Free faculties of philosophy and psychology – Wikipedia



IPC – Free Faculties of Philosophy and Psychology is a private higher education establishment of general interest (EESPIG) created in 1969 in the form of a non -profit association. It is located in Paris, which offers training in the fields of philosophy and psychology by preparing for national license diplomas (Bac +3), a clean master’s course, and post-doctoral research teams. Founded by André and Marcel Clément [ first ] , the IPC was led by Michel Boyancé [ 2 ] From 1999 to 2020. He is currently headed by Emmanuel Brochier, lecturer in philosophy.

Since 2007, the IPC has been providing the publications of its works by the IPC University Press , broadcast and distributed by Vrin editions.

IPC has an intellectual intention to transmit an open philosophy on questions of faith [ 3 ] [Insufficient source] .

The vast majority of students, teachers and teachers come from the Christian and Catholic environment [ 4 ] . There is a small chapel in the premises of the IPC for this reason.

The IPC was created in 1969 as “Comparative Philosophy Institute” [ 5 ] . It is based on a non -profit association [ 6 ] . She benefited from the support of her beginnings of the Parents Association for the Promotion of Free Higher Education (APSL) of Aimé Aubert – Michel Boyancé today presides over this association – which supported the creation of several private faculties non -confessional but based on Christian values. The IPC was chaired from 1969 to 1976 by Hubert Le Griel, then by André Clément until 1995, also a founding dean [ 7 ] . Among his first teachers, in addition to Marcel Clément, brother of André, Thomas de Koninck, André Lamarche, Aline Lizotte, Henri Marduel, university professor in Lyon, Jacques de Monléon [ 8 ] , R. P. Marie-Dominique Philippe [ 9 ] ).


In 1971, the IPC signed an agreement with the University of Paris IV – Sorbonne by becoming a faculty and on this occasion changed its name, the IPC was then called “Free Faculty of Comparative Philosophy (FLPC)” [ 5 ] .

In 1999, Michel Boyancé took on management functions and undertook to modify pedagogy and fundamental orientations, by, in particular, links with the State, public universities and Catholic institutes [ ten ] . He widens the faculty [ 11 ] .

In 2002, the IPC took its current name of “IPC – free faculties of philosophy and psychology” and opened a preparation for the state license in psychology [ 5 ] . The IPC is now preparing for national diplomas within the framework of a rectural jury (article 613-7 of the education code).

In , the IPC celebrates its forty years [ twelfth ] , [ 13 ] .

Since 2010 the IPC has been on contract with the State.

In 2015, the IPC received the new qualification as a private higher education establishment of general interest [ 14 ] .

In 2016, the IPC, opened preparation for social work competitions, in partnership with the Auteuil Foundation [ 15 ] .

In 2017, the IPC, in partnership with the Stanislas College [ 16 ] In Paris, opens up medicine and philosophy training for medical students.

Hceres assessed the IPC like all EESPIG establishments [ 17 ] .

It validates 1,800 hours for the first cycle, or 600 hours per year [ 18 ] .

The “Psychology” taught at the IPC revolves according to two approaches: on the one hand, psychology as human and social science; On the other hand, rational psychology, or philosophical anthropology.

Since 2016, the IPC has structured its post-doctoral research around three research areas, one in practical philosophy [ 19 ] , the second in speculative philosophy [ 20 ] and the third in psychology [ 21 ] .

In 2018, the IPC organized a study day Le Musique as a purpose of the company, in partnership with the Master Humanities and Management of the University of Paris-Nanterre, with the Rimhe-Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Man & Enterprise, With the Ceres laboratory of the Catholic Institute of Toulouse, and with the SPSG, a philosophy society of management sciences. [Ref. necessary]

In 2019, the IPC organized an international conference Arthur S. Eddington: From Physics to Philosophy and Back Again [ 22 ] , In partnership with the Paris Observatory, the Institute of Astrophysics of Paris, the International Astronomical Union, the British Society for the History of Science (in) , the Henri-Poincaré archives, and the Trinity College, Cambridge.

In 2020, the IPC organized a conference on the Laval philosophical school, in partnership with University Laval in Quebec, St Thomas University, Houston (TX), USA, Universidad Santo Thomas, Chile, Thomas Aquinas College (CA ), USA [Ref. necessary]

  1. Biography of Marcel Clément on the site of Christian family
  2. Biography of Michel Boyancé on the
  3. IPC – Free Faculties of Philosophy and Psychology » , on Catholic church in France (consulted the )
  4. France Catholic , IPC 40 years » , on Catholic France , (consulted the )
  5. A B and C Cyril Lepeigneux, IPC, free faculties of philosophy and psychology – open up to the world and its trades , Christian family n O  1367, 27 mars 2004, Interview with André Clément , Interview with Michel Boyancé on the 40th anniversary of the IPC in Catholic France
  6. IPC – Free faculties of philosophy and psychology – Catholic Church in France » , on Catholic church in France (consulted the ) .
  7. This indicated that the current IPC no longer corresponded to the Foundation IPC. Cf. Florian Michel, Catholic thought in North America, DDB, Paris, 2010.
  8. In Memorial Jacques de Monléon » [PDF] , on scholar (consulted the ) .
  9. See Marie-Christine Lafon, Marie-Dominique Philippe: in the heart of the church of XX It is century , Artège Éditions/Desclée de Brouwer, 2015: Father Marie-Dominique Philippe also taught at the Free University of the evening (ULS, also founded with the support of the APSL), like Jacques de Monléon, and left the IPC in 1974. He was the founder of the Saint John Congregation.
  10. Article on the IPC website
  11. IPC »
  12. Article on
  13. Philippe Oswald, Anniversary of free faculties of philosophy and psychology (IPC) , Christian family n O 1683, April 12, 2010
  14. FR » , on (consulted the )
  15. Prefo device » (consulted the )
  16. Medicine and philosophy » , on IPC – Free Faculties of Philosophy and Psychology (consulted the )
  17. HCERES, IPC »
  18. Organization and program of courses » , on IPC (consulted the ) .
  19. Research axis “Practical philosophy and modern society” » , on IPC – Free Faculties of Philosophy and Psychology (consulted the )
  20. Research axis “Metaphysics, philosophy of nature and scientific practices” » , on IPC – Free Faculties of Philosophy and Psychology (consulted the )
  21. Research axis “reasoning, explanation, uncertainty” » , on IPC – Free Faculties of Philosophy and Psychology (consulted the )
  22. (En-Eu) 2019 Eddington Conference – Arthur S. Eddington » (consulted the )

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