François XIII of the Rochefoucaulld—Wikipedia


François XIII Armand Fréderic [ first ] de la Rochefoucauld (Paris, – Paris, ), Duke of La Rochefoucauld, is a French soldier and politician of XVIII It is And XIX It is centuries.


François de La Rochefoucauld, Duke of Estissac, Maréchal des Camps and Armées du Roi.

The eldest son of François Alexandre Frédéric de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt and Felicité de Lannion was known until the time of French Restoration under the name of Count François de La Rochefoucauld [ 2 ] .

Appointed an officer in the La Rochefoucauld Cavalry regiment in 1780 as a cadet-genius, he was promoted to second lieutenant in 1781.

From 1783 to 1787, he interrupted his military career to visit England, where he met Arthur Young, friend of his father.

In 1787, he was appointed officer in the regiment of La Rochefoucauld Cavalerie and promoted in 1788 Major second to the regiment of hunters on horseback of Champagne.

He emigrated after August 10, 1792, and first retired to Hamburg, then in Altona, where he married, the , Marie-Francoise de Tott, daughter of François, Baron de Tott, from an illustrious and former house in Hungary, marshal of the king’s camps, famous by the efforts he had made, in 1770, to discipline the troops European Ottomans [ 3 ] .


He joined the Ders Princes army, then in the English army, his presence is noted in particular to the Quiberon affair. In 1800, he returned to France, where he found his family and obtained his radiation from the list of emigrants in 1801.

In 1804, he was elected mayor of Liancourt until 1810 [ 4 ] .

Appointed, in 1804, candidate for the legislative body by the Clermont borough college, he is not elected, but is named, the , by the conservative Senate, deputy of the Oise in the lower chamber, where he signed until 1813 [ 4 ] .

He commanded the mobile national guards in Belgium, when he was called upon to sit in 1814 in the Chamber of Deputies. On May 6 of the same year, the king authorized him to take up the title of Duke of Estissac, which his grandfather had worn [ 3 ] . It was authorized, in 1817, to substitute the name of Liancourt to the one estissac , sold to a parent [ 5 ] .

Louis XVIII promoted him to the rank of Marshal-de-Camp , and names it to the first re military division [ 3 ] .

In 1815 and 1816, he chaired the electoral college of the department of Oise and was re -elected, the , deputy for this department, in the big college, by 101 votes out of 197 voters and 289 registered, against 89 in M.  Tronchon [ 4 ] .

The Duke of Estissac is created officer of the royal order of the Legion of Honor the [ 3 ] .

The , he entered the Chamber of Peers, by hereditary law, replacing his father, who died.

In May 1829, he sold the Domaine de Bélesta, before buying on July 31, 1829 the castle of La Roche-Guyon to his cousin Louis François de Rohan-Chabot, 8 It is Duc de Rohan [ 6 ] .

He is sworn in to Louis-Philippe I is , after the July 1830 Revolution, and sits obscurely at the Luxembourg Palace until 1848 [ 4 ] . He was commander of the Legion of Honor.

Securities [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Decorations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Decoration tape
Chevalier de Saint-Louis

Coat of arms [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Burel of silver and azure, with three rafters of gules broaching, that of the chief ecimé [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] .

Elder son of François XII (1747-1827), Duke of La Rochefoucauld and Félicité-Sophie de Lannion [ 2 ] (1745-1830), the Duke of La Rochefoucauld had for brothers and sisters:

  • François Armand Fréderic de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt married, on September 24, 1794 to Garchem (Netherlands) (marriage contract of September 14, 1794) [ ten ] , Marie-Françoise de Tott (Constantinople, March 18, 1770-Paris, January 3, 1854), daughter of François, Baron, de Tott (1733-1793) and Marie Rambaud. Together, they had [ 3 ] :
    • François Xim Marie Auguste Armand Émilien de la Rochefoucauld (December 17, 1794-December 11, 1874), prince of Marcillac (1794-1827), Duke of Liancourt (1827-1848), 13 It is Duke of La Rochefoucauld (1848-1874), officer of the Legion of Honor, knight of Saint-Louis, married (Paris, June 10, 1817) with Zénaïde de Chapt de Rastignac (1798-1875), lady of Montmirail, including:
    • The count Olivier Joseph Marie Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld (Altona, May 4, 1797, Paris April 22, 1885), married September 27, 1825 in Villebon (Eure-et-Loir), with Rosine Cuillier-Perron (1808-1852), daughter of Pierre François Cuillier -Perron (1753-1834), without posterity, then, in Paris on September 19, 1853 with Augustine Euphrosine Montgomery (1827-1909), of which:
      • Subsisting posterity ;
    • Françoise Charlotte Blanche Sophie de la Rochefoucauld (Altona, April 23, 1799-Argueil, March 5, 1877), married, October 27, 1824 in Beauvais, with Jacques-Dominique-Armand, Marquis de Castelbajac (1787-1864), marshal of the camps and army of the king, including posterity;
    • Count Charles-Frédéric de la Rochefoucauld (Crèvecœur-le-Grand, June 9, 1802-Paris, January 10, 1895), married September 27, 1825 in Villebon (Eure-et-Loir), with Anne-Charlotte Cuillier-Perron (1809 -1892), daughter of Pierre François Cuillier-Perron (1753-1834), of which:
      • Françoise Charlotte Victorine Marie de La Rochefoucauld (Paris, February 15, 1844 – Freiburg (Switzerland), December 25, 1921), married, September 16, 1865 in Paris, with Pietro (1845-1885), prince Aldobrandini , including posterity;
    • Count Marie Thomas Auguste Hippolyte de la Rochefoucauld (Liancourt (Oise), August 13, 1804 – Paris, January 11, 1893), Minister Plenipotentiary, Commander of the Legion of Honor ( ) [ 11 ] , Grand-Croix of the Order of Louis de Hesse, Grand-Croix of the Order of Saint-Joseph, knight of the Order of Charles III of Spain, married, August 26, 1833 in Paris, with Elisabeth Duroux ( 1815-1875), of which
      • François Louis Nicolas Gaston de la Rochefoucauld (Vienne (Austria), August 28, 1834 – Biarritz July 28, 1915), Minister Plenipotentiaire, married, August 20, 1870 in Biarritz, with Emilie Victorine Elisabeth Rumbold (1830-1904), Baronne von Delmar, without posterity;
      • Aimery Marie François Anatole de la Rochefoucauld (Paris, September 3, 1843 – Paris, June 10, 1920 – Paris), created “Prince and count of La Rochefoucauld” by the King of Bavaria, married, July 10, 1874 Paris, with Henriette de Mailly-Nesle (1852-1913), of which:
        • Gabriel de la Rochefoucauld (Paris, September 13, 1875 – Paris, April 18, 1942 – Paris), married to Odile Chapelle de Jumilhac de Richelieu (1879-1974), of which::
          • Alice Élisabeth Anne de La Rochefoucauld (Paris VIIIe, 23 janvier 1906 – Davos (Grisons, Suisse), 12 octobre 1980), présidente fondatrice des Vieilles maisons françaises, mariée le 3 juillet 1928 à Paris (divorcés en 1948), avec Armand de Gontaut-Biron (1893-1970), marquis de Biron, sans postérité, remariée en 1948 avec Jean, marquis de Amodio (1909-2003), sans postérité ;
    • Fanny -Marie-Blanche-Françoise de la Rochefoucauld (Paris, November 29, 1807-Paris, November 19, 1848), married on February 25, 1828 with Armand Alexis de Montault (1804-1891), count of Montault, including posterity; Mistress in 1837 of Anatole Demidoff, she had a natural son from which posterity.

Ascendance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Solemy of Palmas 2012.
  2. A B and C Courcelles 1827, p. 68.
  3. a b c d e f and g Courcelles 1827, p. 69.
  4. A B C D and E Robert & Cougny 1891, p. 602.
  5. Roglo 2012.
  6. Georges Martin, History and genealogy of the Maison de la Rochefoucauld, volume 1 , Lyon, the author, (ISBN  978-2-91990-12-3 ) , p. 142-144
  7. BUNEL 1997-2011, p. Duchy of La Rochefoucauld.
  8. Velde 2005, p.  Lay peers.
  9. Retrudes in 1884.
  10. Witnesses: Claude-Antoine-Gabriel de Choiseul (1760-1838), Duke of Choiseul-Stainville and François René de Lacoux (1760-1847)
  11. Cote LH/2361/39 » , Base Léonore, French Ministry of Culture

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • “La Rochefoucauld (François) Duke of Liancourt” , in Adolphe Robert and Gaston Cougny, French parliamentary dictionary , t.  III, Edgar Bourloton, , 640 p. [Edition detail] ( read online ) , p. 602 [ Text on Sycomore ] Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article;
  • Jean Baptiste Rewardap , General Armorial , t. first And 2 , Gouda, G.B. Van Goor Zonen, 1884-1887 and its supplements » , on (consulted the ) ;
  • “François de la Rochefoucauld, Duke of Estissac” , in Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Jullien de Courcelles, Genealogical and heraldic history of the peers of France: great dignitaries of the crown, the main noble families of the kingdom and the princely houses of Europe, preceded by the genealogy of the Maison de France , vol.  VIII, , 378 p. [Edition detail] ( read online ) , p. 70 Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article
