Françoise Bettencourt Meyers – Wikipedia


Françoise Bettencourt Meyers , born In Neuilly-sur-Seine, is a French businesswoman, writer and billionaire.


Heiress of Liliane Bettencourt, she is a member of the management committee of the Multinational L’Oréal. She is also the author of several works on the Bible and the relations between Judaism and Christianity.

Since 2007, a judicial conflict has opposed the writer-photographer François-Marie Banier, who received from his mother a gift of almost 1 billion euros.

It is classified by Forbes 7 It is In the top of the world billionaires, with a family fortune estimated at $ 96.7 billion on April 22, 2023 [ first ] . She is the richest woman in the world [ 2 ] . According Capital And Challenges , it is one of the five most important fortunes in France and the richest French [ 3 ] .

Family [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Françoise Bettencourt Meyers was born on In Neuilly-sur-Seine in a family from the French big bourgeoisie.

She is the daughter of André and Liliane Bettencourt.

His schooling takes place at La Marymount International School, a private Franco-American school in Neuilly-sur-Seine [ 4 ] . After the baccalaureate, she stopped her studies following a first year in mathematics faculty [ 4 ] .


Raised in the Catholic religion, Françoise Bettencourt meets her future husband in Megève, Jean-Pierre Meyers. He is the grandson of the former Rabbi of Neuilly-sur-Seine, Robert Meyers, deported with his wife to Auschwitz.

She married him in Fiesole, in Tuscany [ 5 ] . They have two sons, Jean-Victor (born in 1986) and Nicolas (born in 1988), raised in Judaism [Ref. necessary] .

In 1992, his mother offered him his participations in L’Oréal as well as a mansion in Neuilly-sur-Seine, almost all of his heritage [ 4 ] .

While ensuring her role alongside her husband in the direction of L’Oréal, Françoise Bettencourt Meyers devoted herself to the piano and the study of biblical exegesis.

She notably publishes a “sum” in five volumes, of which Bernard-Henri Lévy salutes erudition [ 6 ] , and whose rights are “Integrately paid to the association doctors without borders” [ 7 ] .

In addition, Françoise Bettencourt Meyers does patronage in the field of deafness research. She creates, with Jean-Pierre Meyers and the Bettencourt-Schueller Foundation, the hearing foundation [ 8 ] .

Complaint against François-Marie Banier [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , following donations made by her mother, Liliane Bettencourt, for the benefit of François-Marie Banier [ 9 ] , Françoise Bettencourt Meyers accuses the latter of “abuse of weakness” towards her mother [ ten ] . The case is placed under the responsibility of Philippe Courroye, public prosecutor at the Nanterre tribunal de grande instance [ 11 ] , M me Bettencourt being domiciled in Neuilly-sur-Seine. In 2008, an attempted conciliation failed [ twelfth ] .

The file was classified without follow -up in September 2009. Françoise Bettencourt Meyers then seized the guardianship judge [ 13 ] . The trial provided for the has been returned for additional information [ 14 ] . The interests of Françoise Bettencourt Meyers are represented by M It is Olivier Metzner, and those of his mother by M It is Georges Kiejman [Ref. necessary] .

In June 2010, Françoise Bettencourt Meyers transmits to the police of conversations at the home of her mother, questioning several French government personalities [ 15 ] . These clandestine recordings were made in 2009-2010 by the butler of M me Bettencourt. The former butler explains that he wanted to “avenge” house employees that M me Bettencourt dismissed when they testified to the psychological weakness of their employer [ 16 ] , [ 17 ] . Part of these records is broadcast on the site Mediapart .

Following these revelations, Liliane Bettencourt files a complaint for ” invasion of privacy ” , « vol » and “false testimonies” [ 18 ] , and deplores in an interview with World that her daughter was able to have these recordings [ 19 ] , [ 20 ] , his lawyer Georges Kiejman adding in parallel that his client would consider her daughter and her lawyer Olivier Metzner, like the “Instigators” of this ” spying ” , of which his colleague would, according to his views, “The brain and the accomplice” [ 20 ] . This last accusation leads Olivier Metzner to announce his intention to file a defamation complaint against Georges Kiejman.

The , Françoise Bettencourt Meyers reiterates her mother’s protection request [ 21 ] While judge Isabelle Prévost-Desprez is authorized to investigate [ 22 ] On a possible abuse of the billionaire weakness, based on clandestine records.

In , she signs an agreement with François Marie Banier and she renounces her prosecution [ 23 ] . This agreement undertakes the latter to restore part of the perceived donations and to no longer perceive.

Françoise Bettencourt Meyers is indicted the For “witness subornation” in particular due to a loan of € 300,000 granted in November 2012 to Claire Thibout, former accountant of his mother, having played a crucial role in the development of the Bettencourt case [ 24 ] . However, the prosecution requires a dismissal [ 25 ] .

  • The Greek gods. Genealogies (PREFACE THE HIGERY ADEWherer) [ 26 ] , Christian editions, Paris:
  • Jericho’s trumpets: look at the Bible: better understanding themselves between Jews and Catholics (Preface by Alain Decaux), Éditions de l’Aravis, Paris, 2008, 6 volumes (according to the BNF catalog) or 4 volumes (according to the publisher) [ 7 ] , 576 p. (according to the publisher) [ 7 ] or 755 p. (According to [ 27 ] , (ISBN  978-2-35631-019-4 ) , (BNF  41416075 ) . – Winner work, in 2009, of a literary prize Les Lauriers Verts, section “Spirituality” [ 28 ] :
    • Flight. I: Biblical words and expressions
    • Flight. II: family tree, from Adam and Eve to the Israel tribes
    • Flight. II bis: genealogical index
    • Flight. III: From one will to another, Judaism and Catholicism
    • Flight. IV: animals, plants, measures, money, numbers in the Bible
    • Flight. Not numbered: annexes
  • The ear in all its states! , written with Professor Bruno Frachet, box comprising 5 opuscles in favor of acting for hearing (research and prevention for hearing health)
  • Hearing for dummies , written with Professor Bruno Frachet, First editions, released on March 2, 2017
  • Hearing for dummies (new edition), written with Professor Bruno Frachet, First editions, March 2020
  1. (in) Francoise Bettencourt Meyers & family » , on Forbes (consulted the )
  2. The Top Richest Women In The World In 2021 », , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  3. Top-10 richest women in France », Challenges , n O 662, , p. 129
  4. A B and C Who is Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers, the new richest woman in the world? », , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  5. Raphaëlle Bacqué and Béatrice Gurrey, ” In front of the scandal », The world , 29-30 August 2010 .
  6. Bernard-Henri Lévy Bloc-Notes », Point , ( read online ) .
  7. A B and C According to Sheet of the book by editions of the work .
  9. The billionaire and the favorite », Point , ( read online ) .
  10. The heiress of the Oréal accused by his daughter of squandering her billions », Point , ( read online ) .
  11. The PJ explores the pass of banier », Le Figaro , ( read online ) .
  12. Christophe d’Antonio, Aborted conciliation » , Challenges .
  13. Liliane Bettencourt’s daughter seized the guardianship judge for her mother », The world , ( read online ) .
  14. The court orders the return of the Banier-Bettencourt trial », NEW OBS , ( read online ) .
  15. Scandal », Geneva Tribune , ( read online ) .
  16. Liliane Bettencourt’s strange conversations », The world , ( read online ) .
  17. Bettencourt case after police custody » , France 2 , .
  18. Recordments: Liliane Bettencourt files a complaint », Le Parisien and AFP , ( read online ) .
  19. Michel Guerrin, «  21 minutes with Liliane Bettencourt », The world , June 20 and 21, 2010 ( read online ) .
  20. a et b Pirate recordings: Liliane Bettencourt accuses her daughter », The Parisian , ( read online ) .
  21. Marie-France Etchegoin, ” Courroye seized of a new request for a guardianship of Bettencourt », NEW OBS , ( read online ) .
  22. Bettencourt case: a victory for Prévost-Desprez », Challenges and agency France-Presse , ( read online ) .
  23. Banier would have agreed to make part of Liliane Bettencourt part of Liliane », The Tribune , ( read online ) .
  24. Françoise Bettencourt Meyers indicted for subordination » , on LCI .
  25. False testimonies in the Bettencourt case: the prosecution for a general dismissal » , on (consulted the ) .
  26. The name of the prefacker is mistakenly spelled “Ahrweiller” in the two bibliographical notices of the National Library of France, although it is spelled correctly on the coverage of the 1994 edition.
  27. According to a sheet of the site devoted to this work. The title ” Jericho trumpets “Figure in common from the box and each volumes.
  28. Literary Prize Les Lauriers Green de la Forêt des Books » , awarded on August 30, 2009 .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Christophe d’Antonio, The Lady and the Dandy , Jacob-Duvernet editions, Paris, June 2010, 213 p. , (ISBN  978-2-84724-287-4 ) .
