French national baseball championship 1 2007 – Wikipedia


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The French national baseball championship 1 2007 Gather 23 teams that compete to access the elite division of French baseball.

It is the Arvernes of Clermont-Ferrand who won the title [ first ] Faced with the Marlins of Compiègne and access the elite for the first time in their history.

The regular season takes place from At . The first four of each pool are qualified for the play-offs. They compete in two rounds Robin from which only the first two in the hen who advance in the semi-finals. The finish is played for 20 and for access to the elite.

The best decline in the play-off for the place in an elite while the worst, the teams classified 5 to 8, participate in the play-down, the last two of which are relegated to the regional ( Honor Division ).

Following the 2006 elite/N1 dams, no elite team descends in N1 for the 2007 season.


The Toulouse Tigers reserve and the Gif-sur-Yvette Gothics, respectively champions and vice-champions of National 2 2006, join the National 1 for this new edition.

The 23 clubs are distributed in this way:

Hen c

(the teams playing at home are appointed first)

Hen has [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Hen b [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Hen c [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 25 mars
    • Béziers 8-2 Clermont
    • Béziers 14-0 Clermont
    • Toulouse² 6-20 Marseille
    • Toulouse² 7-2 Marseille
    • Beautiful 9-7 Nice
    • Beaucaire 4-14 Nice
  • first is april
    • Grenoble 2-12 Clermont
    • Grenoble 6-12 Clermont
    • Marseille 0-11 Nice
    • Marseille 12-3 Nice
    • Toulouse² 6-5 Beaucaire
    • Toulouse² 4-3 Beaucaire
  • April 8
    • Clermont 19-0 Toulouse²
    • Clermont 5-8 Toulouse²
    • Marseille 4-8 Grenoble
    • Marseille 5-4 Grenoble
    • Beaucaire 5-6 Béziers
    • Beaucaire 1-8 Béziers
  • April 15
    • Clermont 13-14 Marseille
    • Clermont 7-1 Marseille
    • Béziers 10-9 Toulouse²
    • Béziers 14-4 Toulouse²
    • Nice 10-4 Grenoble
    • Nice 12-0 Grenoble
  • April 22
    • Beaucaire 1-8 Clermont
    • Beaucaire 1-4 Clermont
    • Béziers 10-5 Nice
    • Béziers 7-6 Nice
    • Toulouse² 1-2 Grenoble
    • Toulouse² 11-1 Grenoble
  • April 29
    • Marseille 3-5 Beautiful
    • Marseille 0-9 Beautiful
    • Nice 6-7 Toulouse²
    • Nice 8-9 Toulouse²
    • Grenoble 1-3 Béziers
    • Grenoble 5-16 Béziers
  • May 6
    • Nice 0-8 Clermont
    • Nice 9-3 Clermont
    • Béziers 12-11 Marseille
    • Béziers 13-12 Marseille
    • Beautiful 8-7 Grenoble
    • Beaucaire 3-5 Grenoble
  • May 13
    • Clermont 11-7 Béziers
    • Clermont 4-8 Béziers
    • Marseille 8-4 Toulouse²
    • Marseille 6-10 Toulouse²
    • Nice 3-1 Beaucaire
    • Nice 11-0 Beaucaire
  • May 27
    • Toulouse² 8-10 Clermont
    • Toulouse² 3-6 Clermont
    • Grenoble 3-2 Marseille
    • Grenoble 6-3 Marseille
    • Béziers 8-7 Beaucaire
    • Béziers 9-8 Beaucaire
  • June 10
    • Clermont 14-1 Grenoble
    • Clermont 3-2 Grenoble
    • Nice 2-7 Marseille
    • Nice 5-8 Marseille
    • Beautiful 3-0 Toulouse²
    • Beaucaire 1-6 Toulouse²
  • June 17
    • Marseille 3-16 Clermont
    • Marseille 9-8 Clermont
    • Toulouse² 2-6 Béziers
    • Toulouse² 6-4 Béziers
    • Grenoble 5-7 Nice
    • Grenoble 5-1 Nice
  • June 24
    • Clermont 10-2 Beaucaire
    • Clermont 5-4 Beaucaire
    • Grenoble 2-5 Toulouse²
    • Grenoble 10-2 Toulouse²
    • Nice 1-8 Béziers
    • Nice 1-19 Béziers
  • first is July
    • Beaucaire 2-6 Marseille
    • Beaucaire 2-12 Marseille
    • Toulouse² 5-4 Nice
    • Toulouse² 4-3 Nice
    • Béziers 2-5 Grenoble
    • Béziers 2-7 Grenoble
  • July 8
    • Clermont 4-3 Nice
    • Clermont 9-10 Nice
    • Marseille 7-14 Béziers
    • Marseille 10-12 Béziers
    • Grenoble 7-9 Beautiful
    • Grenoble 5-4 Beaucaire

Rankings [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Hen has

Pl. Crew MJ IN D %
first Compiègne 27 23 4 0.852
2 Cherbourg 27 20 7 0.741
3 Rouen² 28 19 9 0.679
4 Ermont 28 16 twelfth 0.571
5 Dunkirk 28 twelfth 16 0.429
6 Bois-Guillaume 27 9 18 0.333
7 Vauréal 27 8 19 0.296
8 Cergy 26 2 24 0.077

Hen b

Pl. Crew MJ IN D %
first Pessac 28 26 2 0.929
2 Montigny 27 24 3 0.889
3 Paris 26 16 ten 0.615
4 Savigny² 29 14 15 0.483
5 Thiais 29 13 16 0.448
6 GIF/Yvette 28 11 17 0.393
7 Senart² 25 4 21 0.160
7 Nantes 28 2 26 0.071

Hen c

Pl. Crew MJ IN D %
first Béziers 24 20 4 0.833
2 Clermont 24 16 8 0.667
3 Toulouse² 24 13 11 0.542
4 Grenoble 24 ten 14 0.417
5 Marseille 24 ten 14 0.417
6 Nice 24 9 15 0.375
7 Beautiful 24 6 18 0.250

J : meetings played, IN : victories, D : defeats, % : percentage of victory.

Teams [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The first 4 of the hen of the regular season are qualified for the play-offs and divided into two pools in this way:

POLE PO 1 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Date Hour Receiving Visitor Match 1 Match 2 Notes
11.00 Compiègne Rouen² 7 – 6 15 – 5
11.00 Montigny Toulouse² 9 – 0* 9 – 0* * flat rate
11.00 Savigny² Béziers 7 – 6 14 – 13
11.00 Béziers Rouen² 10 – 0 9 – 2
11.00 Toulouse² Compiègne 4 – 9 13 – 4
11.00 Montigny Savigny² 12 – 2 15 – 9
11.00 Rouen² Savigny² 93 14 – 4
11.00 Compiègne Montigny 4 – 7 7 – 21
11.00 Béziers Toulouse² 2 – 4 11 – 9
11.00 Béziers Montigny sixty seven 13 – 5
11.00 Rouen² Toulouse² 1 – 3 7 – 5
11.00 Savigny² Compiègne 5 – 8 6 – 12
11.00 Compiègne Béziers 4 – 5 8 – 2
11.00 Montigny Rouen² 10 – 3 12 – 2
11.00 Toulouse² Savigny² 4 – 3 11 -9
Pl. Crew MJ IN D %
first Montigny ten 9 first 0.900
2 Compiègne ten 6 4 0.600
3 Béziers ten 5 5 0.500
4 Toulouse² ten 5 5 0.500
5 Rouen² ten 3 7 0.300
6 Savigny² ten 2 8 0.200

J : meetings played, IN : victories, D : defeats, % : percentage of victory.

PO 2 hen [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Date Hour Receiving Visitor Match 1 Match 2 Notes
11.00 Pessac Paris 12 – 1 10 – 5
11.00 Clermont Ermont 6 – 0 8 – 13
11.00 Grenoble Cherbourg 9 – 0* 9 – 0* * flat rate
11.00 Cherbourg Paris sixty one 0 – 4
11.00 Ermont Pessac 2 – 6 2 – 1
11.00 Clermont Grenoble sixty four 15 – 2
11.00 Paris Grenoble 9 – 8 5 – 0
11.00 Pessac Clermont 3 – 2 6 – 11
11.00 Cherbourg Ermont seventy three 12 – 2
11.00 Cherbourg Clermont sixty one 0 – 2
11.00 Paris Ermont 7 – 2 2 – 1
11.00 Grenoble Pessac 4 – 11 1 – 5
11.00 Pessac Cherbourg 7 – 2 sixty one
11.00 Clermont Paris twelfth 6 – 5
11.00 Ermont Grenoble 11 – 4 4 – 1
Pl. Crew MJ IN D %
first Pessac ten 8 2 0.800
2 Clermont ten 6 4 0.600
3 Paris ten 6 4 0.600
4 Cherbourg ten 4 6 0.400
5 Ermont ten 4 6 0.400
6 Grenoble ten 2 8 0.200

J : meetings played, IN : victories, D : defeats, % : percentage of victory.

Finals [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The first two of Play-Off chickens compete in the crossed semi-finals at the best of three 9-round games on the 13th and .

The final is also played at the best of the three meetings the 20 and . The 2009 French Champion of N1, Clermont, went to an elite in 2010.

Match Date Hour Receiving Visitor Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Notes
1/2 n°1 15.00 Montigny Clermont 9 – 12 X X
11.00 and 15.00 X 13 – 0 8 – 16
1/2 n°2 15.00 Pessac Compiègne 4 – 8 X X
11.00 and 15.00 X 17 – 2 7 – 13
Finale 15.00 Clermont Compiègne 4 – 5 X X
11.00 and 15.00 X 15 – 4 93

Nantes And The Entente I can²/Patriots descend into regional voluntarily And there is therefore no Play-Down phase. These two teams will be replaced by the finalists of the 2007 N2: Bron Saint-Priest and the Andelys.
