Gap-Francès Commanderie-Wikipédia


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The Gap-French In Gévaudan was a commandery belonging to the order of Saint-Jean de Jerusalem, located at a place called L’Hospital, today in the town of Pont-de-Montvert in the French department of Lozère. There is nothing left of this commandery, even if the lands once belonging to the commandery, on Mount Lozère, are still punctuated by Malta cross.

The , Le Baron du Tournel, Odilon Guérin I , is at Puy, and gives the order of Saint-Jean de Jerusalem in the presence of his superior Gilbert d’Aissailly and without having planned it, a large part of his land located on Mount Lozère. He also pays tribute to the big prior of Saint-Gilles for his castle of Montialoux, Rocheblave and his land in Lanuéjols [ first ] . The act is written by the Chancellor of the Count of Toulouse, and authenticated by the seal of Raymond de Toulouse [ 2 ] . A dozen years later, the son of Odilon Guérin, Aldebert III of the Tournel, bishop of Mende, also makes donations to the order [ 2 ] .

The knights then install their commandery at a place called Gap-Francès. At XV It is Century, the commander of Gap-Francès was entitled to the private states of Gévaudan, where he appeared under the name of Mr. de Saint-Jean. The commandery is under the dependence, like 54 other commandery, of the priory of Saint-Gilles, one of the two great priories of the language of Provence with that of Toulouse. The language of Provence being one of the administrative divisions of the order.

The commandery was located on Mont Lozère, on the banks of the Tarn. The possessions stretched over a large part of the mountain, Etive Terre for the herds of Languedoc. Every 25 years a demarcation was made of the land of the knights, by delimiting them by Malta crosses. Always visible, there are still 146 [ 3 ] .

The commandery was not far from the regordane path, ancient path which went to the port of Saint-Gilles, and therefore to the priory on which Gap-Francès depended. The Regordane was very used by the pilgrims going to the Abbey of Saint-Gilles then in the Holy Land.


This “castle” had an area of ​​1,500 m 2 approximately.

The term gap certainly comes from “Gas”, which derives from Occitan competition , in other words “the ford”. It is indeed a ford allowing to cross the nascent Tarn [ 2 ] . This “Gué Franc” was at one time the last Frankish possession before the Burgundian kingdom or the Visigoth kingdom, which is why he would have taken the name of Francès, for “path to the kingdom of France” [ Ref. desired] .

Partial list of Gap-Francès commanders [ 4 ] :

  • ? -? : Jean de Chalane
  • ? – ? : ? Pallet
  • ? -? 😕 Bénéitit
  • ? -? : Aldebert?
  • ? -? : Raimond de Cervieres
  • ? -? : Guillaume de la Garde
  • ? – ? : Bertrand Perrier
  • ? -? : Bertrand the mounting
  • ? -? : Foulque du Tournel
  • ? – ? : Raimonot Du Lu Luz
  • ? – ? : Pons Raimond
  • ? -? : Jordan de Chaudairac
  • ? -? : Pierre de Chaudairac
  • ? -? : Urban of Ozerie
  • ? -? : Borrenc Guillaume
  • ? -? : Amalvin de la Tour
  • ? -? : Foulque du Tournel
  • ? -? : Guillaume Fabri
  • ? -? : Aldebert de la Romeguiere
  • ? -? : Raimond de Lescure
  • ? – ? : Almaric de Sanhac
  • ? -? : Bertrand d’Arpajon Also prior of Saint-Gilles
  • , , : Raimond Ricard Also prior of Saint-Gilles
  • ? -? : Collon de mandolx
  • ? – ? : Charles Alamand Also prior of Saint-Gilles
  • ? -? : Jean de Bidoux
  • ? -? : Antoine de Barras
  • ? -? : Manas Jacques
  • ? -? : Vento Philippe
  • ? -? : Barthélémy Bermond, dit de Rosset
  • ? -? : Jean de Barras
  • ? -? : Bertrand de Varadier Saint-Andéol
  • ? -? : Georges de Berton, dit de Crilhon
  • ? -? : Charles de Panisse
  • ? -? : François de la cropte de la Ménardie
  • ? -? : Gaspard de Villeneuve-Châteauneuf
  • ? -? : Antoine de Puget-Saint-Marc
  • ? -? : Jean de Villeneuve-Châteauneuf
  • ? – 1651: Jean-Gabriel de Raspaud (to check uncertainty on the title of Commander)
  • ? -? : Gaspard de Castellane
  • ? -? : François de Ratte Gambons
  • ? -? : Jean-Jérôme de Gallian-Châteauneuf
  • ? -? : Pierre de Raphelis d’Agoul-Rognes
  • 1707 – 1716: Felix de Grimaldi Also prior of Saint-Gilles
  • 1729 – 1731: Secret des Alris de Rousset
  • 1742 – 1746: Philippe de Pagesse d’Assas
  • 1753 – 1767 : Joseph d’Olivary
  • 1769 -? : Pierre-Antoine de Raymondis d’Eoux
  • 1779 – 1787: Louis de Moreton de Chabrillan
  • 1787 -? : Bruno Marie de Foresta

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sources [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Felix Buffalo , This Rude Gévaudan , t. 1, Mende, Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts de la Lozère, , 955 p.
  • Jacques Baudoin , Cross of Gévaudan ( read online )
  • Maurice André , Historical note on the commandery of Gap-Francès and chronology of its commanders , t. XV, Bulletin of the Agricultural Society, Industry, Sciences and Arts of the Lozère Department

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