Galactic megadirector – Wikipedia


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The Galactic megadirector , also known as Duke count Maria Rita Vittorio Balabam , is an imaginary character of Fantozzi’s literary and cinematographic saga.

The term Megadirettore , together that of “Megaditta” , has also become common in reality, both colloquially [first] than in the journalistic field [2] [3] , to indicate very large and/or complex companies and entities and managers or entrepreneurs who enjoy great powers, and has been observed that they are part of “a sort of futurist newly o’clock language that represents the hierarchical distance of the relationships and the alienating proportions of bureaucracy “. [4]

Balabam is the master and the absolute head of the Megaditta. It is very cruel with employees, especially with Fantozzi. In the film Fantozzi It is said that no employee (apart from the protagonist) has ever seen it and that therefore many consider it only an abstract entity or a legend. In the first episode he proves rather affable towards Fantozzi, but in the subsequent chapter he reveals all his wickedness, as well as in the subsequent chapters of the saga.

  • Fantozzi : in the first film dedicated to the accountant Ugo Fantozzi appears in the final of the film. After Fantozzi, convinced by the Folagra communist colleague, launches a stone against a window of the company, the megadirector asks to meet him and the protagonist imagines being punished in horrendous ways; Instead the two converse quietly about politics, with the director who defines himself as an “medium progressive”. His personal office, apparently empty and spartan, is actually equipped with the extravagances that the rumors circulating in the company speak: an armchair in human leather obtained from the employees who do not behave well and a large aquarium where the employees drawn between The most deserving, in which Fantozzi is allowed to enter.
  • The second tragic Fantozzi : It always appears in the final of the film, in the scene in which Fantozzi meets with his family for Christmas Eve after the betrayal of Miss Silvani with Calboni, in which this moment is interrupted by the phone and megadirector phone; It communicates to the accountant, who before leaving for Capri with Silvani had fired, that he had decided to reintegrate him in the megaditta, as long as he starts again from the lowest step of his career, that is, as a mudguard. The true and cynical true nature of the character is understood from the episode.
  • Fantozzi in Paradise : By now retirees, Fantozzi and Filini meet him at the exit of a robbery against megaditta, inside a limousine, which forces them “kindly” to return the money.
  • Fantozzi – The return : The galactic megadirector is arrested on charges of corruption and download all the faults on Fantozzi, who is first arrested and then released from the trial. When he comes out of Galera, the megadirector offers him a corruption assignment that Fantozzi refuses. Having listened to the dialogue, two agents ask him to collaborate with the police to incriminate his superior. Fantozzi accepts, but in the end he is stuck and the megadirector leaves the prison, while the accountant is sentenced to 20 years in prison, being then released a few years later thanks to the indult.
  • Fantozzi 2000 – The cloning : the megadirector, in the face of a crisis caused by the lack of awe of the new employees, decides to bring to life, thanks to advanced biotechnology, the most submissive employee ever, the accountant Ugo Fantozzi, rewarding him with a mission of responsibility: Watching his youngest son, a too good and generous boy, locked up in a school of education in power, an authentic prison where abuse, delinquency and infamy are studied. The accountant fails and is punished by the megadirector with thirty -nine lashes.

The meeting of Village with the inspiring figure [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Paolo Villaggio participates in the program Odeon. Everything does a show of the Network 2 with a video service curated by the same actor, broadcast on 20 September 1977 [5] : The visit, on behalf of Rai, at the Italimpianti, a company of Genoa where he had worked 11 years earlier, a source of inspiration from Fantozzi’s character. Village interviewed his ex-president of the Italimpianti, the engineer Lucien Sicouri. He concludes with a rundown by proposing three typical examples of sleepy employees: the barrato (the employee who sleeps with his eyes open, behind thick glasses), the “angular” dormitrator, the “blatant sleeping”.

  1. ^ Valeria Romanello, «Punzonatura», «to seek”, «eat»: the bike slang , in Corriere della Sera , 1 April 2017. URL consulted on April 23, 2020 .
  2. ^ Marco Valerio Lo Prete, Scrapping in the INPS house. Here is the mission of the Bocconian Tito Boeri , in The paper , December 27, 2014. URL consulted on April 23, 2020 .
  3. ^ Editorial board, Pappalardo and the grillism that is eaten the grillism , in The paper , 10 October 2017. URL consulted on April 23, 2020 .
  4. ^ Nicola Pettinari, A country man ‘before the law’. Josef K. meets the laws and administration: a reading of the quality of regulatory texts and administrative acts, bureaucracy and his principles, between law and literature ( PDF ), in IT and Law , 2012, p. 203. URL consulted on April 23, 2020 .
  5. ^ Tonight «Odeon» and Montand , Turin, La Stampa, 20 September 1977. URL consulted on October 14, 2021 .
