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Agrilinae He is a subfamille of beetles of the Buprestidae family.

  • AAABA Bellamy, 2013
  • Afrocylindromorphus Bily & Bellamy, 1998
  • Agrilochyseus Thery, 1935
  • Agrilodia Obenberger, 1923
  • Agriloides Kerremans, 1903
  • Agrilus Curtis, 1825
  • Alissoderus Deyrolle, 1864
  • Amorphosoma Laporte, 1835
  • Amorphosternoides Cobos, 1974
  • Amorphosternus Deyrolle, 1864
  • Amyia Saunders, 1871
  • Anadora Kerremans, 1898
  • Anaphlocteis Bellamy, 1986
  • Nytra Descarpentries, 1969
  • Anocisseis Bellamy, 1990
  • Adontoodora Obenberger, 1931
  • Antanambia Descarpentries, 1975
  • Anthaxomorphus Deyrolle, 1864
  • Aphanisticus Latreille, 1829
  • Asymades Kerremans, 1893
  • Ausralodraco Curlets, 2006 – correct spelling is Australodraco (with a t – see p226 of source) [first]
  • Autarcontes Waterhouse, 1887
  • Belgaumia Kerremans, 1903
  • Bellamyus Curletti, 1997
  • Bergidora Kerremans, 1903
  • Borneoscelus Bellamy, 1995
  • Brachycoraebus Kerremans, 1903
  • Brachydora Obenberger, 1923
  • Brachys Leave, 1833
  • Bourgoinia Obenberger, 1926
  • Callimicra Deyrolle, 1864
  • Callipyndax Waterhouse, 1887
  • Camerunadora Bellamy, 2008
  • Cantoniellus Kalashian, 2004
  • Canton Thery, 1929
  • Capitijubatus Bellamy, 1986
  • Chalcophlocteis Obenberger, 1924
  • Chloricala Kerremans, 1893
  • Cisseicoraebus Obenberger, 1923 – this genus was originally named and described by Kerremans in his 1903 monograph [2]
  • Clamp Semenov-Tian-Shianskij, 1900
  • Cobosietta Bellamy, 1986
  • Compsoglypha FAIRMAIRE, 1904
  • Coraebastus FAIRMAIRE, 1896
  • Coral Obenberger, 1923 – correct spelling is Coroebina [3]
  • Coraebosoma Obenberger, 1923
  • Coraebus Gory & Laporte, 1839
  • Cryptodactylus Deyrolle, 1864
  • Cryptomorpha Bellamy, 1988
  • Cuprisbina Bellamy & Holm, 1985
  • Cylindromorphoides Kerremans, 1903
  • Cylindromorphus Kieswetter, 1857
  • Cyphothroax Waterhouse, 1887
  • Dequongiella Bellamy, 2006 – the correct date is 2003 [4]
  • Demonstrate Kerremans, 1900
  • Dissumia Descarpentries & Villiers, 1966
  • Deyrollius Obenbgerger, 1922
  • DA Kerremans, 1903
  • DIADORINA Cobos, 1974
  • Dinocephalia Obenberger, 1923
  • Dinocoroebus Obenberger, 1924
  • Diphucrania Leave, 1833
  • Discoder Bellamy, 1988
  • Discoderes Chevrolat, 1838
  • Discoderoides Thery, 1936
  • Discoderopsis Thery, 1930
  • Dismorpha Gistel, 1848
  • Dorchoviella JENDEK, 2006
  • Duncanius Bellamy, 2008
  • Endelomorphus BILY, 2007
  • ENDELUS Deyrolle, 1864
  • Entomogaster Saunders, 1871
  • Epimacha Kerremans, 1900
  • Ethiopoeus Bellamy, 2008
  • Ethonion In Cuba, 2001 – the correct date is 2000 [5] [6]
  • Eukyia Kerremans, 1903
  • Euchroaria Obenberger, 1924
  • Euding Obenberger, 1924
  • Eulasiodora Obenberger, 1924
  • Eumerophilus Deyrolle, 1864
  • Eumorphocerus Thery, 1930
  • Eupristocerus Deyrolle, 1864
  • Eurynodes Thery, 1934
  • Evimantius Deyrolle, 1864
  • Falliellus Bellamy, 2001
  • Francingi Thery, 1946 – correct spelling is Franchece [7]
  • Geral Harold, 1869
  • Germ Blackburn, 1887
  • Gigantocoreabus Obenberger, 1942 – correct spelling is Gigantocoraebus , not -eabus [8]
  • Gracilocala Bellamy, 2006
  • Habroloma Kerremans, 1900 – this genus is not one of Kerreman’s, but was named and described by C.G. Thomson in 1864 [9]
  • Helper Obenberger, 1932
  • Helper Cobos, 1956
  • Heromorphus Obenberger, 1916
  • Holmerica Bellamy, 1988
  • Pigeon Obenberger, 1924
  • Hylaeogena Obenberger, 1923
  • Hypocisseis Thompson, 1879
  • Indiadactylus Bellamy, 1992
  • Ivalouwayneia Bellamy, 2006
  • Jaroslavia Obenberger, 1942
  • Goons Kerremans, 1898
  • Kamosiella Bellamy, 1988
  • Katangiella Bellamy, 1988
  • Katonia Thery, 1941
  • Curryansella Obenberger, 1920 – This is the date of the description of the junior homonym Kerremansia Obenberger 1920. This replacement name was proposed in 1923 [ten] , and so should be it Curryansella Obenberger, 1923.
  • Kerremansia Peringuey, 1908
  • Thy Descarpentries & Villiers, 1967 – This name is a primary junior homonym of Thy Yang, 1936. The correct replacement name is Svataea Alonso-Zarazaga & Roca-Cusachs 2017 [11] .
  • Leiopleura Deyrolle, 1864
  • Lepidoclema Bellamy & Holm, 1985
  • Lepismora Velten, 1987
  • Livestock Deyrolle, 1864
  • Lumawigia Bellamy, 2005
  • Madaphlocteis Bellamy, 2006
  • Madecorformica Bellamy, 2008
  • Malagascoderes Bellamy, 2006
  • Rickela Bellamy, 1990
  • Amandria Obenberger, 1942
  • Maroantsetra Obenberger, 1942 – This is not one of Obenberger’s genera, but was named and described by Thery in 1937 [twelfth]
  • Maublance Bellamy, 1998
  • Melanocoraebus Baudon, 1968
  • Meliacanthus Thery, 1942
  • Melibaeopsis Kerremans, 1903
  • Meliboeithon Obenberger, 1920
  • Meliboeus Deyrolle, 1864
  • Metasambus Kerremans, 1903
  • Midya Obenberger, 1942
  • Mundaria Kerremans, 1894
  • Mychommatus Murray, 1868
  • Nalanda Thery, 1904
  • Nastella Kerremans, 1903
  • Neefia Bellamy, 2006 – the correct date is 2003 [4]
  • Neefioides Bellamy, 2006 – the correct date is 2003 [4]
  • Nelonia JENDEK, 2006
  • Neocoraebus Kerremans, 1903
  • Neospades Blackburn, 1887
  • Neotoxoscelus Fisher, 1921
  • Neotrachys Obenberger, 1923
  • Stubborn Curlets, 1995
  • Nickerleola Obenberger, 1923
  • Obenbergerula Strand, 1932
  • Omochyseus Waterhouse, 1887
  • Pachycisseis Thery, 1929
  • Pachyschelus Solier, 1833
  • Paracephala Saunders, 1868
  • Paracylindromorphus Thery, 1928
  • Parademostis Obenberger, 1931
  • Paradise Kerremans, 1900
  • Paradorella Obenberger, 1923
  • Paragrilus Saunders, 1871
  • Parakamosia Obenberger, 1924
  • Paranastella Obenberger, 1931
  • Parasambus Descarpentries & Villiers, 1966
  • Paraset Bellamy, 1988
  • Paraxenita Bellamy, 1988
  • Flexus Deyrolle, 1864
  • Peyrierasina Descarpentries, 1975
  • Philippscelus Bellamy, 1998
  • Philocoroebus Bellamy, 1991
  • Phlocteis Kerremans, 1893
  • Pilotrulleum Bellamy & Westcott, 1995
  • Planidia Kerremans, 1899
  • Polyonychus Chevrolat, 1838
  • Promeliboeus Obenberger, 1924
  • Pseudagrilods Obenberger, 1923 – the correct date is 1921 [13]
  • Pseudagrilus Laporte, 1835
  • Pseudoclema Thery, 1938
  • Pseudocoraebus Thery, 1905
  • Pseudokamosia Thery, 1932
  • Pseudokerremansia Bellamy & Holm, 1985
  • Pseudophlocteis Bellamy, 1986
  • Rhaeboscelis Chevrolat, 1838
  • Banking JENDEK, 2007
  • Sambirrania Obenberger, 1942
  • Sambomorpha Obenberger, 1924
  • Sambus Deyrolle, 1864
  • Portambia Descarpentries, 1974
  • Seyrigia Thery, 1937
  • Shimogia Obenberger, 1942
  • Sibuyanella Obenberger, 1942
  • Sjoestedtius Thery, 1931
  • Stanwatkinsius Barker & Bellamy, 2001
  • Strandet of Bellamy, 1986
  • Strigulia Kerremans, 1893
  • Strigulioides Bellamy, 1986
  • Suarezina Théry, 1936
  • Synechocera Deyrolle, 1864
  • Taphroceroides Hespenheide, 2008
  • Taphrocerus Solier, 1833
  • Therybupestris Strand, 1930 – correct spelling is Therybu pastor s [14]
  • Tonkinula Obenberger, 1923
  • Toxoscelus Deyrolle, 1864
  • Tall Fabricius, 1801
  • Trypantius Waterhouse, 1887
  • Vanroon Obenberger, 1923
  • Velvety Kerremans, 1900
  • Were Obenberger, 1924
  • Genita Thery, 1941
  • Xenomerius Obenberger, 1924
  • Weather in Girl Bellamy, 1992
  1. ^ Curletti, G. 2006. The Genus Agrilus Curtis, 1825 in New Guinea and Nearest Islands. Annals of the Civic Museum of Natural History “G. Doria ”97: 157-257
  2. ^ Kerremans, C, 1903, Coleoptera Serricornia, Fam. Buprestidae. In: P. Wytsman. (Ed.). Genera InSectorum, Fasc. 12b; 12c; 12d. Verseeuil & Desmet, Brussels, PP. 49-338 .
  3. ^ The World of Jewel Beetles website Filed On February 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive. (Access 02 May 2018)
  4. ^ a b c Bellamy, C.L., The Madagascan Coraebini (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Agrilinae): Part 4, New genera and species. Zootaha 174 (1)
  5. ^ Classification of the tribe Coraebini Bedel, 1921 (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Agrilinae). Journal Museum Murray, Biological Science (Brno) 85 (2000): 185-287
  6. ^ Nomenclator Zoolo
  7. ^ Théry, A. 1946c. Buprestids of Angola. Arquivos do museo bocage 17:19
  8. ^ Obenberger, J., 1942: de agrilinorum Unsulae Madagascaris Geneibus novis Quinque. Five new families of Agrilins from the island of Madagascar. Acta Musaei National Prague 20: 7-13 .
  9. ^ THOMSON, C. G. 1864. Scandinavia’s Coleoptera, Synoptiski processed, Volume 6 , Lundbergska Boktryckeriet, Lund, 385 pp.
  10. ^ Obenberger 1923 Many new families of the family buprestidae (Coleoptera). Une Serie de nouveaux genres de buprestides Acta Museum national Prague. 1923. 1: 13-44
  11. ^ ALONSO-ZAGA, Miguel A. & Marcos Roca-Cusachs. 2017. Svataea Nom. nov. For Lakhonia Discourse & Villiers, 1967 (Coleoptera: BUPRESIDAE), Non Lakhonia Yang, 1936 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Entomoloxic files 17: 457-458 .
  12. ^ Théry, A. 1937C. Descriptions of Buprestids New Malagasy fauna (1st series). Annals of the association of Naturalists Levallois-Perret 22 (1935-36): 83-112 .
  13. ^ OBENBERGER,J. 1921. New Buprestids from Fernando Poo and Spanish Guinea. Works of the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Madrid. Zoologia series, Number 45, pp. 1-16.
  14. ^ Strand, E. 1932b. Popular nomenclatorica Zoologica and Palaeontologica 3. Leaves Zoologica and Hydrobiologica 4 (1): 133-147. Filed On July 24, 2019 on the Internet Archive.
