Free cundandarca — Wikipedia


L’ Free and independent state of Cundinamarca is a South American Republic having existed between 1811 and 1814 on the territory which corresponds to the current department of Cundinamarca, in Colombia, including the city of Santa Fe de Bogota, then capital of the vice-rotay of New Grenade.


Creation of the free state of Cundinamarca [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1810, the city of Bogota housed some of the most influential Creoles in Vice-Roading (including Policarpa Salavarrieta and Antonio Nariño), which greatly contributed to what the independence movement begins, following From the so -called “Llorente florist” event, when the Francisco and Antonio Morales brothers wanting to obtain a vase to serve as a decoration during a dinner with a royal official arrived from Spain, were violently expelled by the merchant Spanish José González Llorente who was a boutique at the northeast corner of what is today the Plaza de Bolívar. The incident, serving as an excuse, degenerated into riots which are the cause of the cries of independence (is) .

During the year 1810, the revolutionaries met in different junta, proclaiming independence from Spain, although not in absolute terms [Ref. necessary] . In , the Bogota supreme junta is on the initiative of a congress with the other junts of New Grenade in order to write a common constitution. This turns out to be a failure, only seven junts being represented, the others refusing to attend, either because they refuse a break with Spain is because they fear that Bogota has a preponderant place within the possible new political entity [ first ] . Bogota and his province then constitute themselves in a new state in The Libertére De Cinined Tall [ first ] .

Later, the , the neo-Grenadine province of Bogota declares its total independence, both from Spain and from France (at war with Spain between 1808 and 1814) or any other foreign power [ 2 ] .

At that time were created two groups: the royalists (or colonialists, or loyalists), supporters of the Absolutist monarchy of Spain and the colonial regime for America, and the patriots (or independence or Creole), supporters of the independence of the American colonies of the Spanish metropolis [ 3 ] . The latter in turn divide into centralists (led by Antonio Nariño) and Federalists (led by Camilo Torres Tenio).

Presidency of Jorge Tadeo Lozano [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Following the creation of the free state of Cundinamarca in [ first ] . Jorge Tadeo Lozano is elected president and takes up his new functions from the [ B 1 ] . However, the centralist Antonio Nariño, who believes that Tadeo Lozano is weak and stupid, attacks the president through his political newspaper, The insignificant , putting public opinion on its side [ 4 ] . With the editions of 15 and of The insignificant , Nariño manages to convince the inhabitants of the country that it is necessary to change government, Jorge Tadeo Lozano failing to face the Spanish reconquest [ B 2 ] . Following the publication of , the people ask that the president in place renounces their functions the same day [ B 2 ] , what Tadeo Lozano does [ 5 ] . In stride, the National representation , who is “The highest organ provided by the Cundinamarca constitution in the event of situations of external gravity” , Elit Antonio Nariño Président of L’Etat free from Cundinamarca [ first ] .


D’Anton Antonio Nariño [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Antonio Nariño, who defends a centralist system with a unitary state with strong executive power [ first ] , ratifies his appointment on [ B 3 ] . While he is at the head of the country, he decides to reform the education system by wanting to replace the school approach with that scientific, helps the poorest by helping them financially and preparing a long -term social policy, Creates treasury bills to strengthen taxation, stimulates agricultural production for export and improves the urban space of Bogota [ 6 ] . He also restored the death penalty in the free state of Cundinamarca him [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] by suspending certain articles of the Constitution without any formality [ 7 ] .

The majority of the provinces of New Grenade adopt a federal system, similar to that of the United States. Thus, the , is the Federation of the United Provinces of New Grenade, in which the old provinces of Antioquia, Cartagena, Pamplona, ​​Neiva and Tunja participate [ 3 ] . Due to the centralist nature of the Cundinamarca Constitution, the federalists wipe out from the Union of this State to the Federation [ 3 ] . During the year 1811, Cundinamarca annexed the province of Mariquita and part of that of the Neiva [ 9 ] , which makes relations between Cundinamarca and the other teno-Grenadines stretched provinces. THE A peace treaty with the United Provinces is signed. This treaty recognizes the annexations of Cundinamarca and establishes a future federal capital outside the jurisdiction of any state, conditions which allow the integration of Cundinamarca into the Federation [ 3 ] .

In 1812, the government ordered Nariño to adjust state legislation in accordance with the federal pact, which it refuses. THE , the Congress of the United Provinces declares war in Nariño and Cundinamarca. The centralists are defeated in Ventaquemada the . The federalists approach Santa Fe but are put in rout by Nariño the . Relative peace settles.

The , the Cundinamarca electoral college declares absolute independence. Nariño renounces his post as president and was appointed chief general of the forces of Cundinamarca and the United Provinces to fight the Spanish in the South. During this military campaign, he was captured near San Juan de Pasto and led to a Spanish prison where he did not leave until 1820.

End of the free state of Cundinamarca [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Learning the fate of Antonio Nariño, the United Province Congress decides to take Bogota by force. THE , Simón Bolívar (on the run from Venezuela since the fall of the Second Republic of Venezuela), between victoriously in Bogota and Cundinamarca is definitively integrated into the United Provinces.

While the neo-Grenadins embarked on the other side of the Atlantic, Spain has not given up its colonies. In the middle of the year 1815, Pablo Morillo arrived in New Grenade at the head of an important expeditionary force and began the Spanish reconquest of New Grenade which was completed in 1816.

Work used [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • (is) Antonio Cacua prey , I am Nariño , Guadalupe Publishing , 459 p. (ISBN  9789584439956 )
  1. «Chapter IV: The formation of the Republic: Granada Congress and State of Cundinamarca»
  2. a et b «Chapter IV: The formation of the Republic: Journalistic coup d’etat»
  3. «Chapter IV: The formation of the Republic: President in charge»

Other references [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. A B C D and E Jean Pierre Minaudier , History of Colombia of conquest to the present day , Paris, L’Harmattan, coll. “Latin Americas Horizons”, , 363 p. (ISBN  9782738443342 , read online ) , p. 102-103
  2. (is) Declaration of independence » , Government of Cundinarmaca
  3. A B C and D (is) Jaume Ollé, Colombia: Independence »
  4. (is) The Colombian of all time » , Week , ( read online )
  5. (is) José Eduardo Rueda Enciso, BIBLIOGRAPHIC SHEET: Jorge Tadeo Lozano » , Bibliothèque Luis Ángel Arango (consulted the )
  6. (is) The Colombian of all time » , Week , ( read online )
  7. a et b (is) Armando Martínez Garnica , The Antonio Nariño and Álvarez case: “Historical itinerary” of the experience of the revolution and experience of a “patriot” historian adverse to the paladin of the Santa Confereños chisperos » , History 2.0: Historical knowledge in digital key , n O 2, , p. 105-156 (ISSN  2027-9035 , read online [PDF] )
  8. (is) Rodrigo Llano Isaza , “Santa Fe” , In Facts and people of the First Colombian Republic (1810-1816) , Bogota, ( read online )
  9. (is) Facts and people of the First Colombian Republic (Santafé de Bogota 1810-1816) » , Bibliothèque Luis Ángel Arango

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