Félix Chautytmps — Wikipedia


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Marie Félix Chautemps is a French politician born the In Paris and died on of silver lol (skin-rhin) [ 3 ] , fell to the field of honor during the battle of the Hartmannswillerkopf.

The eldest son of Doctor Émile Chautemps and Blanche Chevalier, Félix Chautemps is born the rue Béranger in the 3 It is district of Paris [ first ] . He comes from a family of Republicans and Freemasons. His father, Émile Chautemps, was Minister of the Colonies in 1895 and one of his four brothers, Camille Chautemps, will be president of the Council. Félix Chautemps is a lawyer in Paris and is also initiated into Freemasonry [ 4 ] .

MP for Savoy from 1906 to 1914, registered in the radical group, he was secretary of the Chamber from 1910 to 1912 [ 5 ] .

Leaving on the front as a sergeant of Alpine hunters, he is promoted to lieutenant after participating in the battles of the Marne and the Yser. While his brothers Maurice and Pierre have already been killed [ 6 ] , the other seriously injured in 1914, he fell the As he trained his hunters to attack a German position at the Hartmannswillerkopf [ 7 ] . Despite their political enmity, Maurice Barrès “Salt these beautiful fighters” [ 8 ] .

His funeral takes place in Valleiry, native commune of his father, the [ 5 ] , [ 9 ] .

  • Knight of the Legion of Honour [ 2 ] .
  • A buste [ ten ] , intended to perpetuate his memory, is inaugurated on Sunday In Albertville, under the chairmanship of Paul Painlevé [ 11 ] , in the presence of a “Considerable crowd” [ twelfth ] . The Minister of Outgoing War famous “The image of the wrestler and the hero that was Félix Chautemps” , after many speeches, including that of Antoine Borrel, recalled his “Civic and military virtues” [ twelfth ] .
  • His name, with that of his brother Maurice, is registered on the war memorial of Fontaine-la-Guyon [ 13 ] , native commune of their Mother Blanche Chevalier.
  • Albertville and Ugine have a Félix-Chautemps street.
  • “Félix Chautemps”, in the Dictionary of French parliamentarians (1889-1940) , under the direction of Jean Jolly, PUF, 1960 [Edition detail]
  • André Gaucher, A large parliamentary family: the Chautemps , Paris, a new company in Parisian editions, , 335 p. ( read online ) . The broadcast of this book ” profusely ” In Savoie is cited by Félix Chautemps as one of the constituent elements of the defamation campaign he was the victim, and which he said led to his failure in the April-May 1914 election. Following his official protest THE 8 It is office of the chamber adopts, without commission of inquiry [ 14 ] , the proposal to cancel the election of its competitor “Due to duly established pressure and corruption” [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] But the discussion of this proposal, the war having exploded, is “Adjourned at the end of hostilities” [ 17 ] . MM. Gaucher and Chautemps had already had a knit from 1913: A. Gaucher, considering itself offensive by an article published by Félix Chautemps in a newspaper «Savois» , had sent him his witnesses [ 18 ] .
  1. a et b ACTE n O 1512 of , birth register of 3 It is district of Paris.
  2. a et b Cote LH/509/3 » , Base Léonore, French Ministry of Culture
  3. Marie Félix Chautemps » , on Memory of men (consulted the )
  4. Jean-André Faucher , History of the Grand Lodge of France, 1738-1980 , Albatros editions, , 323 p. , p. 160 .
  5. a et b “Félix Chautemps”, in the Dictionary of French parliamentarians (1889-1940) , under the direction of Jean Jolly, PUF, 1960 [Edition detail] [ Text on Sycomore ]
  6. Louis Maurice Chautemps » , on Memory of men (consulted the )
  7. When the little Comtois prides himself on the dead of the Chautemps family » , on Aetdesancon (consulted the )
  8. Maurice Barrès, The French soul and war , t.  III : The War Cross , ( Online presentation ) , p. 299
  9. Le Monde & the City: Deuils », Le Figaro , , p. 2 ( read online )
  10. Bust Félix Chautemps in Albertville » , on Paoramio (consulted the )
  11. A monument to F. Chautemps », Le Petit Parisien , , p. first ( read online )
  12. a et b The inauguration of the Félix Chautemps monument », The weather , , p. 3 ( read online )
  13. Dead monument: Fontaine-la-Guyon » , on Because-goouët (consulted the )
  14. Special dispatches of the room: the disputed elections », The weather , , p. 8 ( read online )
  15. Election report …: Department of Savoy, district of Albertville », Official Journal of the French Republic – Parliamentary debates , , p. 2737-2739 ( read online )
  16. L.L., ” Political backstage: Inquiry commissions », Gallic , , p. 2 ( read online )
  17. An outstanding election », The morning , , p. 3
  18. Jean de Paris, ” Information: The André Gaucher-Félix Chautemps affair », Le Figaro , , p. 5 ( read online )

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