French Embassy near the Holy See-Wikipedia


Logo of the French Embassy near the Holy See.

L’ French Embassy near the Holy See is the diplomatic representation of the French Republic near the Holy See. It is located via Piave in Rome, at Villa Bonaparte. The ambassador has been Florence Mangin since .


The embassy is located in Rome, apart from the limits of the Vatican, at Villa Bonaparte also called Villa Paolina . It also hosts a consular section.

The embassy has occupied the neo-classical style villa built in 1750 since 1950 for Cardinal Silvio Valenti Gonzaga, secretary of state of Pope Benoît XIV, who, a collector of microscopes and compasses, housed 832 masters of masters; He had made a hatch over the floor overlooking the contiguous chapel, in order to be able to hear mass without having to descend the stairs; The hatch was preserved by a sister of Napoleon I is , which gave her the name she has since preserved.

Indeed, in 1803, she was acquired by Pauline Bonaparte, wife of Prince Camille Borghese, who did important work there; She brought down Chinese wallpapers, commands a cabinet decorated with “Egyptian frescoes”, a living room decorated with vestals, and has a bathtub cut in the marble “conducive to donkey milk baths”.

In 1908, the Prussian state bought it and set up its legation there.

After the Second World War, Jacques Maritain, appointed in 1945 against his will by General de Gaulle (who died there in 1967) French ambassador to the Vatican, buys it on behalf of France and it became the seat of the Embassy Who until then had successively occupied other Roman residences: the Madame Palace (current seat of the Italian Senate), the Palais de Carolis, the Palais Colonna, the Palais Primoli, then the Palais Taverna.


Jean d’Ormesson stayed there for his successor, his paternal uncle Wladimir, who received François Mitterrand, “A surprising piety” [ first ] .

French ambassadors near the Holy See [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , three weeks after the assassination of Father Jacques Hamel, François Hollande went to the Vatican to express his gratitude to Pope Francis for the words of compassion that he had held, as well as on the occasion of the other terrorist attacks suffered by France. Before his meeting with the sovereign pontiff, the president went to the Saint-Louis-des-Français church, where a chapel is dedicated to the memory of the victims of terrorism [ 2 ] .

French community [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since 2009, the administrative management of the French living in Rome is the responsibility of the French Embassy Consulate to the Italian Republic. Those who have a link with the Holy See are registered in the register of this consulate and are integrated into the “Saint-Siège” sector. For this reason, at , there is no registered on the consular registers in the Vatican [ 3 ] .

2005 2006 2007 2008
55 65 58 49
2009 2010 2011 2012
21 17
two thousand and thirteen 2014 2015 2016

Electoral constituencies [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since the law of [ 4 ] Reforming the representation of the French established outside of France with the implementation of consular advice within diplomatic missions, the French nationals of a constituency covering part of Italy (consular districts of Rome and Naples), Malta and the Vatican elevate five consular advisers for six years. These have three roles:

  1. They are local elected officials for French people from abroad;
  2. They belong to one of the fifteen constituencies which elect the members of the Assembly of the French from abroad within them;
  3. They integrate the electoral college which elects the senators representing the French established outside of France. In order to respect demographic representativeness, a consular delegate is elected to complete this electoral college.

For the election to the assembly of French people from abroad, the Vatican belonged until 2014 to the electoral district of Rome [ 5 ] , also including Italy, Malta and Saint-Marin, and designating four seats. The Vatican now belongs to the electoral district “Southern Europe” whose chief town is Rome and which designates five of its 21 consular advisers to sit among the 90 members of the Assembly of French people from abroad [ 6 ] .

For the election of deputies of French people abroad, the Vatican depends on the 8 It is Constituency.

The pious establishments of France in Rome and Lorette are a French foundation placed under the supervision of the French Embassy near the Holy See and responsible for administering and maintaining five churches located in Rome and considered as French historic monuments, Thirteen buildings as well as a small building in Lorette (La Chapellenie Nationale de France):

The Foundation is directed by the General Congregation, made up of twelve French people residing in Rome (six ecclesiastics and six lay people) and chaired by the French ambassador.

The Saint-Louis cultural center of France (whose official name is currently a French institute-Center Saint-Louis) was founded in 1945, by the philosopher Jacques Maritain. Since 2005, it has been the only French cultural center in Rome, having taken over the activities of the Alliance Française de Rome, particularly in terms of teaching French and certifications and diplomas. He is headed by the cultural advisor of the embassy with the Holy See, since 2014 Olivier Jacquot.

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