Galle (Martian crater) – Wikipedia



Image illustrative de l'article Galle (cratère martien)
The crater gall (right of the image)
seen by Mars Global Surveyor the .
Geography and geology
Contact details 50° 52′ 08″ S , 329 ° 06 ′ ″ and [ first ]
Region Noachis Terra
Geological nature Impact crater
Era of training Noachien
Diameter ~ 230 km
Altitude ~ 0 m
Depth ~ 3 500 m
Quadrangle(s) Argyre
Eponym Johann Gottfried Galle
Location on Mars

(Voir situation sur carte : Mars)

Cratère Galle

Galle is an impact crater of 230 km of diameter located on the planet Mars by 50,9 ° S and 329.1 ° E In the quadrangle of Argyre, on the western border of Noachis Terra in contact with the Impact basin of Argyre Planitia. He owes his name to the German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle (1812-1910).

The Galle crater, seen by Viking 1 Orbiter EN 1976.

The Galle crater is nicknamed Happy Face crater By the Anglo-Saxons because of the illusion of smiley given by interior reliefs formed by a mountainous circle arc (undoubtedly a fragment of central ring given the size of this crater) and two small mountain massifs at the bottom of this crater.


A second crater, smaller than Galle, having the same particular characteristics was discovered not far from there by Mars Recognition Orbit the in the Nereidum Montes region, by 45,1 ° S and 305 ° E , north of Argyre Planitia [ 2 ] .

  1. (in) USGS Planetary Names – Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature ' Galle . »
  2. (in) Malin Space Science Systems - January 31, 2008 ' Have a Happy Mars – Captioned Image Release No. MSSS-14 . »

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  • icône décorative Portal on the planet Mars
