George Van Tassel – Wikipedia


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George van Tassel ( , 1910 – , 1978) is a UFRO, contacted, American engineer and writer. He also built the Integratron in Landers in California. The Integratron is a building in the form of a dome developed according to plans transmitted, according to him, during telepathic and physical meetings with extraterrestrials.

George van Tassel was born in Jefferson, in the state of Ohio in the United States. He grew up in a wealthy family. After completing his secondary studies, he worked at Cleveland airport where he learned to drive. He had his pilot license before he was twenty years old. He then left Ohio for California where he worked in the garage of one of his uncles in Santa Monica.

It is in this garage that he meets Frank Critizer, an eccentric lonely who is friendship for Van Tassel. Critzer lives in the Mojave desert, not far from Landers. He lives below the Giant Rock, one of the biggest stones in the world. There are galleries in which he settled in. Critizer is a Nazi sympathizer and he died during the Second World War when he was besieged by the police.


The news of Critzer’s death, Van Tassel, who has become a mechanic, engineer and test pilot for Howard Hughes, made a request to build and operate an airport next to the Giant Rock.

In 1947, Van Tassel left the aeronautical industry to settle in the galleries dug by Critzer under the Giant Rock. He then built, not far, a house, a coffee and a small landing track.

In 1952, a week before the events known as the Washington carousel, George Van Tassel warned by registered letters the American army, the Los Angeles Herald-Examine and Life Magazine of the Apparition in the near future of UFO -Washington.

Washington’s carousel was then elucidated. The origin of this phenomenon was a “temperature reversal” in the Washington sky caused by the conflict between a layer of hot air, pellet between two layers of colder air. This would have had the effect of provoking a mirage effect, reflecting radar waves and refracting light rays from the ground. Radar specialists explain that this phenomenon is the source of false radar echoes.

George Van Tassel’s intentrate in moor

In 1953, George Van Tassel began to lead a meditation group that met under the Giant Rock.

In August of the same year, George Van Tassel said that a spaceship from the planet Venus landed not far from the Giant Rock. His occupant woke up Van Tassel and invited him to get on board. The extraterrestrial then explained a technique to him to regenerate the human body.

During the following year, in 1954, Van Tassel and a few others began the construction of the Integratron, a building in which this regeneration could take place. The Integratron is in Landers, a few kilometers from the Giant Rock.

The goal of the intentrate was to be a structure in which one could therefore extend his life expectancy and thus acquire wisdom. It was also a place to do research on time travel and gravity. It was also an attempt to recreate the tabernacle that Moses built according to the instructions he received on Mount Sinai. [ Ref. desired]

If Van Tassel claims to have received the plans in a telepathic and physical manner from an extraterrestrial, we can also notice that the Integratron was partly built according to the research of Nikola Tesla [ Ref. desired] et Georges Lakhovsky.

George Van Tassel died in 1978.

Van Tassel was contacted [Personal interpretation?] As was before him George Adamski, Truman Bethurum, Orfeo Angelucci and many others. Between 1953 and 1978, he organized Ufology conventions at the Giant Rock. At the end of the 1950s, these conventions attracted up to 10,000 people who arrived in the desert by car or by small plane on the landing track built by Van Tassel.

All famous contacted went to these conventions. George Adamski gave a conference there in 1955.

George Van Tassel published four books where he details his many contacts with extraterrestrials. None of these books have been translated into French.

  • I Rode A Flying Saucer , 1952
  • The Council of Seven Lights , 1958
  • Into This World and Out Again
  • When Stars Look Down
