Gaspard-Alexis Plan des Augiers-Wikipedia


Georges-Gaspard-Alexis Plan des Augiers , born the in Digne and died in Paris the , is a French prelate of XVIII It is century. He is the second son of Jean-Louis Plan, knight, lord of the sieyes [ first ] , General Treasurer in the Parliament of Provence, and Suzanne d’Hugues, sister of Guillaume (bishop of Nevers then archbishop of Vienna).


Doctor of theology, Plan des Augiers becomes vicar general of Lyon before receiving from King Louis XV the diocese of Die the , after the canon of Apt Jean-Baptiste de Gauthier d’Auribeau has declined this offer. The Pope confirms this nomination by bubbles of following. Augiers plan is devoted the and made its solemn entry into its episcopal and county city Next, where he lends the oaths of use: respect for the freedoms of the city and those of the canons. He entrusted the general vicariate to his younger brother, André Plan de Beaumelle, the first is July (the latter will also be provost of Embrun).

Shortly after entering town, he tried to strengthen his feudal rights, both for count and bishop, continuing the trial of his predecessor for the suzerainty of the Land of Valdrôme, but also by winning at All the meetings of the Bourgeois Council of Die, whose deliberations do not depend on its authority. To this end, he acquires the burden of mayor for himself, that he entrusts the to his judge.

In 1742, he presided over the establishment in Die of a house of the propagation of the faith, where the children of Protestant families will be placed in compulsory and prolonged boarding schools, in order to ensure its conversion to Catholicism. Entrance to boarding school could occasionally be done under a military “escort”, which still encourages illegal weddings and baptisms deserted .

While participating in the General Assembly of the Clergy in Paris with his younger brother (from February to July), the repression against the Protestant pastors continues, notably with the hanging of Louis Ranc in Die le . Arrests, imprisonments and condemnations to galleys are multiplying, as well as some fines for complacent diois priests.

In 1747, the long trial which opposed it to Marguerite-Louise, daughter of Count Gabriel-Honoré de Cosnac on the inheritance of the bishops of Cosnac came to an end.

In view of an observation of 1754 on the disturbing deforestation state of the diois mountains and on the lack of a carriage road allowing to go up the Drôme valley, Augiers intervenes with the Council of State to reduce the debt of the city which reaches astronomical sums, largely due to the obligations linked to the housing of military troops since the end of XVI It is century. A first answer was provided by a 1756 judgment and the debt was again renegotiated downwards in 1766.


Meanwhile, Augiers participated in the assemblies of the clergy of 1755 and 1762, the latter having as its object the secularization and the transfer of the annuities of the Order of Saint-Ruf, as well as the dispersion of the Jesuits. The Bishop of Die, like many of his colleagues, insists that the annuities of Saint-Ruf are attributed to the dioceses; He entrusts the Cordeliers de Die the responsibility to give in the city’s college Latin courses, accompanied by the income that goes with it.

In the years that followed, the repression against the Protestants continues. Despite the military reluctance to make children’s kidnappings (as early as 1756 the officers asked confirmation from the Grenoble parliament of orders given in this sense by the bishop of Die), the city has three houses of the propagation of faith In 1762.

To put an end to the incessant disputes between the count-bishop of Die and the council of the bourgeois of the city, this council was reformed between 1766 and 1768: it therefore included 1 mayor, 2 aldermen, 4 advisers and 12 notables. The bishop chooses the mayor between three people proposed by the Council, as well as the first is advise and a notable. This new provision is not enough to extinguish the quarrels: in 1769, decisions of the judge-mage (dependent on the bishop) concerning the urban police were denounced by the Council as offender to municipal freedoms and rights. The rest of the Plan des Augiers episcopate continues in political and financial trials with the Council.

In 1781, he inaugurated in Saint-Pierre the new cemetery of the city, installed on the grounds of a dependence of Saint-Ruf ruined in the previous century. The old Die cemetery, around the cathedral, is gradually transformed into a public square. The law of 1787 granting the civil status to Protestants allows them to add a Protestant part to this new cemetery.

The events of 1789 pushed Augiers to consolidate their situation. King Louis XVI grants him the profits of Longuay Abbey and, at the beginning of 1790, he retired to Paris, far from his turbulent diocese. The latter is deleted the For the benefit of the diocese of the Drôme which includes Die (without the Trièves), Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, Valence and the south of the territory of Vienna.

The , the “citizen plan” takes the oath ” Equality “, in order to maintain the benefit of his pension and died in Paris, Faubourg Saint-Germain, on 27 nivôse year II ( ), 87 years old including 49 at the head of his diocese. The trial began in 1791 with the city of Die which claims to him various documents, charges and relating taxes died with him.

  1. Father Féraud, The parish, the town and the lords of Sieyes , 1888, p. 56-57, here on French (but the bishop was not massacred in 1792 ).

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Canon Jules Chevalier, Historical essay on the church and the city of Die , tome 3, 1909, p. 622-703.

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Resource relating to religion Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
