Frédéric Gaëtan de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt-Wikipedia


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Frédéric Gaëtan, Marquis de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt , born in Paris on [ first ] and died in Paris first is the [ 2 ] , is a French politician, man of letters and historian.

He is the third son of François Alexandre Frédéric de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt.

Frédéric Gaëtan de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt was, under the first empire, sub-prefect of Clermont (Oise), then Andelys (Eure).

During the one hundred days, Louis XVIII charged him with a mission on the borders of Switzerland: he left for Switzerland where he tried to organize an army of volunteers to restore the king.

Appointed president of the electoral college of Morbihan, he was, the , elected deputy for first is Arrondissement du Cher (Bourges), by 193 votes out of 310 voters and 354 registered, against 88 to Mr. Royannez. He sat in constitutional opposition, and pointed out by his attachment to “Pure doctrines” of the parliamentary government: it was he who, in the session of , declared to the gallery that sovereignty resides essentially in the Chamber of Deputies.


Opponent of the Polignac cabinet, he voted with the 221, was re -elected, the , by 195 votes out of 313 voters and 363 registered, adhered to the government of Louis-Philippe I is , and was therefore successively re -elected, throughout the duration of the reign, with the support of the administration:

  • the , by 94 votes (179 voters, 222 registered), against 76 in Michel de Bourges;
  • the , by 96 votes (181 voters, 219 registered), against 75 in Michel de Bourges;
  • the , by 135 votes (238 voters, 288 registered), against 100 in the same competitor;
  • the , by 142 votes (246 voters);
  • the , by 149 votes (229 voters, 291 registered), against 43 in the same competitor;
  • Finally, the , by 156 votes (160 voters, 282 registered).

During these various legislatures, he most often opened with the majority, pronounced against the electoral reform, however fought the Penitentiary System of the Government and mainly took an active part in the discussion on the emancipation of blacks, being part, in , founders of French society for the abolition of slavery.

He had succeeded his father as president of the Christian morality society. The Marquis de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, returned to private life by the events of 1848, devoted its last years to literary works and was PhilanthropE.

In 1857, he was a candidate for the French Academy [ 3 ] .

He left numerous and varied writings, among other historical works, writings on social issues, in particular on prisons. Editor of the works of his ancestor The La Rochefoucauld memorialist and the Memoirs of the Marquis de Condorcet, he is also the author of Vaudevilles, tragedies, poems and poems.

  • Spiritual Jerome, or the Saidéréys , anecdotal vaudeville in 1 act, Paris, Troubadours,
  • Noon, or a look at the year eight , Vaudeville episodic in 1 act, with Georges Duval, Paris, Troubadours,
  • The French and Bonaparte Revolution, or the Guises du XVIII It is century , tragedy in 5 acts and verse, 1818
  • AGRIPPINE , tragedy in 5 acts, Paris, Odéon,
  • Achille à Troy , tragedy in 5 acts, 1849
  • One hundred fables in verse , 1800
  • Virgil’s eglogues , translated into French verse, 1812
  • The Duke of Angoulème in Spain , irregular stances, 1823
  • Various consolations and poems , 1838
  • Achille à Troy , poem, 1848
  • Notice on the Andelys district
  • Memoirs on the finances of France, in 1816 , 1816
  • Of the repression of the crimes of the press, in execution of article 8 of the constitutional charter , 1817
  • Of the forgiveness granted by the revolutionaries to the royalists , about a Benjamin Constant brochure entitled Political doctrine which must bring the French the most , 1817
  • Condorcet Memoirs on the French Revolution, extracted from his correspondence and those of his friends , 2 vol., 1824
  • Complete works of La Rochefoucauld , with notes and variants, edited by Gaëtan de la Rochefoucauld, 1825
  • Duties of the Council of State , 1829
  • Life of the Duke of La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt , 1831
  • History of the Andelys district , 1833
  • Life of John Howard , 1840
  • Examination of the theory and practice of the penitentiary system , Paris, Delaunay, 1840, 385 p.
This is a position in the great debate which waved the July monarchy on the regime of its prisons.
  • Consequences of the penitentiary system , 1841
  • Cell mortality , 1844
  • Exam you report you on the bill for the prison reform , 1844
  • Speech in the Chamber of Deputies in the discussion of the bill on the reform of prisons (1845)
  • Notes from Emperor Napoleon on the story of England, a complement necessary for the Memorial of Sainte-Hélène , 1850
  • Moral Notes de Racine , 1852
  • Racine literary and moral studies , 2 vol., 1855-1856
  • Latest advice , political will of the Prime Minister of the Emperor Léopold I is , offered to the Société de la Morale Christian, 1858
  • History of torture in the XIX It is century , 1859
  • Life of Mrs. Michelle Homassel, widow Fontaine , 1862
  • Satire imitated from 4 It is from Salvator Rosa, followed by an extract from translation of a historical memory of Thomas Clarkson, dealing with the same subject , s. d.
Connected works
  • Selected works by M. le Marquis de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt , 8 vol., 1858-1862

Third son of François XII (1747-1827), Duke of La Rochefoucauld and Félicité-Sophie de Lannion (1745-1830), the Marquis de la Rochefoucauld had for brothers and sisters:

  1. François XIII Armand Frédéric (1765-1848), 8 It is Duke of La Rochefoucauld, Duke of Liancourt, etc., married in 1794 to Marie-Françoise de Tott (1770-1854), including posterity;
  2. Alexandre-François (1765-1848), count of La Rochefoucauld, married in 1788 to Adélaïde de Pyvart de Chastullé (1769-1814), including posterity;
  3. Aglaé Émilie Joséphine (Paris, – Paris, – Paris) ;
  • Gaétan de la Rochefoucauld married, in 1808, Marie Caroline Petronilla Schall de Bell (1786-1870), countess » von Schall-Riaucour. Together, they had:
    • Marie Caroline Frédérique Gaétane (Clermont (Oise), – 1873), married, the in Paris (75), with Jean Charles Marie Lalung de Ferrol († 1864);
    • Frédéric Charles Gaétan († – at the headquarters of Bilbao (1836));
    • François (Paris, – 1827).

“Frédéric Gaëtan de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt” , in Adolphe Robert and Gaston Cougny, French parliamentary dictionary , Edgar Bourloton, 1889-1891 [Edition detail] [ Text on Sycomore ]

  1. Paris, reconstituted civil status, view of 27/51.
  2. Death act in Paris first is , N ° 461, Vue 19/21. , with indication of birth in Paris.
  3. Letters at the French Academy ( pref. Hélène Carrère d’Encausse, ed. Christophe Carlier), Paris, Les Arènes, , 232 p. (ISBN  978-2-35204-102-3 ) , p. 68 .
