Fireplace (Oderzo) – Wikipedia


Path It is a fraction of the Municipality of Oderzo (TV). The country in August 2014 had 2 200 inhabitants. It stands north of the capital, to the left of the Monticano river.


The name of the town derives in all probability from an ancient furnace, which stood in Fornaci since the late Roman era; It was presumably demolished between six and eighteenth centuries. The hypothesis is confirmed by the so -called Notary deeds of Guecellone di Salico , still unpublished documentation dating back to 1332 and preserved in the Treviso State Archive.

The territory of the hamlet has been inhabited since the Paleoveneta era: to demonstrate it is a “green stone ax” (IX-VII BC) found in Bosco di Camino in 1966 and now exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Oderzo.

The first nucleus of the country was probably formed in the early Middle Ages, in the period in which the ancient and powerful Roman city of Opitergium almost no longer existed after years of barbarian invasions and looting.

The fortune of the town began in 1089, when the accounts from Montanara are established there, a feudal family of Lombard origin from the homonymous center placed by the slopes of Cansiglio: they will build their castle from which they will later change their family predicate in fireplace .
The country was just over a century the main home of their family, which in the period of greatest splendor will expand from Cadore to Mestre, from the Livenza river to the Brenta.

Camino Castle was razed to the ground, on the order of Alberto II of the Scala, in 1337 during the so-called Veneto-Scaligera war, one of the first conflicts that broke out for the expansion on the mainland of the Republic of Venice.

In the same period in which the castle was razed to the ground, who had now taken on a slightly more than emotional importance, the decline of the house of the da fireplace and also of the country began, which will no longer return to the glories of the past.

Throughout the period of the Venetian domination (1338-1797), Camino remained annexed to the podesteria di Portobuffolé. What remained of the medieval village probably lost in 1412, on the occasion of the fires and looting perpetrated by the Hungarian troops, led by the Florentine mercenary Pippo Spano, during the war between the Republic of Venice and the Kingdom of Hungary.


At least four Venetian villas stood in the modern age, including one belonging to the noble Venetian family of the Contarini.

In 1809, like all the countries of the Triveneto with less than a thousand inhabitants, he lost the title of Municipality by Napoleonic decree, and passed under the jurisdiction of the nearby city of Oderzo. After the annexation to the Kingdom of Italy, it became the municipal hamlet of the latter center.

The border between fraction and capital, initially corresponding to the course of the Monticano river, was moved three times north in 1856, 1935 and 1951.

After the difficult years of the first and second world war and mass emigration, the country will know a stall phase that will end only in the mid -eighties after which a new phase of awakening and urban expansion will begin.

Since 1961, the Opitergina company has been built in the suburbs of the country, the first factory to open in the territory of Oderzo, one of the historically most important industries of the left Piave in the territory.

Today the town center is occupied by the North Industrial Area of ​​Oderzo; As much as Camino is a country country, the transformations in the village in the second half of the twentieth century reduced the percentage of employees in the primary sector from 80-90% to less than 1% [first] .

Latin inscriptions found in Caminese territory [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The parish church dates back, in its original nucleus, certainly before the year thousand; It is dedicated to San Bartolomeo Apostolo. In the following centuries, particularly in the sixteenth and twentieth, it has been expanded and deeply modified.
Inside, the sixteenth-century Pala di San Bartolomeo, attributed to the Pordenone painter Antonio Sacchiense from Pordenone (1515? -1576), and the tabernacle, made by the Cenedian workshop of the Ghirlanduzzi brothers between 1672 and 1677 are particularly value.

The monument to Girardini and Tonello was built by the sculptor Simon Benetton in 1970, in the place where, on September 12, 1944, two partisans, Giovanni Girardini and Bruno Tonello were hanged in retaliation.

The parish festival takes place in the second half of August near the patron saint. Also to remember the Sports Festival, which is held in the first half of June.

  • Andrea Pizzinat, Fireplace and the fireplaces. A country, its people, its family , Oderzo, Tredieci, 2009.
