Gérard Boudet – Wikipedia


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Gérard Boudet , no and 1947 [ first ] In Villeneuve-lès-Maguelonne, is an engineer and expert on salt issues.

Born into a salinarium family, he became an engineer of the CNAM (1975) and then obtained the rank of doctor-engineer in applied mathematics (1980). A long career in the international group Salins du Midi led him to occupy in 1996, the position of director of salt production for France and Spain and then also in Tunisia (2002).

In his works and articles, he addresses the major social and economic role of salt in societies and great civilizations, but also in a more practical way, the role of salt marshes, the tools used for harvesting salt …

He was appointed expert in 1984 to the UN [ 2 ] For questions related to sea salt and in 1989 became adviser to the Banque de France [ 3 ] It is always very involved in the action of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Nîmes, Arles and the PACA region.

Historical [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • “Live from Peccais Salins in – The lift machine of Vignat in the Salin of Frontignan – Around a bomb of Salins de Villeroy – J -J Cambacéres, shareholder of the Salins of Aigues -Mortes “in Revue The salinier n O 65 1989.
  • “Balard discoveries to the first industrial processes”, in Liaison bulletin of the Association of Friends of the Musée de la Pharmacie Montpellier 1990 n O 15 p. 65 71
  • “A. R. Péchiney and the origin of the exploitation of salt in Salin-de-Giraud”, in Friends Bulletin of Vieil Arles , 1994
  • “The Renaissance of Salins du Midi at XIX It is century “, Les Salins du Midi, 1995
  • “Maritime and river transport of salt in Provence at XIX It is  siècle”, in The Archives Gazette n O 174-175 1996 3 and 4
  • “From the news to Port-leucate maritime salt trade”, in Capian Mediterranean n O 6 1992
  • “Sel to Sète” in Capian Mediterranean review n O 4 1992
  • “Martigues’ salt at XIX It is  siècle “, in Capian Mediterranean n O 7 1993
  • “The Port Saint Louis lock or nothing”, in Capian Mediterranean n O 13 1993
  • “The chalands of salt in the Fos basin”, in Capian Mediterranean n O 9 1994
  • “Les Salins des Martigues”, in Reflections n O 70 1994
  • “The Salins of Camargue and the Rhône”, in Park mail n O 42 1994 p. 127-135
  • “Maritime and river transport of salt in Camargue at the start of XIX It is  siècle”, in Capian Mediterranean 1990 n O 3
  • “The origins of salt of the Mediterranean coast of France”, in Science Tribune n O , www.tribunes.com
  • “The Salins of Sète or the corporate spirit at XVIII It is  siècle “, in Hérault studies n O 28-29 1997-98
  • “The words of a profession: the words of the salt industry . in Industry in Provence , n O 1, 1998 MIP/Provence European Research Institute of the University of Provence.
  • “The song of Peccais or the crystalline soul of sodium” in Septimania n O 13 2003 The book in Languedoc.
  • “The salt of the religious of the Gard Camargue”, in Camargue n O 8 .
  • “A story of the Hérault Salins”, in Hérault studies n O 42 2012, p. 103-116

Scientific [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • “The real cost of loans during periods of monetary erosion”, under the direction of Professor Cibert with Philippe de Flers, Paris Dauphine, CEREG n O 8101 1981.
  • ” Method of optimizing Stock Control of Rock Salt for the Fluctuating Deicing Market” and André Caillaud. in Sixth International Symposium on Salt 1983 Toronto Salt Institute
  • ” Software for a Saltworks’ Yearly Production Cycle”, and PA Capdequi and P Marchand. in Sixth International Symposium on Salt 1983 Toronto Salt Institute
  • ” Brine Movement Management: SEASALT Software.” in Seventh Symposium on Salt, Vol 1 509-512 Amsterdam 1993
  • ” Erosion of the Coastline ” and Claude Febvre. in Seventh Symposium on Salt, Vol 1 513-518 Amsterdam 1993

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