Friedrich Alfred Kupp — Wikipédia


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Friedrich Alfred Krupp , born the in Essen, and died the In the same city, is a German industrialist and politician. He was the son of Alfred Krupp, whose foundries he inherited in 1887.

Statux The Friedrich Alfred Krupt Devant Le Museum Kolper (à La Manda wagging)

Inheritance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Friedrich Alfred Krupp received a training of classical letters at the Lycée du Château d’Essen. He made the Krupp company an industrial group of global stature, which today constitutes the kernel of Thyssenkrupp. The company, reinforced by the Rheinhausen steel factory, produced above all for the armament sector. In 1893, supported by the German government, he merged his empire with that of his main competitor Hermann Gruson.


Under his mandate, the number of workers practically doubled up to 45,000. He multiplied the paternalistic measures to help and promote the condition of his employees. His social commitment was revolutionary for the time, for example by opening one of the first holiday villages, that of Altenhof (of) à essenc . The employees of the company could come on vacation and live in these architectural houses for free, in order to break with the greyness of their industrial city. By purchasing other companies such as the Germania Naval sites in Kiel (1896-1902), he was in 1902 at the head of a company with 70,000 workers and employees.

From 1893 to 1898, Friedrich Alfred Krupp was a deputy for the constituency of Essen at the Reichstag. He sat there with the Conservatives. He did not hesitate to put pressure on the German authorities to obtain orders for military equipment.

Friedrich Alfred Krupp in 1882 margarethe von Ende, daughter of the high president August von Ende, who gave him two daughters, Bertha and Barbara (of) .

Capri refuge [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Krupp was a fervent follower of stays in Capri, where he spent the winter months from 1899 to 1902. He had a steep path there in the middle of the rocks, the current Via Krupp , become a tourist curiosity. Oceanographic research was the main activity of the Industry Knight in Capri: it has identified several species living in the Mediterranean. He received in his field of naturalists as famous as Felix Anton Dohrn and Ignazio Cerio (in) , and he had two yachts in Capri, the House and the Puritan [ first ] .

Rumors and death [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The suspicions of pederasty towards Friedrich Alfred Krupp date back to his stays at the Bristol Hotel in Berlin [ 2 ] . They were confirmed by police commissioner Hans von Tresckow, responsible for monitoring homosexuals [ 3 ] .

In Capri, during the winter of 1901-1902, he had a cave arranged near Small marina To meditate there and also to lead various festivities with a circle of friends, the Congrega of Fra Felice [ 4 ] . We do not know if there have really been organized orgies with young lovers, or if this accusation reflects blackmail [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , in the context of local political struggles [ 7 ] . Krupp discovered these rumors in [ 8 ] . The 15 and , the Neapolitan Socialist Journal Propaganda Treated with “sexual degenerate” [ 9 ] , [ ten ] . The , the Catholic newspaper Augsburg post newspaper revealed the scandal, without quoting the name. THE , the social democratic newspaper Forward Revived Krupp as homosexual, and underlined that he was liable to paragraph 175. The copies of this number were seized, even among subscribers [ 11 ] .

Shortly after, the , Krupp died in the Hügel villa in Essen. There was a cerebral hemorrhage officially [ twelfth ] or heart failure [ 13 ] , but the rumor of suicide spread. During his funeral in Essen, the funeral procession was followed by Guillaume II [ 14 ] : the emperor accused the socialists of having “murdered” his friend [ 15 ] .

Krupp had asked by Testament that the family business be transformed into a joint -stock company, his eldest daughter Bertha inheriting all actions.

  1. (of) Dieter Richter, Bruder Glücklichs trauriges Ende» , on (consulted the )
  2. (it) John From the garden , Storia gay – Friedrich Alfred Krupp (1854-1902), l’omosessualità e lo scandalo di Capri» , on (consulted the )
  3. (of) Hans von Tresckow, Of princes and other mortals. Memories of a criminal commissioner , Berlin, F. Fontane and Co, , p. 126-132 (the Falling Capcle)
  4. According to (of) Dieter Richter, in Michael Epkenhans, Ralf Stremmel (Éd.), Friedrich Alfred Krupp. An entrepreneur in the Empire , Munich, Beck, , 363 p. (ISBN  978-3-406-60670-0 , read online ) , «Krupp on Capri. A scandal and its story » , p. 166-168 .
  5. (of) Norman Douglas, Review. A trip to my past , p. 198-199 .
  6. (of) Diana Maria Friz, Margarethe Krupp , Munich, dtv, 2008 (ISBN  978-3-423-24703-0 ) (OCLC 316276410 ) , p. 342 .
  7. (it) Carlo Knight, Krupp a Capri , Naples, 1989.
  8. Richter, on. Cit. , p. 169-174.
  9. (it) John From the garden , Testi di storia gay – Il caso Krupp – La Propaganda 15-10-1902» , on (consulted the )
  10. (it) John From the garden , Testi di storia gay – Il caso Krupp – La Propaganda 20-10-1902» , on (consulted the )
  11. William Manchester, Krupp’s weapons , Paris, Robert Laffont, , p. 220
  12. (of) Diana Maria Friz, Margarethe Krupp , Munich, dtv, 2008 (ISBN  978-3-423-24703-0 ) (OCLC 316276410 ) , p. 361.
  13. Douwe Turningism , When the mind gets lost , Threshold, , 496 p. (ISBN  978-2-02-118614-7-7 , read online )
  14. (of) Frank Stalk , The lonely death of Friedrich Alfred Krupp | » , on (consulted the )
  15. Norbert Mühlen, The incredible Krupp family , Paris, Buchet-Chastel, , p. 107
  • (of) Edwin Cerio, Capri. A small world theater in the Mediterranean , Munich 1954, p. 135–143 .
  • (in) Norman Douglas, Looking Back , Neugebauer Graz/Feldkirch, 2006 (ISBN  978-3-85376-206-6 ) (OCLC 162216916 ) , p. 194-205 (Orig.: 1934).
  • Michael Epkenhans , Ralf Stramem (EIFT.), Friedrich Alfred Krupp. An entrepreneur in the Empire , Munich, C. H. Beck, 2010, 364 p. (ISBN  978-3-406-60670-0 ) . ( critique )
  • (it) Tito Fiorani, The homes of the myth. La Conchiglia, Capri 1996, p. 99-106 .
  • (of) Harold James , Krupp. German legend and global company , Munich, C. H. Beck Verlag, 2011, 343 p.
  • (of) Humbert up, Capri. Biography of an island. Prestel, Munich 1971, (ISBN  3-7913-0007-5 ) , p. 264–268 .
  • (of) Carlo Knight, DIE CAPRI-otopie von Krupp – Krupp Caprese’s Totes. La Conchiglia, Capri, 2002. (ISBN  88-86443-54-4 ) .
  • William Manchester, The weapons of the Krupp 1587-1968 , Paris, Robert Laffont, 1970, 826 p.
  • Norbert Mühlen, The incredible Krupp family , Paris, Buchet-Chastel, 1961, 303 p.
  • (of) Julius Meisbach, Friedrich Alfred Krupp: How he lived and died. Dust, cologne o. J. [UB 1903].
  • (of) A. I hope [Hans Rau (1882–1906)], Capri and the homosexuals. A psychological study , Orania, Berlin 1903.
  • (of) Willi A. Boelcke (of) (Ed.): Krupp and the Hohenzollern in documents. Krupp correspondence with emperors, chiefs of cabinet and ministers 1850–1918 . Academic Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, Frankfurt am Main 1970.
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