Germain Morin (Benedictine) – Wikipedia


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Germain Morin , neither Léopold Frédéric Germain Morin in Caen (France) the and died in Orselina (Switzerland) the , is a Benedictine monk of the abbey of Maredsous, historian and philologist specializing in patristic.

He studied theology at the Grand Seminary in Bayeux, then asked for his admission as a applicant at Maredsous Abbey (Belgium) [ first ] During the winter of 1880-81, and he pronounced his monastic wishes there .

He was ordered a priest in 1886, then began his research in European libraries in 1887. In 1893 or 1894, he made a great value discovery in the Namur seminar archives: a manuscript of the manuscript XI It is century containing a translation into medieval Latin from the famous letter from Clément I is To the Christians of Corinth, one of the most important Christian writings of the immediately post-deposteolic period ( I is century).

From 1907, he resided at the Saint-Boniface Abbey in Munich, and in 1912, for more freedom of movement, Morin was delighted with the constraints of his wishes by the Pope.

He returned to Belgium during the First World War, but had to return to Munich in 1918 [ 2 ] .


In 1939, he settled in Friborg (Switzerland) as an independent researcher [ 3 ] . Specialist in particular of the works of Césaire d’Arles, Saint Augustin and Saint Jérôme, he is made doctor Honorary Universities of Oxford, Zurich (1914), Friborg (1926) and Budapest (1935).

His scientific bibliography includes 846 numbers. It frequently contributes to Benedictine review (published from 1884 at Maredsous Abbey). In 1893, he created the series Anecdota maredsolan, or the monuments of antiquity of manuscripts now first issued (until 1932).

Text editions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Book comic [ 4 ] or lectionary mass in which toletana church before the age of a thousand and two-handed , D. Germanus Morin, anecdota Maredsolana Vol. 1, maredsous and Oxford, 1893.
  • St. Clement to the Corinthians to the Latin version English Ancient , D. Germanus Morin, anecdota Maredsolana Vol. 2, Maredsous and Oxford, 1894 (Réimpr. Press, 2010).
  • St. Jerome Priest, who was taken to have been thought to be considered in the Psalms , Dynamics, commentary critically instruxit, prolegomena and indices added D. Germanus Morin, anecdota maredsolan Vol. 3, mariedsous and Oxford, 1895 and 1903.
  • St. Augustine Sermons after Maurinos found: proven to the authority now the first inquiry in one collected and codicized by faith , Studio and diligence D. German Morin, Popular Agostiniana, Testi e Studi 1, typ. Polyglotta Vaticana, 1930.
  • St. Caesarii Arrays, now the first one collected and the laws of art critical of innumerable manuscripts. recogniti , Studio and diligence D. German Morin, the body of the Christian series 103-104, Press, Turhout, 1953 [ 5 ] .
  • St. Jerome Priest works :
    • Part 1, Opera 1: Hebrew questions in the book of Genesis; The book of the interpretation of Hebrew; The Psalms; Commentary on Ecclesiasten , Care and Studio Paul de Lagarde, German Morin, Marc Adriaen, CCSL 72, Press, Turnout, 1959.
    • Part 2, Opera Homiletica: Treaty or homilies in the Psalms in Marcus Gospel [ 6 ] and various arguments Dynamics German Morin, CCSL 78, Brepols Turnout, 1958.

Works [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Studies, texts, discoveries: contributions to literature and the history of the first twelve centuries , Paris, Picard, 1913.
  • The monastic ideal and the Christian life of the first days , Paris, P. Lethielleux, 1921.
  • Gisbert Ghysens, Pierre-Patrick broke, Dom Germain Morin’s scientific career (1861-1946) , Steenbrugge, Sint Pietersabdij, et la Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1986.
  1. This abbey belongs to the congregation of Beuron.
  2. He had published in Belgium occupied by the Germans a controversial text: “War and Catholicism. Call for faith and the common sense of Belgian Catholics ”( Brussels information , April 11, 1915). Following what it is declared persona non grata As much in Belgium as in France.
  3. John J. Delaney, James Edward Tobin, Dictionary of Catholic Biography , London, 1962, p. 827.
  4. Sic: the real spelling would actually be ” free victorious Where the adjective is poorly explained; In any case, this is the Latin name given to the Mozarabic lectionaries.
  5. Texts taken up in the coll. Christian sources: Sermons to the people I (sermons 1-20) , n°175, 1971 ; Sermons to people II (sermons 21-55) , n°243, 1978 ; Sermons on writing I (sermons 81-105) , n°447, 2000 ; Life of Césaire d’Arles , n°536, 2010.
  6. Critical text taken up in the coll. Christian sources ( Homelies on Marc , n°494, 2005).
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