.


Using automatic transport, Point Man and Fettel storm the local airport to intercept Becket, killing the latest Armacham staff. In order to obtain more Becket elements, Fettel enters his mind and reveals the past of Becket to point Man, while Becket discovers the identity of Point Man. The release of Becket by Fettel is then fatal, causing his explosion.

The quest for Point Man and Fettel then leads them to an old training center used years earlier by Harlan Wade to study and develop prototypes. They begin by destroying the elements associated with childhood memories to impose damage to the appearance of a persistent echo of Harlan Wade, known as the name of The Creeper . Shortly after the destruction of Wade’s monstrous appearance, two ends are possible, depending on multiple factors:

  • In a single player mode, a good and a bad end conclude the game, depending on whether the player embodies Point Man or Fettel. If the game is played in cooperation mode, the player with the highest score determines the end. The good end will show one of the two characters surpass the other in power and survive their final struggle.
  • The end point man sees him shoot three times in Paxton Fettel’s head and attend his spontaneous combustion. Then, when he heads for Alma, ready to finish the work, he notices that his baby was successfully born. The body of Alma then disappears, when point Man receives a transmission of Jin informing him that everything is finally finished. With the baby on his left arm, he leaves the room.
  • The fin Paxton Fettel sees Paxton getting into possession of the point of point man and somehow extract the baby from the swollen body of Alma. He promises to raise the child as if he were his, but he puts aside when he notices Alma. Fettel then throws herself on her mother, kills her violently and then devours her.

This third opus in the series involves many characters.

  • Point Man is the character embodied by the player in the first opus. Held in a secure complex, he manages to escape from it thanks to the help of his brother Fettel and, together, they launched in pursuit of Alma. Point Man is a specialist in combat with firearm and melee.
  • Paxton Fettel is Point Man’s brother. Like him, he suffered in his childhood experiences intended to make him a commander in the new generation war, psychic war. At the end of the first fear, Point man shot him in the head and Fettel is only a spirit, but he has formidable psychic powers.
  • Jin Sun-kwon is a technical manager of the Fear unit and also officiates as a medical support in the group. She does not seem to have training in the handling of weapons, but she turns out to be precious to guide Point Man in her quest.
  • Harlan Wade , even if he is not physically present in the game, appears in the many flash-back which assail the man. This scientist worked for Armacham Technology Corporation for decades. He was in charge of the Origin project and who decided on his judgment.
  • THE Armacham troops are made up of mercenaries and replica. The mercenaries are the light troops, armed with machine guns, while the heavier units armed with assault rifles, shotguns, elite shooters and rocket launchers.
  • THE Phase commanders are the elite of Armacham troops. They are equipped with advanced armor and a target detection system. Even if their role is above all to guide and coordinate the troops launched in pursuit of point Man, it sometimes happens that they engage the fight themselves and then prove to be very dangerous. They have the capacity to pass through the walls to surprise the opponent and are armed with blinding grenades and a dart rifle. Phase commanders are particularly aggressive in combat and often prevent their troops from falling back, even when the situation is desperate, not hesitating to maintain discipline by threat. In addition to their advanced equipment, the phase commanders may have undergone genetic changes to improve their capacities [ 3 ] .

F.3.A.R. is a shot in subjective view.

In this episode of the series, the player can embody Point Man or Fettel. By playing Point Man, the player can use a wide variety of firearms, hand -to -hand attacks and use his ability to slow down time to take over over more enemies. It is also possible to take cover behind different obstacles and shoot while staying safe. However, some protections may end up being destroyed by enemies.

Paxton Fettel is devoid of firearms, but has psychic powers allowing him to attack his enemies at a distance, but also to take control of their bodies. In this case, the player can attack enemies in a “classic” way, but only for a limited time.

During his missions, the player has the possibility of fulfilling challenges (shoot down a certain number of enemies in a idle, eliminate melee, succeed shots in the head, etc.) which make him win points and go up level. Each level rise unlocks new capacities, such as a larger life bar, longer idle times, etc.
