Fricant family – Wikipedia


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Family Friant is a French family from Morlancourt in the department of the Somme titled Comte d’Empire on October 5, 1808.

  • Louis Friant , count of the Empire in 1808, born September 18, 1758 in Morlancourt in the department of Somme, was the son of Louis Friant, grocer and manufacturer of waxes in this village, and Marguerite Quaquet [ first ] . He joined in 1781 in the French guards. He was appointed brigadier general on 16 Thermidor year II, took part in the Egyptian expedition and was distinguished by its value at the Battle of the Pyramids. He became general of division on 18 fructidor year VII and received the title of count of the Empire by letters patent of October 5, 1808. He was called to the Chamber of Peers during the Hundred Days, then lived in retirement after recovery of the monarchy and died in 1829 in Guillonet (Seine-et-Oise). Married in 1788 in Joséphine-Emmanuelle-Rose Martin (who died in 1793), he remarried in 1804 in Louise-Charlotte Leclerc, sister of generals Leclerc (who died without posterity in 1853) [ 2 ] . He was knight, grand officer (1804) and Grand-Croix (1805) of the Legion of Honor [ 3 ] .
    • Jean-François Friant , 2nd Count Friant (first known as “Le Baron Friant”), son of the previous one and Joséphine-Emmanuelle-Rose Martin. Born December 3, 1790 in Paris and died on June 8, 1867 in REBERINCOURT (Val-d’Oise). Squadron chief in 1813, he became general of brigade in 1829. He was knight (1812), officer (1814) and Commander (1832) of the Legion of Honor [ 4 ] . Married in 1821 to Elisa Seguin, he died in 1867. He had two children: Louis-Gilbert-François-Léon Léon and Marie Émilie (Madame Drake del Castillo) [ 2 ] .
We can attach to the family of the Frient Counts, two personalities from the same village of Morlancourt, from a Germain cousin of General Louis Friant [ 6 ]
  • Louis-François Friant , born January 13, 1801 in Morlancourt in the Somme department and died on May 15, 1867, he was the son of Nicolas-Louis Friant, housewife and Catherine Leguai. Captain-Tresctor at 55 It is line infantry regiment in 1838, he ended his career as Major in Lyon Place [ 6 ] . He was knight of the Legion of Honor on April 15, 1846 [ 7 ] . Married in Morlaincourt on October 11, 1819 to Marie-Louise-Florentine Beauval, he was Father Louis-François, who follows.
    • Louis-François Friant , born November 23, 1822 in Morlancourt (Somme) and died on February 25, 1909 in Morlancourt, he was the son of Louis-François Friant and Marie-Louise Florentine Beauval (and the grandson of Nicolas-Louis Friant, household, residing in Morlancourt). Entered the special military school in 1841, he was battalion chief at 11 It is line regiment in 1864, and ended his career as a lieutenant-colonel [ 6 ] . He was knight (1860) then officer of the Legion of Honor (1872) [ 8 ] .
  • Château de Seraincourt
  • Priory of Gaillonet
