Felix is ​​a long time – Wikipedia


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Felix has been a long time is a Toulouse publisher, naturalist and speleologist, born in Toulouse and dead the [ first ] In Toulouse. His discoveries concerning prehistory made him famous. However, his lack of scientific training did not allow him to in -depth deal with the multiple subjects in which he became interested.


Passionate archaeologist, he travels through the Pyrenean caves: Enlue, Le Mas-d’Azil, Lombrives, Massat, Aubert. He published his discoveries in the bulletins of the Natural History Society of Toulouse and the Société d’Anthropologie de Paris. Founding member of the Geographic Society of Toulouse, he is initiated by Eugène Truutat in photography. It brings improvements to this new technique, in particular concerning artificial lighting in speleological photography.

In 1878, he established a plan and two cuts of the Gargas cave (Hautes-Pyrénées) [ 3 ] .

In 1881, he published the summary of his work on one of the caves of the Ker de Massat (Ariège) [ 4 ] . It is the first to highlight the typological resemblance of prehistoric tools as an element of definition of an archaeological culture. He is also the first to compare these tools to other ethnographic objects to discover the function.

In 1883, he published his work on the fauna of the Gargas cave [ 5 ] .

From 1884 to 1887, he excavated the Gargas cave where he discovered the “forgetfulness”, natural chimneys filled with bones from the beginning of the Quaternary. On the advice of Louis Lartet, he started collaboration with Albert Gaudry from the National Museum of Natural History in Paris [ 6 ] . He enriches the national museum with three complete skeletons of bears of caves, cave hyena and wolf [ 7 ] .

In 1895 in Gargas, he built a tunnel to continue his excavations. In the upper cave, he discovered human burials and new Paleolithic households [ 8 ] .

In 1897, he discovered the animal figures of the Marsoulas cave in Haute-Garonne.

In 1906, he discovered the negative hands of Gargas where he returned recurrently for 30 years [ 9 ] .

  1. Félix Regnault (1847-1908) – Author – Resources of the National Library of France » , on Data.BNF.FR (consulted the ) .
  2. The Museum of Toulouse and the invention of prehistoric times , 2010 (ISBN  978-2-906702-18-9 )
  3. [Régnault 1878] Felix has long been, « The Gargas Grotte », Bulletin of the National Historical Society of Toulouse , t. 12, .
  4. [Régnault 1881] Felix has long been, The Massat cave at the reindeer era ( Bulletin of the Geological Society of France , 2 It is series, t. XXIV, session of April 15, 1867), Toulouse, ed. Durand, Fillous and Lagarde, , 23 p. .
  5. [Régnault 1884] Felix has long been, « Gargas cave. Origins of caves, study of fossiliferous deposits », Bulletin of the National Historical Society of Toulouse , t. 17, , p. 237-258 .
  6. [Gaudry 1885] Albert Gaudry, ” Note on the hyenas of the Gargas cave discovered by Mr. Félix Régnault », Weekly reports of the sessions of the Academy of Sciences, session of February 9, 1885 , t. 100, , p. 325-328 .
  7. [Régnault 1885] Felix has long been, « A lair of hyenas in the gargas cave », Bulletin of the National Historical Society of Toulouse , t. 19, , p. 30-35 .
  8. [Régnault 1895] Felix has long been, « Burial in the upper cave of gargas », French association for the Advancement of Science , Bordeaux, t. 2, .
  9. [Régnault 1906] Felix has long been, « Human hands footprints in the Gargas cave (Hautes-Pyrénées) », Bulletin of the Paris Anthropology Society , t. 7, 5 It is series, , p. 331-332 ( read online [on persee ]) .

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