Festyland — Wikipedia


Festyland is an amusement park located in France, in Bretteville-sur-Odon (near Caen), in the Calvados department and in the Normandy region.


Inaugurated in 1989 and comprising around thirty attractions, it becomes the largest Normandy amusement park as well as the fifth tourist destination in the region since 2008. It has experienced increasing attendance since its opening and has been welcoming between 180,000 and 220,000 Visitors per year, ranking in 2019 in the top 15 of French leisure parks.

The park is recognized to enhance the Norman culture, by offering attractions and decorations on themes related to its history: the Middle Ages and Guillaume le Conquérant, the Vikings, the Norman corsairs and the 1900s.

The idea of ​​a small local and family park [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

On an idea of ​​Daniel Lair, caravan merchant, Hervé Lebel, specialist in direct marketing, as well as their respective wives [ first ] , the park was built during the year 1988 in the six hectares of an old car breakage, in the Caen agglomeration [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] . The project of these two couples of friends requires an investment of several million francs and benefits from an annual budget of approximately one million francs for communication, the salary of the first eight employees of the park, maintenance and purchase new attractions [ first ] . Just before the arrival of the first visitors, a mascot is installed at the entrance to the park. It is a reproduction of a stegosaur, which the creators decide to nickname “Festy” [ first ] .

Festyland opens its doors [ 4 ] , by offering visitors a train circuit on rail, wooden skill games, a trampoline, a giant swing and a circus show every afternoon [ 3 ] , [ first ] . The theme of the park is then intended to be centered on chivalry and Guillaume le Conquérant and attracted, during its first year of opening, 34,000 visitors [ 2 ] , [ 5 ] .

The cow dominates parking between 1993 to 2013.

In 1993, Daniel Lair and Hervé Lebel recovered from the old disassembled park of Zygofolis (Nice) a giant cow statue (“the cow of Dollar beef »), Made up of steel, polystyrene and fiberglass, which they have installed in the parking lot of the park [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] . The cow, sitting on a chair and 7.5 meters high, is visible by users of the Caen peripheral boulevard and quickly becomes the emblem of Festyland [ 6 ] .

In 1995, park management was entrusted to Jean Lauret [ 8 ] . Festyland then includes twenty-eight play areas with in particular a labyrinth, a giant slide, a bowling pool, an inflatable castle, a “pit and gauge” (mixing between the billiards and the mini-golf), a monorail circuit, A bicycle museum, an adventure course on four floors ( The great adventure , Futur Pirates landmark ) and a giant rope bridge over a pond [ first ] , [ 8 ] . The park also incorporates a space called “festy-ville” [ 8 ] .

Drakkar Express : Festyland affirms its Norman identity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1997 the first mechanical attraction was built, the Drakkar Express , and its Viking theme comes to assert the Norman identity of the park [ 5 ] . The same year, Festyland welcomed 75,000 visitors [ 3 ] and thus doubles its attendance in eight years [ 5 ] .

Alexandre Lair, the son of the co -founder Daniel Lair, is first of all ” intern ” in the park (especially in 2000 [ 9 ] ). He became the manager before 2004 [ ten ] .

From 1998 to 2008, several attractions were built with the theme of the history of Normandy, notably the Russian mountain circuit 1066 – Spirit of Conqueror and the vintage car circuit TACOTS , symbolizing the national road 13 which links Paris, Caen and Cherbourg [ 3 ] . A repair of the aisles and fences of the park takes place in 2004 and new decorations are introduced [ 11 ] . The same year, a new attraction ( The dome ) is presented to the public: it is a 180 ° cinema [ 11 ] , [ ten ] . The park crossed the 150,000 visitors’ course in 2005, then that of the 179,000 visitors in 2008 [ 3 ] . He thus ranks fifth tourism destination in Normandy [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 5 ] .

Investments and attendance records [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Tour d’Esnambuc is inaugurated for the 20th anniversary of the park.

Alexandre Lair provides that a new attraction is offered every year [ 5 ] . Thus, between 2009 and 2011, three thrill attractions (the Tour d’Esnambuc , The big tournament and the Erétic ) are added to attract adolescent audiences [ 3 ] . The Tour d’Esnambuc , which owes its name to the Normand Flibustier Pierre Belain d’Esnambuc [ 5 ] , represents an investment of 300,000 € € [ twelfth ] And the park promotes its inauguration during its twenty years [ 5 ] . In parallel, several events are offered on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, with stung shows, fire spitters, musicians and actors, around the themes of the Middle Ages, piracy or the Heroic fantasy [ 5 ] . The big tournament , an equestrian theme disk’o, is built in 2010 in the area where chivalry shows took place previously [ 13 ] . It requires 600,000 € € investment and two months of work [ 13 ] .

In 2012, the park included around thirty attractions (90% of which are family [ 5 ] ). To budget the 300 000 € € additional is used to build a fortified village of 1,500 m 2 On the Viking theme, named Vikland [ 14 ] . This is intended for the smallest (up to 8 years) and includes a ball pool, a toboggan castle and a cup merry-go-in ride [ 14 ] . The work of this new section then requires twelve weeks of site [ 14 ] .

Humorous plate dedicated to the old cow.

In 2013, a sound space around the Cordes bridge, and dedicated to the prehistoric universe, with the establishment of new dinosaurs [ 3 ] , [ 15 ] . In parallel, the emblematic cow located in the parking lot of the park has been deteriorated and weakened over the years. It was dismantled in 2013 with a view to being destroyed and recycled, which initially saddens a large number of Caennais and users of the device [ 6 ] , [ 16 ] , [ 17 ] . It is replaced by a carved concrete totem more than 8 meters high, dominated by a new version of the “Festy” mascot, the little dinosaur wearing a Viking helmet [ 6 ] , [ 18 ] . At the foot of the new totem, the team added, as a wink, a commemorative plaque dedicated to the cow [ 17 ] .

The Place 1900 is refurbished in 2014.

A Place 1900 is furnished in 2014 [ 3 ] . Located at the entrance to the park, the latter is inspired by the villages of villages of the Belle Époque to redraw the windows of its different shops [ 3 ] .

The park invests 1.8 million euros in the construction of Cascade , in 2015 [ 19 ] . This descent into buoys on a 130 -meter route occupies a space of 1,200 m 2 , previously occupied by the old Dome (relief cinema) [ 3 ] , [ 20 ] , [ 21 ] . The redevelopment of this space requires eight months of work [ 20 ] . The director thus hopes, thanks to this new structure, exceed 200,000 annual visitors [ 20 ] , and also achieves this objective by welcoming 225,000 visitors to the season [ 19 ] .

The Niørty in the village Vikland .

For the 20th anniversary of Drakkar Express , first Viking attraction in Festyland, the park inaugurates Violet In 2017: an air race 8 meters high and 20 meters in diameter [ 22 ] , which is inspired by the Mjöllnir, the hammer of Thor [ 3 ] . In 2018, two new features are built in an expansion of the village for children of Vikland : a Rockin ‘tug called Niørty , and a small train, the Troll Roll [ 3 ] .

30 years old, on the eve of the pandemic [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2019, the park celebrates its 30th anniversary. For this occasion, the musical atmosphere changes, a refreshment of the sets on the attractions is made [ 23 ] , and two new attractions – the Jules Carrousel On two floors, inspired by the stories of Jules Verne [ 3 ] , and the Tacotines , a mini formula 1 course-is added to the park shortly before its temporary closure due to the Cavid-19 pandemic.

On October 16, 2019, while the park was closed to the public, a fireless fire declared itself at the end of the afternoon in a reserve of confectionery and gadgets adjoining the administrative premises [ 24 ] . The staff were able to quickly evacuate the premises and no attraction was affected [ 24 ] .

The Dinos Valley In 2022.

The 2020 and 2021 seasons are both reduced by two and a half months due to the pandemic [ 25 ] . According to the director of Festyland, the park “Is not in danger but the economic picture is not delightful” [ 25 ] .

The 2022 season can start normally, with an opening to the public in April. The park redeveloping the prehistoric sector of 1,500 m 2 Located near the attraction Cascade , and adds new dinosaurs to it [ 26 ] . This walk around the rope bridge, renowned The Dinos Valley , offers a new staging with sound effects (birds and rumbles of dinosaurs) and a large cloud of water vapor emanating from the pond.

Located between the A84 and the N13, in the Caen agglomeration, its access is by the D9, between Carpiquet and Caen, then by the Fresnot chemin. The park is also accessible by public transport via line 3 of the network Twisto , direction “Airport” (Carpiquet), “Festyland” stop.

The park occupies an area of ​​six hectares, along the line of Mantes-la-Jolie in Cherbourg, to which are added the three hectares of the parking lot connected to the park by a tunnel passing under the peripheral boulevard of Caen [ 27 ] , between his outings Sortie 8 : Bessin And Sortie 9 : Porte de Bretagne . The shape of its land, located at the crossroads of the railway line and the fast track, gives it a very stretched appearance in length [ 27 ] .

Decor of the thematic zone Vikings With in the background, the attraction Violet .

The atmosphere of the park is based on the culture and history of Normandy [ 28 ] . The sets of the aisles are made by craftsmen from the region, in partnership with suppliers also regional [ 28 ] . The park’s background music in 2019 was made by a Caen composer [ 28 ] .

Festyland includes around thirty attractions, essentially family [ 5 ] . They are grouped in four main thematic zones linked to Norman history [ 29 ] , [ 28 ] : “The heyday: the renewal of Normandy”, “Norman pirates: corsairs and explorators of XVII It is century “,” The Vikings: the adventure of the Normans “and” the Middle Ages: in the footsteps of Guillaume the Conqueror and Richard Coeur de Lion “.

The park contains two roller coaster: the Drakkar Express (1997) and the 1066 (2005), as well as three aquatic attractions: The coast of mother -of -pearl , Pirates (2000) and Cascade (2015).

Attractions by thematic zone [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

” The good times ” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

“Norman pirates” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

” The Vikings ” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

” The Middle Age ” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Old attractions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Carrousel des arts : Carrousel (existing in 2000 [ 9 ] ; replaced by the Jules Carrousel In 2019 [ 3 ] );
  • The pig circuit : small train for children, Marcel Lutz (existing in 2001; replaced by Paris-Granville );
  • The dome : relief cinema (2004; replaced by Cascade In 2015) [ 11 ] , [ ten ] , [ 21 ] ;
  • The Essards : Mini Formula 1 race (1996; replaced by The little racing cars in 2019);
  • Stroll in Switzerland Normandy : Mini-Canoës;
  • The treasure of pirates : relief cinema on Norman piracy (2014 and 2015; replaced by The lost World In 2016) [ 30 ] , [ 36 ] .

The “Festy” and “Dina” mascots.

In addition to the “festy” and “dina” mascots who wander several times a day in the aisles of the park [ 37 ] , several activities and shows are offered.

Medieval shows (in particular chivalry tournaments) are regularly organized south of the park during the summer afternoons, between 1989 and 2010.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the park in the summer of 2009, several activities are offered on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, with stung shows, fire spitters, musicians and actors, around the themes of the Middle Ages , piracy or Heroic fantasy [ 5 ] .

Since May 2017, the park has organized every year during the Pentecost weekend several activities around the Vikings, in the spirit of the regional festival Cider and dragon [ 38 ] . In partnership with associations and collectives from the region such as Ornavik , the park invites craftsmen and offers during these three days a Viking camp, Nordic tales, as well as fighting shows and music wanderings [ 39 ] , [ 40 ] , [ 38 ] .

Economy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2007, the park mobilized nine permanent employees, to which are added 30 employees from April to September and 85 in July and August [ 4 ] . In 2012, eleven permanent employees were responsible for the management and maintenance of the park, as well as a hundred seasonal workers during the summer [ 14 ] . In 2021, the park had six additional permanent employees, despite the COVVI-19 crisis [ 41 ] .

In 2015 the company generated turnover of 3,484,000 € € and released a result of 183,200 € € . Recent accounts are not available [ 42 ] .

Attendance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Festyland is the largest amusement park in Normandy [ 43 ] , recognized to enhance the culture of the region [ 28 ] . In 2014, 70 % of visitors to the park are Norman; 20 % are tourists from other regions of France and ten % are foreign tourists [ 30 ] . It ranks several times, especially in 2019, in the top 15 of French leisure parks [ 28 ] , [ 44 ] .

Frequented by 34,000 visitors the year of its opening [ 45 ] , he welcomed 75,000 eight years later, in 1997 [ 45 ] .

The frequentation of the park between 2004 and 2014 is provided by the Normandy Regional Tourism Committee [ forty six ] , [ 47 ] , and summarized by the following graph:

In 2015, the park “Confirms his great success” with the family public by reaching attendance “Historical” 225,000 visitors [ 48 ] . This figure is also reached in 2019 [ 49 ] .

In 2020, the park saw a drop in its attendance at 40 % (equivalent to 100,000 less visitors than in 2019) due to the COVVI-19 pandemic, and consequently of the absence of foreign customers and leisure centers and summer camps [ 50 ] , [ 49 ] .

  1. A B C D and E Nathalie Baert, « Festyland, the party for all – a leisure park at the gates of Caen », West France , .
  2. A B and C The most smart theme parks in France – the Vikings and the Corsairs of Festyland are full » , on Capital , (consulted the ) .
  3. A b c d e f g h i j k l m n and o The story of the park » , on Festyland.com (consulted the ) .
  4. a et b Dossier Press FESTY 2007 » [PDF] (consulted the ) .
  5. A b c d e f g h i j and k Festyland celebrates its twenty years with the pirate tower » , on The free sleeve , (consulted the ) .
  6. A B C and D Festyland’s cow symbol is the trunk » , on West France (consulted the ) .
  7. Zygofolis – Nice – France » , on WayMarking.com (consulted the ) .
  8. A B and C Arnaud Wajdzik, « Festyland: the “small” large park », West France , .
  9. A B and C Festyland makes families happy », West France , .
  10. A B and C Anthony Belkac, « Festyland, the park where the child is king », West France , .
  11. A B and C Élise Barbet, ” Festyland: reopening and new features », West France , .
  12. In Festyland near Caen, the Esnambuc tower is built » , on Caen.maville.com , (consulted the ) .
  13. A B C and D Virginie Jamin, New: a “big tournament” at Festyland Park » , on Caen.maville.com , (consulted the ) .
  14. a b c d e and f Caen. Vikland, a new park in Festyland » , on West France , (consulted the ) .
  15. Festyland: Discover the news of the park » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  16. Caen: the departure of the festyland cow causes a wave of nostalgia » , on France3-Regions.francetvinfo.fr , (consulted the ) .
  17. a et b “The cow was still really loved” , on West France , (consulted the ) .
  18. Floriane Bléas, Festyland: the cow bows out » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  19. a et b Calvados: Festyland Park confirms its great success » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  20. A B and C Louis-Sébastien Jacquel-Blanc, Festyland: The park refines its last attraction before reopening » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  21. a et b Comparison of an aerial photography dating from 2005 (notably appearing the attraction 1066 dating from 2005) with a current aerial photograph » , on Remonterletemps.ign.fr (consulted the ) .
  22. A new attraction for Festyland in 2017 » (consulted the )
  23. a et b Carpiquet. Festyland: parties and a new merry -go -round for 30 years » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  24. a et b Near Caen. Fire in Festyland: the saved attractions of the flames » , on West France , (consulted the ) .
  25. a et b Benoît Lascoux, Deconstation. Near Caen, masked reopening in Festyland on Saturday June 12 » , on West France , (consulted the ) .
  26. Grégory Maucorps, Festyland reopens near Caen with great novelty » , on Actu.fr , (consulted the ) .
  27. a et b The pretty Festyland park near Caen in our Roadtrip 2021 of the amusement parks in France » , on Parktrips.fr , (consulted the ) .
  28. a b c d e and f Fabienne about, Festyland: the 30th anniversary of a 100% Norman leisure park » , on France3-Regions.francetvinfo.fr , (consulted the ) .
  29. Sarah Deslandes, Calvados. Festyland, the largest Normandy amusement park » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  30. a b c d e and f Jean-Baptiste Marie, Festyland Park is celebrating its 25th birthday » , on France Bleu , (consulted the ) .
  31. Floriane Bléas, Good attendance for Festyland » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  32. The new attraction of the Festyland Park unveiled » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  33. a et b Maxence Gorréguès, Caen. Festyland: two new features for a new season » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  34. Floriane Bléas, Festyland: a new attraction for 2015 » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  35. Les Petits Parks – Part 3: Festyland » .
  36. Festyland reopens this Saturday, April 2 » , on West France , (consulted the ) .
  37. Renaud Toussaint, Near Caen. Festyland’s dinosaurs said “yes”! » , on West France , (consulted the ) .
  38. a et b Jean-Philippe Gautier, Bretteville-sur-Odon. The Vikings set up their camp in Festyland » , on West France , (consulted the ) .
  39. Rosana Orihuela, Caen. Festyland: The Vikings disembark! » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  40. Caen. Festyland: Vikings land for the 30th anniversary of the amusement park » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  41. Didier Charpin, “Finally the reopening” rejoice the leaders of the Festyland amusement park » , on France Bleu – Caen , (consulted the ) .
  42. Festyland » , on www.societe.com (consulted the )
  43. Benoît Lascoux, Calvados. Festyland will lose at least 70,000 visitors in 2020 due to confinement » , on West France , (consulted the ) .
  44. Nicolas Alamone, In images, in pictures. Top 14 amusement parks in France » , on L’Express , (consulted the ) .
  45. a et b 2015 press kit » , on Festyland.com , (consulted the )
  46. Attendance in sites and places of visit in Normandy: 2004-2009 » , on ctn.pro-hormandie-tourisme.com , (consulted the )
  47. Attendance in sites and places to visit in Normandy » , on ctn.pro-hormandie-tourisme.com (consulted the )
  48. Calvados: Festyland Park confirms its great success » , on Western trend , (consulted the ) .
  49. a et b Maxence Gorregues, Near Caen, Festyland has lost 100,000 visitors because of the COVVI-19 » , on Actu.fr , (consulted the ) .
  50. Zoé Boiron, Near Caen. In Festyland, “the season is sacrificed” » , on West France , (consulted the ) .

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