Gauthier de Villebéon – Wikipedia


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Gauthier I is Villebéon (v. 1125 [ first ] ), lord of Villebéon and the chapel in Brie then lord of Nemours by his marriage, Grand Chambellan of France of Louis VII then of Philippe-Auguste until his death. He is a member of the Riche family.

Cadet son of Josselin II of Villebéon (1100-1145), modest civil servant of the court, lord of Beaumont-en-Gâtinais [ 2 ] and from the Brie chapel, the fief of Villebéon probably came to him by her mother’s inheritance [ first ] Hécseline Haran (1105-?) [ 2 ] . He left for the second crusade in 1149, and on his return married and entered the service of the king.

At that time was a great need to order the cogs of the monarchy. Deploying his administrator talents, he quickly rises to the court [ first ] Alongside his older brother Etienne de la Chapelle, bishop of Meaux then archbishop of Bourges. After a brief eclipse at the beginning of the reign of Philippe-Auguste (1165-1223), he returned to the courtyard until his death in 1205. He is certainly at the origin of the construction of the castle of Nemours from 1170.

He has a sister, Pétronille, married to Tiboud le Riche (? -1197) [ first ] or Tibaud the rich, bourgeois of Paris [ 3 ] . He is buried in the crypt of Barbeau Abbeau in Fontaine-le-Port [ 2 ] .

Notable for the time: when he established his will, he made equal prizes for each of his sons who have remained secular, without taking into account the use of then who wanted the elder to inherit the biggest heritage [ first ] .


By his marriage in 1150 [ 2 ] With Aveline de Château-Landon, lady of Nemours [ Note 1 ] (1130-1196), he has seven sons and a daughter:

  • Philippe, lord of Guercheville [ 3 ] and of Nemours (1155-1191): he marries Aveline de Melun [ 4 ] (1160-1191), daughter of the Viscount of Melun. He follows Philippe-Auguste in Palestine for the third crusade as Chambellan, and dies at the siege of Saint-Jean-d’Acre [ first ] , [ 5 ] . He leaves two daughters, Agnès de Nemours (? -1213) and Isabelle de Nemours (? -1214), put on his son named Gauthier, designated as Gauteron on the charter of 1198. This one continues the line of the lords of Nemours, Although forced in 1274 to sell their mansion to the king, and his descendants are found until the middle of the XV It is century [ first ] .
  • Gauthier de Nemours, known as Gautier le Jeune or Gautier de Villebéon (1160-1221) [ 2 ] : Lord of Villebéon and La Chapelle-Gauthier [ 3 ] , he succeeded his father in November 1205 in the charge of Grand Chambellan. During the campaign of Prince Louis in England, he would have distinguished himself enough for King Philippe Auguste to appoint him Maréchal to replace Henri on the death of the latter [ 6 ] . Starting in the crusade in 1218, he was taken prisoner and died in 1220 [ first ] , [ 6 ] . When he died, his son Adam de Villebéon Ensures the function [ 5 ] . He is the rod of the lords of Villebéon, a gone line XVI It is century [ first ] : including Isabeau de Villebéon de Bagneux, Chapelle-Gauthier-en-Brie, La Fosse and Bagneaux, known as La Chambellane (daughter of Adam II of Villebéon, lord of Mesnil-Aubry dit Le Chambellan, and Alix de Garlande), wife in 1263 Robert de Dreux-Beu. He will have at least four children:
  • Orson de Nemours (1165-1233): Baron de Brécy-en-Berry [ 2 ] , he is appointed Chambellan du Roi [ 3 ] then of the royal prince [ 5 ] The future Louis VIII and becomes its most intimate adviser. He accompanied the latter in his disastrous campaign of England in 1216, and remains a favorite advisor to Blanche de Castille after the death of her husband Louis VIII during the minority of Saint Louis. He becomes the rod of the lords of Méréville and Brécy, a line which died in the middle of the XIII It is century. Of his father he inherited from Obsonville and is appointed as Orson d’Obsonville in the nomenclature of the king’s vassals between 1211 and 1226 [ first ] .
  • Marguerite, first wife of Eudes II de Sully-Beaujeu [ first ] , mother of Gilles de Sully, lord of Aubussonville [ 3 ] .
  • Jean: Provost of Paris before 1198, King’s sub-malaid [ 3 ] And collaborator of his father [ first ] , he marries Marie de Corbeil-Beauvais. He died in 1216 [ 3 ] or shortly after his father. He is at the origin of the line of the lords of Nanteau-sur-Lunain (and not Nanteuil as many historians believed) [ first ] .
Figure Blazing
Blason fam fr de Nemours (Villebéon).svg
Blason fam fr de Nemours (Villebéon) 2.svg

Gold with three azure twins. [ 9 ] , [ ten ] , [ 11 ]

Icône pour souligner l'importance du texte
We also find : From Siniqule, to three silver twins [ twelfth ] , [ 13 ] , [ 14 ]

, which are the coat of arms of the city of Villebéon [ 3 ] .


  1. Adeline’s father is Urson or Orson from Château-Landon, lord of Nemours.


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p and q An unprecedented diploma by Philippe -Auguste – Act of sharing of property of the Chambellan Gautier founder of Nemours . Annals of the historic and archaeological society of Gâtinais, 1906.
  2. a b c d e f g and h Gauthier I de Villebéon , genealogy. On
  3. A b c d e f g h i j and k Lords of Villemomble and Villebéon . Etienne Pattou. On
  4. Philippe de Nemours on
  5. A B and C [DJVU] Genealogical research on the family of the lords of Nemours XII It is At XV It is century By Émile-Louis Richemond, vol. 2, 1908
  6. a et b Literary history of France By Antoine Rivet de la Grange, François Clément, Charles Clémencet, Pierre Claude François, vol. 17, following XIII It is century to 1226, 1832 – p. 214
  7. New story of Paris and its surroundings By Jules de Gaulle and Nodier, 1839 – p. 275
  8. Guillaume de Villebéon , genealogy. On
  9. Armorial Wijnbergen
  12. Johannes Baptist Rewardap , General Armorial: containing the description of the coat of arms of the noble and patrician families of Europe: preceded by a dictionary of the terms of the Blason , G.B. van Goor, , 1171 p. ( read online ) , and its supplements on
