Fincularriers of vapararíso — Wikipedia


THE Funiculaires de Valparaíso , called locally elevators , are one of the most famous and most picturesque peculiarities in the city of Valparaíso, in Chile. They were declared “historic monuments” by the Council of National Monuments of Chile [ first ] .


Valparaíso is built on a large number of hills (the Cerros ) framing a large bay. The significant gradient existing between the different residential sectors and the low coastal area (known as the name of plan ) where the commercial, administrative, industrial and port activity is concentrated, constitute considerable discomfort for travel. Funiculars ring a means of transport adapted to this geographical reality.

The first funicular in the city, the Ascensor Concepción, dates from 1883 and then worked in steam. Today, Valparaíso has fifteen funicular, each of them connecting one of the Cerros in terms of. Five of them are municipal property, the others belonging to private companies.

Artillery elevator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Built in 1912, it connects the Plaza Aduana with Cerro Artillería. Its length is 175 m , his elevation of 48 m And the journey lasts 80 seconds. The Ascensor Artillería has the particularity of having two trains of 2 cars, which increases the capacity of travelers.

Baron elevator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

With a length of 75 m and an elevation of 30 m, the Ascensor Barón links the Avenida España to the Cerro Barón in 35 seconds. Built in 1906, it was the city’s first funicular to have an electric motor. It belongs to the municipality.

Concepción elevator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inaugurated in 1883, the Ascensor Conceptción is the oldest funicular in Valparaíso. It connects the Cerro Conceptción in terms of. Its elevation is 35 m, its length of 70 m and the duration of the journey of 45 seconds. It works by a water counterweight system.


Cordillera elevator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inaugurated in 1894, it was the second oldest funicular in Valparaíso. However, the current funicular is a more modern construction, because the original was destroyed by a fire. Its elevation is 25 m, its length of 60 and the duration of the journey of 30 seconds.

Holy Spirit elevator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inaugurated in 1911, it links the plan to Cerro Bellavista. Its elevation gain is 20 m, its length of 65 m and the duration of transport of 25 seconds. It is the shortest of all Valparaíso’s funiculars. The Ascensor Espíritu Santo bears the name of a church today demolished.

Florida Ascenser [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inaugurated in 1906 on Cerro Florida, it has a drop of 40 m, a length of 138 m and a transport period of 85 seconds.

Larraín elevator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inaugurated in 1909, it has a drop of 35 m, a length of 68 m and a transportation duration of 35 seconds.

LEVELS LOX [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inaugurated in 1906, it is currently out of service following a fire. A drop of 35 m, with a length of 98 m and a transport time of 50 seconds, it has the characteristic of leading to the upper station, on a pedestrian gateway which connects it to Cerro Lecheros.

Butterfly elevator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inaugurated in 1904, it is the elevator of Valparaíso which has the longest route (160 m) and the highest arrival point (80 m altitude). It also has the particularity of going under a street, the Calle Baquedano. The duration of the journey is one minute and 40 seconds.

Monja elevator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inaugurated in 1912, he had a 45 m elevation, a length of 110 m and a one -minute journey.

Elevator the Peral [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inaugurated in 1902, it belongs today to the municipality of Valparaíso. With an elevation of 30 m, with a length of 52 m and lasting 45 seconds, it connects the plan to Cerro Alegre. It was completely restored in 2005. Since it is in repair and should be operational again by .

Polanco elevator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ascensor Polanco has the distinction of moving vertically, which makes it the only real elevator among the funiculars of Valparaíso (it is similar in its functioning to the Santa Justa lift). The cabin rises and descends to a height of 60 m, inside the Cerro Polanco then in a tower connected to the Cerro by a bridge 48 m in length. The lower access to the elevator is by a 57 m length tunnel. Built from 1913 to 1915 on the plans of the Porteño Federico Page engineer, it belongs to the municipality. THE , it was classified as a historic monument.

Reina Victoria elevator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inaugurated in 1902, it is located on the Cerro Conceptción.

San Agustín elevator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inaugurated in 1913, it links the plan to Cerro Cordillera. It is currently closed for work.

Villaseca elevator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It was inaugurated in 1908 on Cerro Playa Ancha. With a drop of 38 m, with a length of 175 and a duration of 75 seconds, it passes over Taqueadero Street.

  1. The first to receive this distinction was Ascensor Polanco (1971), all the others in 1998.

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