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Henri Ghion ,, that Secretive , is a Belgian comic book author, born on in Anderlecht (commune of Brussels-Capital) and dead .

Henri Ghion is born the à uttereness [ first ] , a Brussels commune.
After starting in a printing house, Géri is engaged at 16 as assistant by Raymond Riving, the designer of Accumulation . He worked in parallel in advertising and then, in 1953 (he was 19 years old), entered the studios Hergé as a colorist. Under the direction of Bob de Moor, he participated in the sets of Adventures of Tintin . The following year, after his military service, he became an illustrator of articles and covers for Tintin’s newspaper [ 2 ] .

Guy Dessicy then recruited him at the Publiart advertising studio, where Tibet also works. This agency uses the characters in Journal the tintin To decline them in advertisements. Géri also performs illustrations for tales, covers and news. In 1962, for Junior , Géri creates Pif the kangaroo [ N 1 ] then, in 1966 for Tintin , it creates the skblllz, a bizarre animal very hairy and which lays eggs. According to Henri Filipppini [ 3 ] On the Bdzoom website “This masterpiece of the absurd (only one album at Pepperland in 1981), undoubtedly ahead of his time, seems to pass over the head of young readers of Tintin . »


Still in 1966, he collaborated in Pilot [ 4 ] With episodes of the humorous series Picratt scripted by Acar [ first ] .

Géri turned to realistic comics in 1969 by drawing, under the name of Ghion, the series Mr Magellan [ 5 ] For Tintin And Tintin Selection . The first two episodes, I.T.O. And Hold-up au Vatican , are written by Jean Van Hamme under the pseudonym of Vanham. From the third episode, in 1971, it was André-Paul Duchâteau who took over in the script. In 1980, Géri wrote and drawn Lady Black facing the Devil ; This story will be his last contribution to comics. Indeed, suffering from thrombosis at the age of 46 years , he is gradually paralyzed on the right side, which prevents him from drawing. After 20 years Fighting this disease, Géri learns to paint with the left hand. He has been devoting himself to painting [ first ] .

Géri dies the [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] at the age of 80 years old [ 8 ] .

Periodical [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Géri’s comics and illustrations appear in French in Tintin’s newspaper , Junior And Pilot . Their Dutch version is published in Crest , Our folk or Pep [ 9 ] .

Albums [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Collective [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Pepperland 1970 1980 , Peperland, Brussels, 1980
    Scenario and drawing: Collective including Géri – Colors: N&B,

    Artbook. BD tribute to Librairie Pepperland, titled on page 1: 80 chats For Tania, 10 years pour Pepperland . She presents a history of the bookstore, photos, strips and cat drawings.

  • The Tintin 1984 newspaper agenda [ ten ] , Le Lombard, Brussels, 1983
    Scenario and drawing: Collective including Géri – Colors: Quadrichromie – (ISBN  2-8036-0421-3 )

    Participation : Skblllz .

  • 35 years of the Tintin newspaper – 35 years of humor [ 11 ] , Le Lombard, Brussels, September 1981
    Scenario and colors: Collective – Drawing: Collective including Géri,
  • The adventure of the Tintin newspaper – 40 years of comics [ twelfth ] , Le Lombard, Brussels, November 1986
    Scenario and colors: Collective – Drawing: Collective including Géri – (ISBN  2-8036-0574-0 ) ,

    Participation : Mr Magellan .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. renamed BAF the following year, so as not to confuse the character with The dog pif Created by Arnal.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. A B and C 2010 World Comic Strip Dictionary, p. 360.
  2. Bernard Coulange , Ghion Henri (Géri) in Tintin » , on bdooubliees.com (consulted the ) .
  3. Henri Filippini, ” Géri: Disappearance of a discreet author … », Bdzoom , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  4. Bernard Coulange , Ghion Henri (Géri) in pilot » , on bdooubliees.com (consulted the ) .
  5. Bernard Coulange , Mr Magellan in Tintin » , on bdooubliees.com (consulted the ) .
  6. Julien Helmlinger, The designer Henri Ghion, alias Géri, died » , on News , (consulted the ) .
  7. Disappearance: Géri (1934-2015) » , on Bourgeois.org (consulted the )
  8. Well, ” Death of the Belgian designer Géri », ACUBD , ( read online , consulted the )
  9. (in) Henri Ghion (Heal) » , on Comic Vine (consulted the ) .
  10. The Tintin 1984 newspaper agenda » , on Bd Gest ‘ (consulted the ) .
  11. 35 years of the Tintin newspaper – 35 years of humor » , on Bd Gest ‘ (consulted the ) .
  12. The adventure of the Tintin newspaper – 40 years of comics » , on Bd Gest ‘ (consulted the ) .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Books [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • Henri The Philippines , Dictionary of comics , Paris, Bordas, , 731 p. , ill. (ISBN  2-04-018455-4 , OCLC  1244909550 , BNF  35065653 , Online presentation ) , p. 363, 624-625
  • Jean Louis Lechery , Half a century of adventures t. 2 : 1970 – 1996 , Brussels, Lombard, , 224 p. , ill. (ISBN  280361233x , OCLC  37995939 , BNF  37539082 , Online presentation ) , p. 46, 50, 55, 59, 80, 83 .
  • Patrick Gaumer , «Healing» , In Global comic book dictionary , Paris, Larousse, , 953 p. , ill. ; 27  cm (ISBN  978-2-0358-4331-9 And 2-0358-4331-6 , OCLC  920924930 , Online presentation ) , p. 360 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article.
  • Tibet: preface to Viva the revolucion! , La Vache who meditates, 2007

Periodical [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Géri (interviewed by Michel Greg), ” Who makes your newspaper? : Henri Ghion alias Géri », Tintin , n O 1085, ( read online , consulted the )

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Competed resources Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
  • Fine art resources Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
