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Gaston Achille Louis Aumoitte , born the in Hanoi (Tonkin) and died the In Sainte-Foy-la-Grande (Gironde), is a French croquet player (sport belonging to the cycle of the U.S.F.S.A.), Olympic medalist and infantry officer.

Gaston Aumoitte is the son of Achille Antoine Aumoitte (1848-1896), Chancellor of the French Consulate in Hanoi, and Diane Lucie Outhwaite (1854-1894) [ first ] , pianist and daughter of an artist engraver in Paris [ 2 ] . More broadly, he is the descendant of a family including many engraving artists, illustrators or painters [ 3 ] . The , he takes for wife Marie Thérèse du Chazaud, in the commune of Cherval, in Dordogne [ 4 ] .

Gaston Amoimette participated in the croquet events at the 1900 summer Olympic Games in Paris. He won the gold medal in simple, a ball (a ball) by points, as well as in double with Georges Johin. The two players are cousins [ 5 ] .

The tests take place at Boulogne wood circle (Madrid’s lawn, fitted out and sanded for the occasion at the expense of Baron Gourgaud, under the aegis of the Croquet legislator Henri of the Civil Engineer, every Sunday between June 24 and August 15). A dozen Parisian players participate in competitions. A single foreign spectator is identified (an Englishman who arrived from Nice on the first Sunday), which remains the only paid entry in the competition.

The double winners win four honor and two souvenir medals, that of the simple to a ball a souvenir medal.


Leding a military career, Gaston Aumoitte is an infantry officer. Captain at 124 It is infantry regiment, detached from the Polish army, it is raised to the rank of knight of the Legion of Honor [ 6 ] . Become battalion chief at 2 It is foreign regiment, in the occupation troops of Morocco, he is appointed officer of the Legion of Honor [ 7 ] .

Of At , Past Lieutenant-Colonel, he commanded the work of the Simserhof, in Moselle, whose construction has just ended on the Maginot line [ 8 ] .

In , it forms the 23 It is Marche regiment of foreign volunteers ( 23 It is Rmve) which he takes command. Leaving the Barcarès camp in , this regiment participates in the fights in the Yonne and then gathers in Haute-Vienne. Partially folded in Rivesaltes, it was dissolved after the armistice, in the summer of 1940 [ 9 ] . The , Lieutenant-Colonel Aumoitte is promoted to commander of the Legion of Honor [ ten ] .

  1. Wedding of Gaston’s parents Aumoitte on February 5, 1884 in Paris, 6 It is Arrondissement: Ad Paris, weddings 6 It is , view 35/434, act 66, on Filah .
  2. Diane Lucie Outhwaite, pianist: mention in the base of the association of artists musicians Iremus, on line . She is the daughter of the engraver John James Outhwaite (1810-1878), exercising in Paris and naturalized French in 1848 under the name of Jean-Jacques Outhwaite.
  3. In the Aumoitte family, for example Isidore Joseph Aumoitte (1797-1846), engraver and founder of the Stern boutique Galerie des Varieties in Paris, or Achille Armand Lheureux (1795-1869), bookseller publisher in Paris ( Achille-Armand Lheureux (1795-1869) » , on Data.BNF.FR ), of which Gaston Aumoitte is the great grandson.
  4. Dordogne Departmental Archives, Births Cherval, 5th118/14, View 1/10, act 1: Marginal mention in the birth certificate of the wife.
  5. Achille Antoine Aumoitte (born in 1848), father of Gaston Aumoitte, and Marie Louise Aumoitte (born in 1844), mother of Georges Johin, are brother and sister.
  6. Mention in the Official Journal of October 4, 1920 read online on French .
  7. Official directory of the Legion of Honor of all members at first is January 1932, linked to Filah
  8. Educational file of the Poitiers Academy, in line
  9. See the article Foreign volunteer walking regiments on Wikipedia.
  10. Notice Gaston Aumoitte » , on Léonore base
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