François Prosper Jacqmin – Wikipedia


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François Prosper Jacqmin (1820-1889) is a French polytechnician engineer who has made his entire career in the railways, he will notably be director of the Eastern Railway Company. He has published several works on the railways.

François Prosper Jacqmin was born on in Paris [ first ] . After being enrolled at the Charlemagne high school he passed the entrance exam of the École Polytechnique, which he joined in 1839 in the sixty seven It is Row on 135 [ first ] , he then goes through the school of bridges and roads [ 2 ] .

He entered the Compagnie du Chemin de Fer de Paris in Lyon by being appointed ordinary engineer of bridges and roads, a post he occupied until 1855. He then passed through the lines of Lyon in Geneva and Lausanne in Friborg and Berne before to enter as operating director to the Eastern Railway Company in 1859 [ 2 ] . In this position he produced numerous works of art and stations and in 1870 he coordinated the transport of troops to the front in Lorraine. He became director of the company in 1872 [ 2 ] .


In 1864 he became a professor at the school of bridges and roads where he taught the course on “the exploitation of railways” [ 3 ] from which he will draw several works (see publication).

He was appointed to the rank of commander of the Legion of Honor in 1874 [ 2 ] .

He died in Paris on Sunday , a few days before the scheduled date for his retirement [ 4 ] .

  • The exploitation of railways , lessons in 1867 at the Imperial School of Ponts et Chaussées, Garnier Frères, Paris 1868 ( integral ).
  • Steam machines , lessons in 1869-1870, at the Imperial School of Ponts et Chaussées, Garnier Frères, Paris 1870 ( integral ).
  • Railways during the war of 1870-1871 , lessons in 1872, at the school of bridges and roads, Hachette et Cie, Paris 1874 ( extract ).
  • (in) Railroad employes in France : An account of the organization of railroad service on a French railroad , Railroad Gazette, 1877, 37 pages.
  • Mr. de Franqueville, State Councilor, Director General of Bridges and Chaussées and Railways: his life and his work , Hachette et Cie, 1877, 155 pages.
  • Study on the exploitation of railways by the State , impr. J. Calye, 1878, 104 pages.
  • International Universal Exhibition of 1878 in Paris, Group VI, Class 64: Report on railway equipment , National Imprimerie, 1880, 324 pages.
  • Commission of the Annals of Ponts et Chaussées, “Notes on François Jacqmin”, in Annals of bridges and roads: technical part. Memoirs and documents relating to the art of constructions and the service of the engineer , 1894, pp. 385-410
  1. a et b Commission of the Annals of Ponts et Chaussées, “Notes on François Jacqmin”, in Annals of bridges and roads: technical part. Memoirs and documents relating to the art of constructions and the service of the engineer , 1894, p. 378 extract (Accessed January 4, 2012).
  2. A B C and D François Prosper Jacqmin site (1820-1889) read (Accessed January 4, 2012).
  3. Central library site of the École Polytechnique, Notice: Jacqmin, François Prosper (x 1839; 1820-1889), read (Accessed January 4, 2012).
  4. Social economy society, social peace unions, school of social peace, social reform, volume 23, office of social reform, 1892 p. 929 extract (Accessed January 4, 2012).

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