Frédéric Barbier (politician) – Wikipedia


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Frédéric Barbier , born the In Audincourt, is a French politician, member of the Socialist Party and then of La République en Marche. He is a deputy for the 4 It is Constituency of the Doubs from February 2015 to June 2022, and departmental advisor to the Doubs since 2015.

He is the son of small traders [ first ] . His father is a former Peugeot employee [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] . Frédéric Barbier is an executive at Enedis [ 2 ] .

Local elected [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From 1989 to 2012, he held several positions at the town hall of Pont de Roide, notably as the first deputy mayor of Pont de Roide – Vermondans [ 2 ] .

He was also vice-president of the Mixed Syndicate of the Pays de Lomont in 1995, before becoming president [ 2 ] from 2008 to 2012.


In March 2011, Frédéric Barbier was elected general councilor of the canton of Pont-de-Roide in the Doubs. He is vice-president of the 2011 General Council [ 2 ] to 2015 where he chaired the fifth commission (finance, human resources, general administration and heritage) [ 2 ] .

During the departmental elections of March 2015, he was elected adviser to the canton of Valentigney, in pairs with Martine Voidey.

Deputy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the 2012 legislative elections, Pierre Moscovici chose him as a substitute. The latter having been appointed Minister of Economy and Finance in the government of Jean-Marc Ayrault [ 5 ] , Frédéric Barbier provides a substitute as a deputy for the 4 It is Doubs district from the . He is a member of the National Assembly Committee on the National Assembly. After his departure from the government in March 2014, Moscovici regained his seat as a deputy where he replaced Barbier.

Candidate for the partial legislative in the fourth district of the Doubs provoked by the resignation of Pierre Moscovici, appointed European Commissioner, he won the On the evening of the second round, collecting 51.4% of the votes against the candidate of the National Front Sophie Montel.

The , he is re -elected deputy for the XV It is Legislature with the double inauguration of the PS and the Republic on the march, again beating Sophie Montel with 61.64% of the votes [ 6 ] . Because of his decision to join the La République en Marche group at the National Assembly, he is considered to be “resigning of office” of the PS [ 7 ] .

He is again a candidate for the deputation in 2022 under the label together, but failed in the second round against the candidate of the National Rally Géraldine Grangier [ 8 ] .

Activity in the National Assembly [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He is notably the author in 2015 of a report on the future of tobacconists. While he had initially taken a stand in favor of the pack of neutral cigarettes defended by the government and the Minister of Health Marisol Touraine, he changed his mind following a visit to Andorra where he is welcomed by the president of Midi-Pyrénées unionists’ union. At the end of this visit, he announces that he is against the measure as long as it is not applied throughout Europe [ 9 ] .

In October 2017, he was the only LREM deputy to vote against the reform of solidarity on fortune (ISF). Later, he also opposed the increase in the generalized social contribution (CSG) for retirees [ ten ] , then he militates so that the exemption of this increase is increased [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] , [ 13 ] , through two amendments, in November 2017 [ 14 ] and October 2018 [ 15 ] , which are rejected by the National Assembly [ 16 ] , [ 17 ] .

He is described as “semi-fringing deputy” by the daily The East Republican [ 18 ] .

  1. Laure Bretton, Neutral package: Tobacco lobby lobby finds » , Release , .
  2. a b c d e and f Who is Frédéric Barbier, the deputy for the 4th district of Doubs? » , on France 3 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté , (consulted the ) .
  3. Frédéric Barbier, the discreet plowman » , The Parisian , .
  4. Legislative in the Doubs: the PS wins the election, Frédéric Barbier makes a name » , on France Bleu , .
  5. From Pont de Roide to Paris via Mosco on France 3 , June 17, 2012.
  6. Ministry of the Interior, 2017 legislative elections » , on , (consulted the ) .
  7. “Doubs: Frédéric Barbier will no longer be a member of the Socialist Party” , The Parisian , June 27, 2017.
  8. Doubs – 25: Results of legislative elections 2022 » , on The world .
  9. The pack of neutral cigarettes, the minister and the lobbies » , on L’Obs , (consulted the ) .
  10. CSG, ISF: in the assembly, LREM deputies not always on the line » , Release , (consulted the ) .
  11. Pensions: the deputy of Doubs Frédéric Barbier writes to the Prime Minister » , on France Bleu , (consulted the ) .
  12. Adeline Lorence , CSG: What majority deputies offer to support retirees » , on , (consulted the ) .
  13. Among the “walkers” deputies, division ferments » , on Public Sénat , (consulted the ) .
  14. MPs restore the increase in the CSG » , The echoes , (consulted the ) .
  15. CSG: The majority confirms its gesture for 350,000 retirees but will not go further » , on , (consulted the ) .
  16. The JDD , CSG: The majority makes a gesture for retirees but retorts elected officials on the move » , Le Journal du Dimanche , (consulted the ) .
  17. Retirees will escape greater progressiveness of the CSG » , on L’Opinion , (consulted the ) .
  18. Frédéric Barbier, Semi-Freer MP » , on , .

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